Herschel Walker Might Be the Difference for GOP Control

Clinton, Buttigieg and Maddow have a thorough understanding of the issues

Walker is clueless and makes it up as he goes along
More like an understanding of how to Hoodwink.
Wag the Dog.Seem american while acting all uppity.
A new wrinkle in the way being a Patriot talks,acts and
Doggone it just can't seem to Like what Walt Disney offered.
Forgetting all about how Mr.Disney was more popular than
any President in his heyday.
Like the comedian Al Franken, or Clay Aiken. LOL! both sides have their celebs, quit pretending you are that ignorant.

True, but like anything else, there are different levels, when it comes to herschel walker or trump, you may need to search other species if you want to find something as stupid or dumb... :D

I just want to know one thing ODanny-- -- -- while you wax poetically about some football star hurting the GOP's chances this Fall, can you get me a few extra packets of that special brown McSauce?

My McRib sandwich is kinda dry. Tastes like cardboard too.

AS to Hershel and Georgia, the GOP can take back the state very easily. All they have to do is install some corrupt leaders and generate a bunch of fake ballots like the Dems!

The GOP already has corrupt leaders in Georgia. There were no fake ballots.
Don't count Walker out yet.

Blacks aren't exactly enamored w/Biden and the Democrats right about now.

And the white Republicans are racist AF and want their pound of flesh for Lord knows what.

Walker's still got a good shot!

I don't see it. Walker's chances are very poor. The fact that he will get as many votes as he will just shows how animated Republicans are by hate.
It is up over last year, the rate is 8.52% over last year, and down .01% for July. So inflation is up. And what bill did Biden sign that has brought inflation down?
Supposedly one, the Inflation Down Bill. No? Okay, to be determined.
Supposedly one, the Inflation Down Bill. No? Okay, to be determined.
Economist believe it will increase inflation but Congress needs to make it sound good, not what it will actually do.

So Biden did not cause inflation and is powerless to curb it.
If this hyper-partisan coon wins, it says more about the hyper-partisan Republican Georgia voters than anything else.

He's a total idiot, aka rubber-stamp to whatever his masters instruct him to do.
If this hyper-partisan coon wins, it says more about the hyper-partisan Republican Georgia voters than anything else.

He's a total idiot, aka rubber-stamp to whatever his masters instruct him to do.
Walker is a Democrat? I did not know.
This is a new low of disingenuousness even for you. *SMH*
Give it a rest! You people are such sensitive Karens, that includes you. Might be time to grow up and don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.

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