Can someone explain why people have voted for this dumb person?

That 7 trillion was the Democrat's bargain for approving the funds to rebuild the military. Tell the truth. It was never Trump's idea to spend, or waste, that much.

Then why did he always ask for that much in his budget request?
It's very simple, and does not take a long post like the OP.

People voted for Joe Biden because he was not Donald Trump.

You know how Trump obsesses over ratings. He's all about ratings.

The highest approval rating Trump ever received was 49 percent. At election time, his approval rating was 43 percent.

Yet, somehow, the weak-minded rubes are incredulous that Trump lost. :laughing0301:
To actually believe any of that you have to be mentally ill.
Not mentally ill. I watched it live while it was happening and Donny wouldn't even call off his dogs, many of which now admit they acted like traitors that day. Here, I found your picture on the internet:
But there never was a government involvement as we are having now when this situation occurred in New York.
a quick calculation, we can estimate that each day in New York between two and four million lbs of equine excrement were "produced" every day, plus a 33 oz. of urine from each animal at least.
But there was NO Federal/state/city ordering or even more spending $$ on conversion to gas.
/——-/ The NY Times hailed the automobile as the savior of New York City because it replace horses and their crapola and pee.
It's very simple, and does not take a long post like the OP.

People voted for Joe Biden because he was not Donald Trump.

You know how Trump obsesses over ratings. He's all about ratings.

The highest approval rating Trump ever received was 49 percent. At election time, his approval rating was 43 percent.

Yet, somehow, the weak-minded rubes are incredulous that Trump lost. :laughing0301:
So I see your tolerance is on full display, any who disagree with Communist China Joe are weak minded rubes? Wake up and smell what you are shoveling, no way Joe got 81 million!
Because he wanted the military rebuilt. And it got done.

So he wanted to spend the money.

Glad we worked that out!

Trump submitted the 4 largest budget request in the history of the country, and you sheep claim he wanted to spend less!

So I see your tolerance is on full display, any who disagree with Communist China Joe are weak minded rubes? Wake up and smell what you are shoveling, no way Joe got 81 million!

Not mentally ill. I watched it live while it was happening and Donny wouldn't even call off his dogs, many of which now admit they acted like traitors that day. Here, I found your picture on the internet:
View attachment 719408
Is that the best your feeble mind can come up with? Do better!
That 7 trillion was the Democrat's bargain for approving the funds to rebuild the military. Tell the truth. It was never Trump's idea to spend, or waste, that much.

You work very hard at being stupid, you know? You are just an empty-headed rube, parroting what you are told to parrot. It's fucking pathetic.

See for yourself. We spent more on defense spending under Obama than under Trump.

You should also know that defense spending is controlled by the bipartisan Budget Control Act.

Trump bragged all during the 2016 campaign that he is the "King of Debt™".

Trump loooooooves spending other people's money. It's his thing. He spent decades ripping off investors and banks. He jumped at the chance to rip off taxpayers.

Trump proposes record-high $4.7 trillion budget​

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking​

Interesting, though, that The Peace President was the first in a long time to initiate no new military hostilities. He was far more deserving of the Nobel than his predecessor, who won it for doing nothing, then proceeded to bomb the crap out of places.
Just because Trump installed a blanket policy of secrecy for military actions doesn't mean he didn't take them. You probably think he stopped drone strikes, too.
Interesting, though, that The Peace President was the first in a long time to initiate no new military hostilities. He was far more deserving of the Nobel than his predecessor, who won it for doing nothing, then proceeded to bomb the crap out of places.

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama’s numbers​

Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths​

In Somalia, there were a total of 263 U.S. counter-terrorism airstrikes, drone strikes, and ground raids from 2003 to 2021. Of the 263, the majority (202) occurred under the Trump administration. Collectively, between 1,479 and 1,886 people have been killed in the U.S. strikes in Somalia: between 1,389 and 1,696 militants, between 34 and 121 civilians, and between 56 and 69 unknowns.

i'm not gonna sit by as the Nickelback of presidents wrecks my country. i'm voting GOP up and down the ballot in Arizona. Lake/Masters/Hamadeh/Finchem/Gosar
So you are enjoying record numbers of inflation, illegal immigrants coming across the border, And want babies killed?
I know that inflation isn't the Dems fault alone, I blame the Dems for the border problem, and I agree with Republican Lyndsey Graham's idea on abortion.

It really is amazing, how little you folks know about my politics, no matter how many times I discuss my positions on the issues.

Not everyone is an obedient sheep. Some of us prefer to think for ourselves. True story.
Just because Trump installed a blanket policy of secrecy for military actions doesn't mean he didn't take them. You probably think he stopped drone strikes, too.
I think he started no new military hostilities in his first term, something no president has done for quite a while. Do you think differently?
That 7 trillion was the Democrat's bargain for approving the funds to rebuild the military. Tell the truth. It was never Trump's idea to spend, or waste, that much.
Democrats are masters of deflection and blame re-direction

Truth and transparency.....they have no use for it
I know that inflation isn't the Dems fault alone, I blame the Dems for the border problem, and I agree with Republican Lyndsey Graham's idea on abortion.

It really is amazing, how little you folks know about my politics, no matter how many times I discuss my positions on the issues.

Not everyone is an obedient sheep. Some of us prefer to think for ourselves. True story.
It is amazing how little we care, also.
And yet you all hump my leg, trying to get my attention.

You're among my most ardent fans.

Deny all you want: I occupy serious real estate in your mind. Too bad.
Too bad for you. I suppose you will have to deal with it.

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