Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?

From the OP: "Hey democrats, why did you pick Biden?"​


You're FOS.
In August, 2016, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, had to resign because he had concealed his years working to install politicians loyal to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

While still receiving money from Russia, Manafort then went to work managing Donald Trump’s campaign at a time when Putin wanted Trump to win the presidency. Oddly, Manafort, who made millions of dollars working for Putin, volunteered to manage Donald Trump's campaign for free.

One of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, Carter Page, had many business involvements with Russian oil company Gazprom. When Page became Trump’s foreign policy adviser, he began giving pro-Russia policy speeches in Moscow, which resulted in the FBI looking into his activities.

On the same day that Obama imposed sanctions against Russia, Trump’s campaign adviser, Michael Flynn, spoke to the Russian ambassador and discussed lifting those sanctions.

Flynn lied when asked about his conversation with the Russian ambassador.

During his Senate confirmation hearing, Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, lied to Congress when he said under oath that he had not met with anyone from Russia. In fact, he had met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. While it was not illegal for Sessions to meet with Kislyak, it was illegal to lie to Congress about it.

So, many fucking lies and you believed them.

You're FOS.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.
In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

"Russia, if you're listening"?

NOTHING to see here............move along.

So, how does this prove Trump colluded with Russia?

Smokin'OP, if you're listening...
For the last umpteen years, we've heard the left scream for inclusiveness. Rail against white men. Yall cried your little hearts our for trannies. Blacks seemed to be your gods. Especially if they were gay. You opposed rich white people. You opposed the establishment <<Cool.
And yet, you allowed the media to convince you that the old straight white establishment guy was your man.

What gives? Why did you allow the DNC and the media to force you into supporting Biden. Especially after knowing how the DNC rigs their nominations. How could you have let that happen?

You had blacks, half blacks, other women of color, and a gay guy. But you chose Biden.

I don't get it.

Right wingers, give the left a chance to answer first. Please.
They didn't. Ballot boxes were stuffed, semis full of fraudulent ballots flooded the system, and The Maduro Voting Machines did the rest of the work to pull off The Greatest Election Fraud in World History.
So, how does this prove Trump colluded with Russia?

Smokin'OP, if you're listening...
He colluded with Russia cause they paid Putin to say he colluded with Russia when they gave Putin $14 Million to create the dirty dossier which The FBI and Pelosi used to defraud the American People with and engaged in a 4 year long siege of our Democracy under false pretenses.
The fucking lies, everyone lied.
Then of course his cult dismisses ALL of that.

Listening to lies?
How does one rightly see Trump’s lies and corruption, but is completely blind to old Joe’s 50 year career doing the same?

Partisans of the duopoly are the dumbest creatures in the universe.
You have zero wiggle room commenting on anyone else's intellectual prowess, Mr. Bagohammers.
Sure, Trumptard, you voted for, defend and support a lying, moron.
All the way back when Trump convinced his cult, Mexico was paying for Trump's vanity wall.
How does one rightly see Trump’s lies and corruption, but is completely blind to old Joe’s 50 year career doing the same?
NOT even close to Trump and republican corruption going back to Nixon, every one, has been corrupt or pardoned a criminal.
Partisans of the duopoly are the dumbest creatures in the universe.

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