Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?

I voted for Biden because he's a decent person. Something that trump isn't. I did vote for trump the first time where he was somewhat talking like a progressive. It was all B.S. He's scum of the earth.

Somewhat talking like a progressive? Trump was a full blown, died in the wool progressive. This is why he didn't get my vote in 2016 or 2020. FFS, he gave Pelosi every thing and every dime she wanted. From gender study funding to increases in the debt ceiling to fund other progressive BS. Abortions, hydro dams in Afghanistan, huge MIC contracts, etc etc

If you look at Trumps actual record, the democrats should be the ones recruiting Trump. He's the reincarnation of that liberal Ronald Reagan.
Switch Biden's name with Trump's, would you be saying the same?
Yes, it doesn't matter anyway, it was a deal between Germany and Russia, who is the US to demand they can't make their own economic decisions, if the US could make a better, cheaper deal, they would have.
Nordstream 1, the first pipeline is 20 years old,
Biden is bought and paid for by our enemies. Trump warned Europe about Russia and wanted them to buy from us.

Biden shit canned that idea. Only costed Putin 2.5 million.
You're FOS.
“The Biden Administration has called Nord Stream 2 a ‘bad deal’ and said U.S. opposition to the pipeline is ‘unwavering,’” the report said. “Nevertheless, U.S. officials have suggested the Administration’s ability to prevent the pipeline from becoming operational is limited, even with additional sanctions. They also have expressed concern that additional U.S. sanctions could jeopardize U.S.-German and U.S.-European cooperation in other areas, including countering Russian aggression.”
Somewhat talking like a progressive? Trump was a full blown, died in the wool progressive. This is why he didn't get my vote in 2016 or 2020. FFS, he gave Pelosi every thing and every dime she wanted. From gender study funding to increases in the debt ceiling to fund other progressive BS. Abortions, hydro dams in Afghanistan, huge MIC contracts, etc etc

If you look at Trumps actual record, the democrats should be the ones recruiting Trump. He's the reincarnation of that liberal Ronald Reagan.
That's true to a certain extent. The reason they hated him is because he opposed Globalism. Faux Joe guzzles that shit down like he is the focus of a gay orgy train.
Yes, it doesn't matter anyway, it was a deal between Germany and Russia, who is the US to demand they can't make their own economic decisions, if the US could make a better, cheaper deal, they would have.
Nordstream 1, the first pipeline is 20 years old,

You're FOS.
“The Biden Administration has called Nord Stream 2 a ‘bad deal’ and said U.S. opposition to the pipeline is ‘unwavering,’” the report said. “Nevertheless, U.S. officials have suggested the Administration’s ability to prevent the pipeline from becoming operational is limited, even with additional sanctions. They also have expressed concern that additional U.S. sanctions could jeopardize U.S.-German and U.S.-European cooperation in other areas, including countering Russian aggression.”
yep xiden and the dembots were busy building Putin back better

This weakened NATO, and made Putin’s invasion of Ukraine all the more easy
For the last umpteen years, we've heard the left scream for inclusiveness. Rail against white men. Yall cried your little hearts our for trannies. Blacks seemed to be your gods. Especially if they were gay. You opposed rich white people. You opposed the establishment <<Cool.
And yet, you allowed the media to convince you that the old straight white establishment guy was your man.

What gives? Why did you allow the DNC and the media to force you into supporting Biden. Especially after knowing how the DNC rigs their nominations. How could you have let that happen?

You had blacks, half blacks, other women of color, and a gay guy. But you chose Biden.

I don't get it.

Right wingers, give the left a chance to answer first. Please.

Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?​

Because the Big Tent Party that proclaims to LOVE them some young black or brown female rug munchers really always defaults back to the old white guy they claim to hate….weird huh?
Some things never change.
He didn't win. He stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic to cover up fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Isn't it interesting that the Chinese caused pandemic that allowed the Democrats to steal the election and they are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich? Their man is in the White House now, isn't he?
Yes, it is, delusional Q NUT.
That's true to a certain extent. The reason they hated him is because he opposed Globalism. Faux Joe guzzles that shit down like he is the focus of a gay orgy train.

Trump opposed globalism? How so? His record doesn't show it. His words maybe. But not his actual record.
Because of the system. Mostly people are elected because of the system, the primaries are ridiculous, in a PROPER DEMOCRACY there wouldn't be a need for these primaries in the first place and people would have lots of choice at the ballot box.
Thank G- d we are NOT a "proper democracy", but a Constitutional Republic.
For the last umpteen years, we've heard the left scream for inclusiveness. Rail against white men. Yall cried your little hearts our for trannies. Blacks seemed to be your gods. Especially if they were gay. You opposed rich white people. You opposed the establishment <<Cool.
And yet, you allowed the media to convince you that the old straight white establishment guy was your man.

What gives? Why did you allow the DNC and the media to force you into supporting Biden. Especially after knowing how the DNC rigs their nominations. How could you have let that happen?

You had blacks, half blacks, other women of color, and a gay guy. But you chose Biden.

I don't get it.

Right wingers, give the left a chance to answer first. Please.

Start with silly givens, end with irrecociable with reality conclusions.

Majority of Democrats, Independents and Never-Trumpers that elected Biden made sure Trump gets ejected out of the WH are not bleeding heart liberals.
All he knows in this world is what team he is on.

The kid hears nothing . He sees nothing. He questions nothing.
I can’t understand people who support either of the two criminal gangs. After all that has happened in the past two decades, no American should support either gang.

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