Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?

Somewhat talking like a progressive? Trump was a full blown, died in the wool progressive. This is why he didn't get my vote in 2016 or 2020. FFS, he gave Pelosi every thing and every dime she wanted. From gender study funding to increases in the debt ceiling to fund other progressive BS. Abortions, hydro dams in Afghanistan, huge MIC contracts, etc etc

If you look at Trumps actual record, the democrats should be the ones recruiting Trump. He's the reincarnation of that liberal Ronald Reagan.
You are correct.

Trump did a lot of good things but he really did nothing of substance to curtail the size of government.

There is really only one Party in the US. The Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch. The Republicans the more moderate branch.
I can’t understand people who support either of the two criminal gangs. After all that has happened in the past two decades, no American should support either gang.
Having to choose between an out of control narcissist and a senile pedophile isn't exactly what the framers of our constitution had in mind.
Having to choose between an out of control narcissist and a senile pedophile isn't exactly what the framers of our constitution had in mind.
Exactly…but it is exactly what the ruling class and their bosses want. Yet some Americans still think they can control government with their vote.
What lie?
Never met a war he didn’t like or support. Made blantant racist remarks on the senate floor in the 90s, proudly pushing the Clinton crime bill that filled our prisons with minorities. Lied repeatedly about his accomplishments including plagiarism. Admitted he’s corrupt on camera. His son’s receipt of millions for no work, tell you something.

You can't prove ANY of it, neither can FOX.
Never met a war he didn’t like or support. Made blantant racist remarks on the senate floor in the 90s, proudly pushing the Clinton crime bill that filled our prisons with minorities. Lied repeatedly about his accomplishments including plagiarism. Admitted he’s corrupt on camera. His son’s receipt of millions for no work, tell you something.

You can't prove ANY of it, neither can FOX.
You just exposed yourself as a fool and completely uninformed. The points I made are easily confirmed.
You just exposed yourself as a fool and completely uninformed. The points I made are easily confirmed.
NO, they aren't, you can't and either can't FOX.
Doesn't prevent you and FOX regurgitating them enough to be the truth after enough times.
To trigger you guys! He got 81m votes. We wanted to prove an old guy was better than your orange god. We were right about both.

That's a lie. But save face, in what manner is Xiden better?

Perhaps proof means something else to you.
You are correct.

Trump did a lot of good things but he really did nothing of substance to curtail the size of government.

There is really only one Party in the US. The Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch. The Republicans the more moderate branch.

THE best thing you could say about Trump is that he's a moderate democrat. Anything more to the right of that would be an outright lie.

I know I'm not the only one when I say I'm sick of these Trump/Biden/Obama/W presidents. Different rhetoric, same ole big government BS, shoved right down our throats, every 4 years. And 1/2 the country saying their candidate was better than the other.

LMAO.. The first reply to the OP was "because he could win." Then went on to childishly insult. It's the same way with Trump supporters when he won, and it'll be the same way when the next president gets elected.
Never met a war he didn’t like or support. Made blantant racist remarks on the senate floor in the 90s, proudly pushing the Clinton crime bill that filled our prisons with minorities. Lied repeatedly about his accomplishments including plagiarism. Admitted he’s corrupt on camera. His son’s receipt of millions for no work, tell you something.

You can't prove ANY of it, neither can FOX.

The minorities shouldn't have committed so many crimes. 99.999% of them are in there for a crime they committed. Not because they're black.
THE best thing you could say about Trump is that he's a moderate democrat. Anything more to the right of that would be an outright lie.

I know I'm not the only one when I say I'm sick of these Trump/Biden/Obama/W presidents. Different rhetoric, same ole big government BS, shoved right down our throats, every 4 years. And 1/2 the country saying their candidate was better than the other.

LMAO.. The first reply to the OP was "because he could win." Then went on to childishly insult. It's the same way with Trump supporters when he won, and it'll be the same way when the next president gets elected.

I'm sick of big government. It would be nice to have somebody run for President that advocated dismantling all the worthless shit the federal government does.

I did vote for Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 that ran on that platform.

Trrump was the best President of modern times. That sounds like a great accolade until we realize that the bar is so low as to not mean much.
I think they picked him as the one milquetoast politician that polled better than anyone else against the flamboyant Dr. Doom, ops I mean Dr. Trumpenstein. He got the old school GOP's vote, even though they still voted GOP down ballot. None of the other candidates had that.
I think they picked him as the one milquetoast politician that polled better than anyone else against the flamboyant Dr. Doom, ops I mean Dr. Trumpenstein. He got the old school GOP's vote, even though they still voted GOP down ballot. None of the other candidates had that.
But Trump did not send the country into an economic tailspin like Joe Potatohead and Kamala Cumswallower are doing right now.
If trump was president, much of what is happening today wouldn't be happening.

The stuff being done now is an intentional attack on Americans.

Well have to agree to disagree on that one. All that borrow and spending Trump did (caving to Pelosi's every whim) came at a price.
Then there's the deal that Trump made with OPEC in April of 2020 to reduce oil production. That's when the bust cycle started there and the US. US oil field hands were started being laid off months before the election.
My son was a pipeliner. His layoff came in Sept. of 2020. A lot of his buddies in the oil field were laid off even before him.
Once the bust started and the excess oil was refined and sold, the prices started to climb. And haven't stopped.

I know people put a lot of blame on Biden. Biden does deserve some credit for it. His little tiff with oil companies just made things a little worse. But the leases he closed, and the XL he stopped, wasn't producing oil. In fact all the leases that were cancelled, none of them even had geologist reports done yet. Once those are done, the drilling permit application is requested. Then it's a two year wait for the permits to be approved. So even if the geologist reports were finished, those rigs still wouldn't be up. Even if it was Trump in office.
One thing Trump did do, that was good, was to reduce the drilling permit time down to about 2 years. But Biden didn't change that.
I think they picked him as the one milquetoast politician that polled better than anyone else against the flamboyant Dr. Doom, ops I mean Dr. Trumpenstein. He got the old school GOP's vote, even though they still voted GOP down ballot. None of the other candidates had that.

You don't still believe in polls, do you?
But Trump did not send the country into an economic tailspin like Joe Potatohead and Kamala Cumswallower are doing right now.

Trump helped. All that borrow and spending him and Pelosi did caused a lot of the inflation we have today.
Well have to agree to disagree on that one. All that borrow and spending Trump did (caving to Pelosi's every whim) came at a price.
Then there's the deal that Trump made with OPEC in April of 2020 to reduce oil production. That's when the bust cycle started there and the US. US oil field hands were started being laid off months before the election.
My son was a pipeliner. His layoff came in Sept. of 2020. A lot of his buddies in the oil field were laid off even before him.
Once the bust started and the excess oil was refined and sold, the prices started to climb. And haven't stopped.

I know people put a lot of blame on Biden. Biden does deserve some credit for it. His little tiff with oil companies just made things a little worse. But the leases he closed, and the XL he stopped, wasn't producing oil. In fact all the leases that were cancelled, none of them even had geologist reports done yet. Once those are done, the drilling permit application is requested. Then it's a two year wait for the permits to be approved. So even if the geologist reports were finished, those rigs still wouldn't be up. Even if it was Trump in office.
One thing Trump did do, that was good, was to reduce the drilling permit time down to about 2 years. But Biden didn't change that.
To say Pedo Peter's war on oil didn't effect its price or availability is just stupid.

Trying to spin the gas prices Democrats wanted as something that wasn't their fault is dishonest.
But Trump did not send the country into an economic tailspin like Joe Potatohead and Kamala Cumswallower are doing right now.

The crisis began under the Dirty Donnie Dildouphisass, when the world economies began to shut down in response to the pandemic.

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