Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

No genius. They don't. At all. What they buy are investments. Loans that will be repaid with interest. And that is where they will make their money. Nobody buys debt. Has anyone every come to your home asking to buy all of the debt you owe?!? :lmao:
Not at all huh?

You do realize that loans are debts right?

Why Loans Are Sold
So tell me junior - how many people have come to your house to purchase your debt? How many? :lmao:

People do not purchase "debt". They do, however, purchase loans that are set to be paid back with interest so that they can make money.
This should make me sad but youre so stupid its actually humorous.

"People do not purchase "debt""

People don't purchase debt. They purchase debt plus the expected interest payment stream adjusted for risk - which means it's an asset, not a liability.

The only exception is when a company acquires the stock (assets plus liabilities) of another company.
What is a loan? If its not debt what is it?

To the loaner, the loan is an asset. The loaner expects to make a return on the payments plus interest. The the loanee, the loan is a liability (debt), which must be paid back. People don't buy the obligation to repay debt unless there are other things attached to it which off set the cost of paying back the debt.
No genius. They don't. At all. What they buy are investments. Loans that will be repaid with interest. And that is where they will make their money. Nobody buys debt. Has anyone every come to your home asking to buy all of the debt you owe?!? :lmao:
Not at all huh?

You do realize that loans are debts right?

Why Loans Are Sold
So tell me junior - how many people have come to your house to purchase your debt? How many? :lmao:

People do not purchase "debt". They do, however, purchase loans that are set to be paid back with interest so that they can make money.
This should make me sad but youre so stupid its actually humorous.

"People do not purchase "debt""

People don't purchase debt. They purchase debt plus the expected interest payment stream adjusted for risk - which means it's an asset, not a liability.

The only exception is when a company acquires the stock (assets plus liabilities) of another company.
Please explain how people dont purchase debt when you just said they do purchase debt plus the expected interest payment? Are you under the impression that all debt is not an asset?

I just did. Purchased somebody who purchases a loan is buying an asset. The debt is still held and being paid off by someone else.
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
Billy you are the least informed poster here. And that's gotta be worth money somewhere.
Why do you claim wages are low? Low compared to what?
Um gee let's see. The cost of living? You know the variable that keeps rising as wages remain flat?
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
So again.....start a company and pay the wages that you feel are "fair". What is so difficult about that?
Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
So again.....start a company and pay the wages that you feel are "fair". What is so difficult about that?
Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.
What kind of stupid "logic" is that?!? Every job created makes a difference. And if all of your pals who are whining did it as well, then that 14% would be 0%.

Of course, a business model which pays minimum wage positions $90,000 a year won't stay in business and those people will soon go from low-wage jobs to no-wage jobs, but hey - it will be a great learning experience for all of you liberals anyway.
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
So again.....start a company and pay the wages that you feel are "fair". What is so difficult about that?
Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.
Left-wing policy at its finest. This is what you are advocating to bring to the U.S. 000...

Maduro in crackdown under Venezuela emergency decree
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
So again.....start a company and pay the wages that you feel are "fair". What is so difficult about that?
Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.
What kind of stupid "logic" is that?!? Every job created makes a difference. And if all of your pals who are whining did it as well, then that 14% would be 0%.

Of course, a business model which pays minimum wage positions $90,000 a year won't stay in business and those people will soon go from low-wage jobs to no-wage jobs, but hey - it will be a great learning experience for all of you liberals anyway.
Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
So again.....start a company and pay the wages that you feel are "fair". What is so difficult about that?
Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.
What kind of stupid "logic" is that?!? Every job created makes a difference. And if all of your pals who are whining did it as well, then that 14% would be 0%.

Of course, a business model which pays minimum wage positions $90,000 a year won't stay in business and those people will soon go from low-wage jobs to no-wage jobs, but hey - it will be a great learning experience for all of you liberals anyway.
OMG....stop trying to get out of the point of the matter by focusing on hypotheticals. Pick your magic number 000. What is it? What is your magic number? Tell us right here and now....

Because it wouldn't make a piss difference if i did. 14% of the nation lives in poverty. We have the worst child poverty in the developed world.

Poverty has increased under Obama.

It seems to me that if someone was concerned about poverty they wouldn't vote for idiots like Obama. Don't you agree?
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.
Bwahahahahaha! Of course....what was I thinking. Your debt is what makes you wealthy.... :lmao:

Seriously folks...you can't make this stuff up. You read it for yourself above. According to Ass-clepias, she could be "debt free" by selling her debt to others, but chooses to remain in debt because that how she makes money. :lmao:
sell debt to others, use proceeds to make more money, more than you need to pay back the debt.
But again....if you sold your debt....you no longer need to pay anyone back because someone else bought it. They now have to pay it back. Are you really as dumb as ascelpias or were you being sarcastic?
I don't think that means what you think it means.
So, if a worker needs food stamps because their employer doesn't pay them enough, that's not corporate welfare to you?

American poors are better off? Bullshit.

A Dozen Countries Where the Poor May Be Better Off Than the United States
Per Capita Income Across the Developed World (2005 Dollars, PPP Adjusted)


Your propaganda fails HJ. This is from a government study (you know - the government - that entity which you people worship as God?)...

As scholar James Q. Wilson has stated, “The poorest Americans today live a better life than all but the richest persons a hundred years ago.”[3] In 2005, the typical household defined as poor by the government had a car and air conditioning. For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, cable or satellite TV, a DVD player, and a VCR. If there were children, especially boys, in the home, the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or a PlayStation.[4] In the kitchen, the household had a refrigerator, an oven and stove, and a microwave. Other household conveniences included a clothes washer, clothes dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?

You not trusting government statistics is not my problem.
Yeah....uh....I proved the government statistics. You choose to ignore them because - well - ignoring facts and reality is just what liberals do.

What did you do?
What did I do? I posed both a link and a quote proving what you said was wrong.

You posted a quote from an elitist snob who doesn't understand the importance of a smart phone in our society today and gets upset when the poors manage to get their hands on one.

Then you posted a link to heritage. Find a neutral source. And yes, the government is a neutral source.
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who
w could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

Who would replace them to work in the service industry?

Unemployed teenagers. ....


retired folks
Not at all huh?

You do realize that loans are debts right?

Why Loans Are Sold
So tell me junior - how many people have come to your house to purchase your debt? How many? :lmao:

People do not purchase "debt". They do, however, purchase loans that are set to be paid back with interest so that they can make money.
This should make me sad but youre so stupid its actually humorous.

"People do not purchase "debt""

People don't purchase debt. They purchase debt plus the expected interest payment stream adjusted for risk - which means it's an asset, not a liability.

The only exception is when a company acquires the stock (assets plus liabilities) of another company.
Please explain how people dont purchase debt when you just said they do purchase debt plus the expected interest payment? Are you under the impression that all debt is not an asset?

I just did. Purchased somebody who purchases a loan is buying an asset. The debt is still held and being paid off by someone else.
How does one purchase a loan without buying a debt? You do realize thats the same thing right?
Your propaganda fails HJ. This is from a government study (you know - the government - that entity which you people worship as God?)...

As scholar James Q. Wilson has stated, “The poorest Americans today live a better life than all but the richest persons a hundred years ago.”[3] In 2005, the typical household defined as poor by the government had a car and air conditioning. For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, cable or satellite TV, a DVD player, and a VCR. If there were children, especially boys, in the home, the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or a PlayStation.[4] In the kitchen, the household had a refrigerator, an oven and stove, and a microwave. Other household conveniences included a clothes washer, clothes dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

Air Conditioning, Cable TV, and an Xbox: What is Poverty in the United States Today?

You not trusting government statistics is not my problem.
Yeah....uh....I proved the government statistics. You choose to ignore them because - well - ignoring facts and reality is just what liberals do.

What did you do?
What did I do? I posed both a link and a quote proving what you said was wrong.

You posted a quote from an elitist snob who doesn't understand the importance of a smart phone in our society today and gets upset when the poors manage to get their hands on one.

Then you posted a link to heritage. Find a neutral source. And yes, the government is a neutral source.

Wait a 2nd who the fuck needs a smart phone?

You can go to the fucking library if you need to use the net and fill out applications and such.

Not at all huh?

You do realize that loans are debts right?

Why Loans Are Sold
So tell me junior - how many people have come to your house to purchase your debt? How many? :lmao:

People do not purchase "debt". They do, however, purchase loans that are set to be paid back with interest so that they can make money.
This should make me sad but youre so stupid its actually humorous.

"People do not purchase "debt""

People don't purchase debt. They purchase debt plus the expected interest payment stream adjusted for risk - which means it's an asset, not a liability.

The only exception is when a company acquires the stock (assets plus liabilities) of another company.
What is a loan? If its not debt what is it?

To the loaner, the loan is an asset. The loaner expects to make a return on the payments plus interest. The the loanee, the loan is a liability (debt), which must be paid back. People don't buy the obligation to repay debt unless there are other things attached to it which off set the cost of paying back the debt.
So you do agree people buy debt then? You seem confused. Doesnt matter if something will offset the debt. The point is that people do indeed buy them. Thanks for agreeing.
I can sell you my position on that note for a price if you like. :laugh:

I know high finance is a mystery to you but dude you are really embarrassing yourself.
"High finance"? You don't even grasp basic finance... :lmao:

Since people "buy debt" why haven't you sold all of your debt already? Do you like being poor and in debt? :lol:

Seriously - that question alone makes you look like the ultimate buffoon. Which is why you refuse to answer it. Now tell us again how the U.S. monetary system is "backed" by debt :lmao: (I can't stop cracking up over that idiocy)
I have sold my personal debt and i have bought other peoples debt. Obviously this is above your sphere of knowledge but you pretty much proved that already. At first i thought you were kidding. I'm actually astounded you are that illiterate to believe people dont buy and sale debt all the time. I feel sad for you.
You sold your personal debt? To who? Tell us more. So you are 100% debt free right now?

Watching you flail around like a dying fish from the shame of your ignorance being exposed is priceless. Now you're telling egregious lies that you "sold all of your debt" :lol:
Not really any of your business who I sold it to. The point is that I provided you with the information that i indeed sold it. i cant imagine anyone being so illiterate they didnt know people buy and sell debt everyday.

In other words....oh shit....who could I possibly claim was dumb enough to purchase my debt to extend my absurd lies? :lmao:
If you had debt I could make money on I would buy it in a minute.
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.

Just out of sheer morbid curiosity here - why do you suppose there are all of those commercials, financial seminars, self-help stuff, and more on becoming "debt free" if your debt is worth so much that you can simply sell it or that by keeping it you are actually more wealthy?

Oh I can't wait to hear this one.... :lmao:
Those are for people like you that have no clue how to use debt effectively. People that are not ignorant and understand how to use leverage use debt all the time.
You not trusting government statistics is not my problem.
Yeah....uh....I proved the government statistics. You choose to ignore them because - well - ignoring facts and reality is just what liberals do.

What did you do?
What did I do? I posed both a link and a quote proving what you said was wrong.

You posted a quote from an elitist snob who doesn't understand the importance of a smart phone in our society today and gets upset when the poors manage to get their hands on one.

Then you posted a link to heritage. Find a neutral source. And yes, the government is a neutral source.

Wait a 2nd who the fuck needs a smart phone?

You can go to the fucking library if you need to use the net and fill out applications and such.


Maybe we stop pretending that smart phones are a magical creation, they are cheap as shit today and the library may be all the way across town.
^lame. Demand creates jobs, not businesses.

Well duh.... Are you under the impression that is a shortage of demand in the world?!? :bang3:
Yeah because wages are low you doofus.
Billy you are the least informed poster here. And that's gotta be worth money somewhere.
Why do you claim wages are low? Low compared to what?
Um gee let's see. The cost of living? You know the variable that keeps rising as wages remain flat?
Proof? Anything other than "I heard it somewhere"? Because people seem to have no trouble affording cell phones, TVs, apartments and otehr stuff.

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