Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?

What happened to Trump's sanctions that were implemented in 2019?
The Russians stopped work for two years, then Biden lifts the sanctions and two months later the pipeline is complete?
So, they got two years' worth of work done in two months?

You're delusional.



They're getting $$$ from everyone, to defend their country.
You must love Russia and would rather the US support them like Hannity, Carlson and Trump.

So, it's crap oil fit to make asphalt with, our refiners can't even refine it's crap.

joey xiden and the dembots building putin back better
Sure, Trumptard, you voted for, defend and support a lying, moron.
All the way back when Trump convinced his cult, Mexico was paying for Trump's vanity wall.
Don't you have some Russian Collusion to pimp yourself out to Putin for?
Who you gonna prostitute yourselves for in 2024 to try to rig our elections? North Korea? Iran?

2016 you used Russia and The Dirty Dossier
2020 you used China and COVID
Who are you going to contract with in 2024?

The only insurrection I have seen was committed by The Democrat Party and Obama, Pelosi, Shummer, Biden and Clinton, and still continues to this day.
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You're FOS.
You ignore it.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Clinton (D) – 8 yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Bush, George H. W. (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. One conviction. One prison sentence.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.

Carter (D) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment. Zero convictions and zero prison sentences.

Ford (R) – 4 yrs in office. One indictment and one conviction. One prison sentence.

Nixon (R) – 6 yrs in office. 76 criminal indictments. 55 convictions. 15 prison sentences.

Johnson (D) – 5 yrs in office. Zero indictments. Zero convictions. Zero prison sentences.

In their 25 yrs in office Democrats had a total of three executive branch officials indicted with one conviction and one prison sentence.

In the 28 yrs that Republicans have held office over the last 53 yrs they have had a total of, 120 criminal indictments of executive branch officials. 89 criminal convictions and 34 prison sentences handed down.

That's even before the orange grifter was installed as president.

It's like double that now.
That's all fake news. They have their own rules and laws.

Being able to win isn't part of the point. That's the job of the media to help a candidate win. Like how they and the DNC help Hillary rob Bernie of the nomination.
But as for this topic, I was hoping for something substantial and meaningful. Things like Biden was awesome at bringing republicans and democrats together for the better of the country. Or how he was so trustworthy. More trust worthy than even Tulsi Gabbard. Or more in tune with the younger crowd, like Buttigieg. Or how he was so awesome at race relations like Harris.

Or he was awesome at keeping inflation at bay. Or something the left would really appreciate was that he was good at keeping the country out of foreign entanglements. <<< Actually, I'm just kidding about those, cause even the left knows Joe sucks at those issues.
Thanks for the tips, looser...

From the people that picked Trump, latest excuse on Jan 6th, that is too dumb to be a crime...
What happened to Trump's sanctions that were implemented in 2019?
The Russians stopped work for two years, then Biden lifts the sanctions and two months later the pipeline is complete?
So, they got two years' worth of work done in two months?

You're delusional.



They're getting $$$ from everyone, to defend their country.
You must love Russia and would rather the US support them like Hannity, Carlson and Trump.

So, it's crap oil fit to make asphalt with, our refiners can't even refine it's crap.

Switch Biden's name with Trump's, would you be saying the same? Biden is bought and paid for by our enemies. Trump warned Europe about Russia and wanted them to buy from us. Biden shit canned that idea. Only costed Putin 2.5 million.
Conservatives haven’t lived in reality since Obama was elected. Trump sunk the ship and right wing America asking Joe how we got here is fucking hilariously disconnected from reality… if it wasn’t so sad.

You're right about the Trump voters. All of Trumps spending helped put us right where we're at. But make no mistake, Biden is doing exactly what all the others did. Borrow trillions and spend spend spend.
The next inflation increase, recession or economic down turn, will be because of Biden.

I'm not sure why everyone still elects these clowns. I can kind of see why Trump got elected the first time. He promised to be conservative. But he wasn't. He gave Pelosi every thing and every dime she wanted.
Why TF would the democrats re elect Pelosi? Do they not understand how bad that borrow and spend policy is either?
I voted for Biden because he's a decent person. Something that trump isn't. I did vote for trump the first time where he was somewhat talking like a progressive. It was all B.S. He's scum of the earth.
He is incest, a pedo, threatens to fight civilians, lies constantly and abuses his power.
Whats decent about that?
Answer: There isnt anything decent about that. You federal supremacists are just fucking liars. Its all you are good for. Thats why your lives are so goddamn miserable and want to make everyone else miserable.
Trump had Putin almost bankrupt, his currency was worth nothing. Putin gives Hunter 2.5 million. Then Biden gives him the pipeline, which give him the money to fund his war. Now his currency is setting records. Ukraine gives Hunter millions to sit on the board of an energy company. Now Ukraine is getting billions of dollars from us. China also gives Hunter millions, then they get a million barrels of our strategic oil. Nothing to see there.
I don't know how old this little boy is, but talking sense to a political true believer is just as futile ad trying to get through to a wild-eyed religious fundamentalist thumping on their bible and screaming that dinosaur bones were placed on Earth by Satan to fool us.
I love how this thread has turned into either a 1/6 thread. Or an "orange man is bad" thread. Democrats can't focus on their own primaries & election corruption.
Probably because they've never even tried to be a delegate in their own party.

Yall are real genius's. Seriously, some of yall need to sign up with your local DNC headquarters and just try to be a delegate for an underdog candidate. And watch the local party chairman bitchslap you into submission. Watch him/her remind you how "You have to do what's best for the party, (not the country)" Take note of all the other party members scratching their heads as to why they're supposed to support someone like Biden. Watch them blackball you, and keep you from going to the state convention because you're not in support of who the party leaders are telling you to support.

This is the same exact game the RNC does. Why? Because it works. And it'll keep working until enough of you (DNC/RNC) loyalist say enough is enough, and disband the party loyalist party leaders. From your local headquarters all the way up to the national party leaders.
He is incest, a pedo, threatens to fight civilians, lies constantly and abuses his power.
Whats decent about that?
Answer: There isnt anything decent about that. You federal supremacists are just fucking liars. Its all you are good for. Thats why your lives are so goddamn miserable and want to make everyone else miserable.
Joe's own son and daughter accuse Joe of being a Pedophile. You can't get more damning than that.
Because he could win.

And he did.

Hence your tears, and our laughter.
He didn't win. He stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic to cover up fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Isn't it interesting that the Chinese caused pandemic that allowed the Democrats to steal the election and they are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich? Their man is in the White House now, isn't he?

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