Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

Um, I gotta chime in here to say he's right. Debt is a two sided coin. One person borrows the money, the other lends it. It becomes a debit to the debtor and a credit to the creditor. But an asset is created that way.
When a person buys ASS-celpsias's loan from a bank - that is not the banks debt. Agreed? Yes or No? Lets keep this really simple.
It si not debt that bank owes, yes. It is an asset of the bank, not a liability.
Ok. Thank you. So it's not the bank's debt. Therefore, one is not buying "debt". If they were buying debt, they would be paying the person who has the debt. They are buying an investment (in this case a loan expected to be paid back in full plus with interest).
It's just semantics. It is a debt and people do buy debt. Whether you want to call that debt a bond, a mortgage, a loan, or an investment is immaterial.
It's not semantics. The debt is what someone owes. When you buy a "note" from a bank, that is not what the bank owes. It is what is what they are received. There is a massive difference there.
Um, I gotta chime in here to say he's right. Debt is a two sided coin. One person borrows the money, the other lends it. It becomes a debit to the debtor and a credit to the creditor. But an asset is created that way.
When a person buys ASS-celpsias's loan from a bank - that is not the banks debt. Agreed? Yes or No? Lets keep this really simple.
It si not debt that bank owes, yes. It is an asset of the bank, not a liability.
Ok. Thank you. So it's not the bank's debt. Therefore, one is not buying "debt". If they were buying debt, they would be paying the person who has the debt. They are buying an investment (in this case a loan expected to be paid back in full plus with interest).
It's just semantics. It is a debt and people do buy debt. Whether you want to call that debt a bond, a mortgage, a loan, or an investment is immaterial.
It's not semantics. The debt is what someone owes. When you buy a "note" from a bank, that is not what the bank owes. It is what is what they are received. There is a massive difference there.
It is semantics. When the Fed launched QE2 they called them "assets" which they are. They are debts to the debtor though.
Next thing we know Rottwieller will be claiming i cant buy my own debt for pennies on the dollar. :laugh:
So again junior....if people "buy debt"....why don't you sell all of your debt and retire? Or at least use the money to get yourself an education. :lmao:
Are you willing to buy my debt? I can put you in touch with a guy that holds the note on one of my homes. He may want to cash out so you could get yourself a bargain if you can afford it.
Your debt is what you owe. So if people buy debt, why don't you sell them all of your debt and retire?

Oops! Someone is waking up to the realization that nobody purchases debt. Now tell us again the fall down hilarious line of "the U.S. monetary system is backed by debt" :lmao:
I can sell you my position on that note for a price if you like. :laugh:

I know high finance is a mystery to you but dude you are really embarrassing yourself.
"High finance"? You don't even grasp basic finance... :lmao:

Since people "buy debt" why haven't you sold all of your debt already? Do you like being poor and in debt? :lol:

Seriously - that question alone makes you look like the ultimate buffoon. Which is why you refuse to answer it. Now tell us again how the U.S. monetary system is "backed" by debt :lmao: (I can't stop cracking up over that idiocy)
I have sold my personal debt and i have bought other peoples debt. Obviously this is above your sphere of knowledge but you pretty much proved that already. At first i thought you were kidding. I'm actually astounded you are that illiterate to believe people dont buy and sale debt all the time. I feel sad for you.
You sold your personal debt? To who? Tell us more. So you are 100% debt free right now?

Watching you flail around like a dying fish from the shame of your ignorance being exposed is priceless. Now you're telling egregious lies that you "sold all of your debt" :lol:
Are you willing to buy my debt? I can put you in touch with a guy that holds the note on one of my homes. He may want to cash out so you could get yourself a bargain if you can afford it.
Your debt is what you owe. So if people buy debt, why don't you sell them all of your debt and retire?

Oops! Someone is waking up to the realization that nobody purchases debt. Now tell us again the fall down hilarious line of "the U.S. monetary system is backed by debt" :lmao:
I can sell you my position on that note for a price if you like. :laugh:

I know high finance is a mystery to you but dude you are really embarrassing yourself.
"High finance"? You don't even grasp basic finance... :lmao:

Since people "buy debt" why haven't you sold all of your debt already? Do you like being poor and in debt? :lol:

Seriously - that question alone makes you look like the ultimate buffoon. Which is why you refuse to answer it. Now tell us again how the U.S. monetary system is "backed" by debt :lmao: (I can't stop cracking up over that idiocy)
I have sold my personal debt and i have bought other peoples debt. Obviously this is above your sphere of knowledge but you pretty much proved that already. At first i thought you were kidding. I'm actually astounded you are that illiterate to believe people dont buy and sale debt all the time. I feel sad for you.
You sold your personal debt? To who? Tell us more. So you are 100% debt free right now?

Watching you flail around like a dying fish from the shame of your ignorance being exposed is priceless. Now you're telling egregious lies that you "sold all of your debt" :lol:
Not really any of your business who I sold it to. The point is that I provided you with the information that i indeed sold it. i cant imagine anyone being so illiterate they didnt know people buy and sell debt everyday.
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.
Bwahahahahaha! Of course....what was I thinking. Your debt is what makes you wealthy.... :lmao:

Seriously folks...you can't make this stuff up. You read it for yourself above. According to Ass-clepias, she could be "debt free" by selling her debt to others, but chooses to remain in debt because that how she makes money. :lmao:
Your debt is what you owe. So if people buy debt, why don't you sell them all of your debt and retire?

Oops! Someone is waking up to the realization that nobody purchases debt. Now tell us again the fall down hilarious line of "the U.S. monetary system is backed by debt" :lmao:
I can sell you my position on that note for a price if you like. :laugh:

I know high finance is a mystery to you but dude you are really embarrassing yourself.
"High finance"? You don't even grasp basic finance... :lmao:

Since people "buy debt" why haven't you sold all of your debt already? Do you like being poor and in debt? :lol:

Seriously - that question alone makes you look like the ultimate buffoon. Which is why you refuse to answer it. Now tell us again how the U.S. monetary system is "backed" by debt :lmao: (I can't stop cracking up over that idiocy)
I have sold my personal debt and i have bought other peoples debt. Obviously this is above your sphere of knowledge but you pretty much proved that already. At first i thought you were kidding. I'm actually astounded you are that illiterate to believe people dont buy and sale debt all the time. I feel sad for you.
You sold your personal debt? To who? Tell us more. So you are 100% debt free right now?

Watching you flail around like a dying fish from the shame of your ignorance being exposed is priceless. Now you're telling egregious lies that you "sold all of your debt" :lol:
Not really any of your business who I sold it to. The point is that I provided you with the information that i indeed sold it. i cant imagine anyone being so illiterate they didnt know people buy and sell debt everyday.

In other words....oh shit....who could I possibly claim was dumb enough to purchase my debt to extend my absurd lies? :lmao:
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.
Bwahahahahaha! Of course....what was I thinking. Your debt is what makes you wealthy.... :lmao:

Seriously folks...you can't make this stuff up. You read it for yourself above. According to Ass-clepias, she could be "debt free" by selling her debt to others, but chooses to remain in debt because that how she makes money. :lmao:
sell debt to others, use proceeds to make more money, more than you need to pay back the debt.
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.

Just out of sheer morbid curiosity here - why do you suppose there are all of those commercials, financial seminars, self-help stuff, and more on becoming "debt free" if your debt is worth so much that you can simply sell it or that by keeping it you are actually more wealthy?

Oh I can't wait to hear this one.... :lmao:
Why would I want to be debt free? I make money using debt.
Bwahahahahaha! Of course....what was I thinking. Your debt is what makes you wealthy.... :lmao:

Seriously folks...you can't make this stuff up. You read it for yourself above. According to Ass-clepias, she could be "debt free" by selling her debt to others, but chooses to remain in debt because that how she makes money. :lmao:
sell debt to others, use proceeds to make more money, more than you need to pay back the debt.
But again....if you sold your debt....you no longer need to pay anyone back because someone else bought it. They now have to pay it back. Are you really as dumb as ascelpias or were you being sarcastic?
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

"The law can give nothing that has not first been taken from its owner." -Frederic Bastiat
42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

Interesting 000. Very interesting. The only one I see bitching is you and your fellow libtards. But that being said - I do have a real solution. Are you read? Have your notepad and a pencil? Ok....here we go....

Let them figure it the fuck out themselves like big boys and girls. They are full grown adults. They can make any choice they want to address any situation they'd like to address.

Boom! Problem solved. See how easy that shit was? It's Constitutional. It's effective. And it protects liberty. It's a win-win-win.
If some asshole thinks he can own a home, have three cars, a pool, 2M in a 401k on min wage, the guy isn't an asshole. He's an imbecile

Are you their spokesman?

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If some asshole thinks he can own a home, have three cars, a pool, 2M in a 401k on min wage, the guy isn't an asshole. He's an imbecile

Are you their spokesman?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But.....but......but.....doesn't everyone "deserve" to own a home, three automobiles, a pool, and $2 million in a 401k? If not then we are not all "equal" and that's not fair! So says the libtard ideology....
Once again we see libtard policy replacing low-wage jobs with no-wage jobs. This is why libtard policy always ends in collapse, famine, poverty, and misery like Venezuela, Cuba, the former U.S.S.R., etc.

Wendy's Plans To Replace Workers With Self-Service Kiosks
Workers want $15 an hour...Robots want nothing

Wendy's plans to replace workers with self-service kiosks
If some asshole thinks he can own a home, have three cars, a pool, 2M in a 401k on min wage, the guy isn't an asshole. He's an imbecile

Are you their spokesman?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But.....but......but.....doesn't everyone "deserve" to own a home, three automobiles, a pool, and $2 million in a 401k? If not then we are not all "equal" and that's not fair! So says the libtard ideology....

Work? Make your own living? Pay for something with money you've earned? Not on a liberals watch!

Such things are reserved for white racists, in their view
If some asshole thinks he can own a home, have three cars, a pool, 2M in a 401k on min wage, the guy isn't an asshole. He's an imbecile

Are you their spokesman?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But.....but......but.....doesn't everyone "deserve" to own a home, three automobiles, a pool, and $2 million in a 401k? If not then we are not all "equal" and that's not fair! So says the libtard ideology....

Work? Make your own living? Pay for something with money you've earned? Not on a liberals watch!

Such things are reserved for white racists, in their view
How dare you! I am "entitled". My libtard mommy told me so (my libtard daddy is not around and my libtard mommy was not really sure which of her baby daddy's was mine anyway so....). But she does know that the government owes me for being alive!

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?


A very good solution.

Don't vote for Libtards that screw up the economy and then there will be plenty of high paying jobs for everybody.

The best way for a poor person to stop being poor (besides getting off their asses and actually working) is for them to not votes for Liberals.

It is always comical to see Liberals vote in shitheads like Obama that screws up the economy and then see them bitch about the economy.

The solution is absolutely not for the frigging oppressive filthy ass government to mandate wages that the market of labor cannot sustain.

I once had a minimum wage job. My goal was to make more money than minimum wage and I made sure I did. If somebody doesn't have the drive to do better than minimum wage then that is their problem, not mine. I sure as hell don't want or need the government to artificially set wages. That does nobody any good and it is government oppression.

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