He’s Becoming Too Idiotic Even For the Republican Idiots In The Senate


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
After Reagan became president, Republicans began doing really stupid things and then claiming how their stupidity greatly benefits average Americans. Their stupid conservative constituents followed them in lockstep and do so to this day.

But, after the voters elected an African-American for president, the horrified Republicans went bat sh!t crazy, especially those in congress and state legislatures. This has been noted by many, many people for the last eight years (almost nine).

However, the stupidity of the Big Orange Head is becoming too idiotic even for the Republican idiots in the Senate.

The U.S. Senate voted 97 to 2 on Wednesday to institute “new sanctions punishing Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.” Surprisingly, the bill also includes language that forces the Big Orange Head to get
He’s Becoming Too Idiotic Even For the Republican Idiots In The Senate

.When Reagan became president the Republicans began doing stupid things, and then claiming how their stupidity greatly benefits average Americans. Their stupid conservative constituents followed them in lockstep, and do so to this day.

Jumping ahead to 2008, after the voters elected an African-American for president in a landslide, Republicans, especially those in congress and state legislatures went bat sh!t crazy. This has been noted by many people over the last eight (almost nine) years.

However, the stupidity of the Big Orange Head is becoming too idiotic even for the Republican idiots in the Senate.

The U.S. Senate voted 97 to 2 on Wednesday to institute “new sanctions punishing Russia for meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.” Surprisingly, the bill also includes language that forces the Big Orange Head to get Congress' permission before he can reduce the level of any existing sanctions.

All but two Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill to regulate the effects of Big Orange’s growing infatuation with the Russians, and their leader Vladimir Putin. Only Mike Lee and Rand Paul voted no. Unfortunately, sponsors of the bill anticipate resistance from the head Republican idiot, Mitch Mcconnell. No surprises there.

Members of the Senate expect the bill to pass the House with few or no changes, and the belief is strong that there are more than enough votes to override the Big Orange Head’s inevitable veto.

Oddly enough, it hasn’t been but a short few weeks ago, that the idiot Senate Republicans would have gladly allowed the Big Orange Head’s issuance of an executive order ceding Alaska back to the Russians. This makes their agreeing to pass the bill voted on today amazing.

What is more amazing, is the idiot Senate Republicans passed this bill even though it implies they believe Russian hackers decided the outcome of the 2016 elections. They are openly admitting Republicans are corrupt.

Senate backs legislation for new sanctions on Russia, handcuff Trump in any attempt to ease them


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