hey democrats ! are yall ready for 5 dollar a gallon gasoline ?

It should be noted that the dollar is tied to oil.
are democrats going to be happy paying 5 bucks a gallon at the pump ? i mean the guy they voted for said he's going to crack down on the fossil fuel industry ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...n-draws-gop-attacks-with-call-transition-oil/

Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, dickhead.
Well............................... Opening up certain parts of the world to allow it to be mined can have an effect on prices. Or... Perhaps shutting down fracking, something Biden has said he wants to do... In which case... You're an idiot.
are democrats going to be happy paying 5 bucks a gallon at the pump ? i mean the guy they voted for said he's going to crack down on the fossil fuel industry ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...n-draws-gop-attacks-with-call-transition-oil/

Getting rid of Trump was worth any price.
Getting rid of Biden will be worth any price.
Newsom wants us to pay mileage. We would have to report to DMV our monthly mileage to them, then pay them per mile. Whether that passes or not remains to be seen, but a bunch of people are going to be hurting really bad if it does.

Oh, and no more gas cars bought, sold, driven. All electric.

That's fucking insane.

I'm sooooo glad I left there when I did...

What makes you think that the stupidity of California won't contaminate the rest of the country if the democrats steal the election?
Some universal truths....

--Never let the political party that thinks there are too many people on the planet have control of your healthcare system.

--Never let the political party that gets it's voters from uninformed people have control of the education system.

--Never let the political party that get's it's power from people who are poor have control of your economic system.....

The incentives for the democrat party are all wrong.......and they are going to destroy this country.....

The democrat party has been the source of evil in this country since it was founded by slave owners.........
Biden promised to promote Fracking when he was campaigning in Pennsylvania, so why would there be a fuel shortage that would lead to high gasoline prices?

Actually, Fracking has to be subsidized by the government because it's not economically practical when petroleum is at $46.00 a barrel.
The democrat party has been the source of evil in this country since it was founded by slave owners.........

Then why do things always get worse when Republicans are in charge?

So let's review, shall we? We'll just stick to the Republicans in my lifetime.

Trump - Plague, Riots, Recession
Bush - War, Recession, floods.
Bush- War, Recession
Reagan - Massive Debt, decline of the middle class.
Nixon/Ford - Massive corruption, War, Recessions, hyperinflation.

Well, you get the idea.

Now, yeah, Jimmy Carter had his problems, but what I remember about Clinton was the worst thing we had to worry about was whether or not he lied about getting a blow job. If that's the worst thing you have to worry about during a presidency, your life is pretty good.

Obama took the recession Bush gave him, and turned it around into a healthy economy.
The democrat party has been the source of evil in this country since it was founded by slave owners.........

Then why do things always get worse when Republicans are in charge?

So let's review, shall we? We'll just stick to the Republicans in my lifetime.

Trump - Plague, Riots, Recession
Bush - War, Recession, floods.
Bush- War, Recession
Reagan - Massive Debt, decline of the middle class.
Nixon/Ford - Massive corruption, War, Recessions, hyperinflation.

Well, you get the idea.

Now, yeah, Jimmy Carter had his problems, but what I remember about Clinton was the worst thing we had to worry about was whether or not he lied about getting a blow job. If that's the worst thing you have to worry about during a presidency, your life is pretty good.

Obama took the recession Bush gave him, and turned it around into a healthy economy.
When you have to lie about things, no one takes you seriously.
It should be noted that the dollar is tied to oil.
are democrats going to be happy paying 5 bucks a gallon at the pump ? i mean the guy they voted for said he's going to crack down on the fossil fuel industry ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...n-draws-gop-attacks-with-call-transition-oil/

Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, dickhead.
Well............................... Opening up certain parts of the world to allow it to be mined can have an effect on prices. Or... Perhaps shutting down fracking, something Biden has said he wants to do... In which case... You're an idiot.

Actually I know a bit about how the oil bidness works as an international fungible commodity. It's a giant pool which is filled by multiple entities whether SA, Norway, Canada, the US,, etc etc etc and then processed by multinational corporations who work not for any government but for their shareholders. Toss a bit more from a continental shelf here, and the spigot in Nigeria or Russia or whatever combination closes a bit and the pool stabilizes. Perhaps the fact that you think any one of those entities can just unilaterally yell "everybody out of the pool" makes you the idiot.

Always know what the fuck you're talking about before ye enter here.
Actually I know a bit about how the oil bidness works as an international fungible commodity. It's a giant pool which is filled by multiple entities whether SA, Norway, Canada, the US,, etc etc etc and then processed by multinational corporations who work not for any government but for their shareholders. Toss a bit more from a continental shelf here, and the spigot in Nigeria or Russia or whatever combination closes a bit and the pool stabilizes. Perhaps the fact that you think any one of those entities can just unilaterally yell "everybody out of the pool" makes you the idiot.

Always know what the fuck you're talking about before ye enter here.
I do... And.... You didn't do anything there against my point. We both know it.
Actually I know a bit about how the oil bidness works as an international fungible commodity. It's a giant pool which is filled by multiple entities whether SA, Norway, Canada, the US,, etc etc etc and then processed by multinational corporations who work not for any government but for their shareholders. Toss a bit more from a continental shelf here, and the spigot in Nigeria or Russia or whatever combination closes a bit and the pool stabilizes. Perhaps the fact that you think any one of those entities can just unilaterally yell "everybody out of the pool" makes you the idiot.

Always know what the fuck you're talking about before ye enter here.
I do... And.... You didn't do anything there against my point. We both know it.

Apparently not, since I just schooled your ass.
How is transitioning from oil to renewable sources going to raise the price of oil?

The price of gas is basic law of supply and demand which is largely controlled by OPEC and the US with fracking.

If supply exceeds demand then prices fall, when demand exceeds supply then prices tend to rise. Unless you have a monopoly and you can make your own price.

As such demand will always be there unless electric cars are able to take off and become viable. This may lead to lower gas prices as a way of making the current automobiles a better choice than electric.
If the transition away from oil happened in an organic way, then yes it shouldn’t affect the price of oil and gas.
But that’s not what the government under the democrats plan. They don’t plan on oil naturally being phased out as better things come along. They plan to tax and regulate to force us to use less, to transition us to other fuels. Fuels that are expensive (biodiesel), unreliable (wind, solar).
This forced transition will be expensive, and it will also further handicap out manufacturing ability, sending more of it overseas.
What’s comical about the whole thing is if you look at the statistics/charts worldwide regarding pollution (in this case CO2 pollution which the left screams about but is not very relevant compared with water vapor), we are barely a mouse fart in a room full of elephants. China and India pump out more in a day than we do in a month or so. Same with most types of pollution. I believe it was 90% of the plastic products in the sea come from China and India... yet here we are banning straws.
It’s a bad move. It will make barely any impact on a global scale, but it will further hamstring our nation.
If the liberals were at all serious, they be pushing nuclear power advancements and batteries. That would get us off oil by a very large degree. But they aren’t serious. The ones at the top use it as a talking point to leverage into more power and control. The fools among the plebs (us) parrot the “clean air, clean water, global warming” bullshit ad nauseam as here we are.

Like most of us suspect, you can bet Hoe Hidin will limit fracking. Whether it’s taxes, regulations, encouraging states to ban it, whatever. I’d bet on it.
California will be going electric and reducing demand for oil based fuel.
Awesome. You already have rolling brownouts, and an electric grid thot is both inadequate already and falling apart. Good luck with your pipe dream.
I look forward to watching all your illegals burn the joint down and loot in the dark of night as you have no power.
are democrats going to be happy paying 5 bucks a gallon at the pump ? i mean the guy they voted for said he's going to crack down on the fossil fuel industry ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...n-draws-gop-attacks-with-call-transition-oil/
When you get welfare, you don't care about the price.

are democrats going to be happy paying 5 bucks a gallon at the pump ? i mean the guy they voted for said he's going to crack down on the fossil fuel industry ! https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...n-draws-gop-attacks-with-call-transition-oil/
When you get welfare, you don't care about the price.
They don't have cars because welfare is not enough.
I meet ghetto ass welfare slugs daily who are driving around.
move also driven through many, many hoods and section 8 areas and see cars all over the place.
I also meet people everyday who would be considered “the working poor” who are making around 30-50k with kids and they are driving cars.
Where are you and what are you talking about? So I shouldn’t believe my own eyes, daily?

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