Hey everybody! Just go get vaccinated ASAP! WHAT? The J&J one has a potential major side effect?

And, yes, the drug does work. The only thing better than science is better science, not opinion.
My wifes friends boss got her second phizer shot on jan 6 and died 3 days ago from the shot. Three months after the second shot.
Lol, 3 1/2 months later?

Yep, 3 months. Young, healthy, no medical conditions.
Highly unlikely the vaccine is responsible.
highly unlikely that you are responsible..... to make any medical decision....
I'm not making any decisions, I'm expressing an opinion.

CDC and FDA will stop using the J&J vaccine after finding out it can cause blod clots?

Why would anyone want to be the guinea pigs for anything brand new in medicine? Unless you 100000% MUST.

I did get my second shot Monday and I am expected to live at "least' another 48 hours.
any noticable side effects besides the sore arm?...
I had some body aches yesterday but today nothing but a sore arm, like the flu shot.
What's a flu shot ?
I had a tetanus shit when I was 12 or so ? I think it was in a butt cheek ?
CDC and FDA will stop using the J&J vaccine after finding out it can cause blod clots?

Why would anyone want to be the guinea pigs for anything brand new in medicine? Unless you 100000% MUST.

I did get my second shot Monday and I am expected to live at "least' another 48 hours.
any noticable side effects besides the sore arm?...
I had some body aches yesterday but today nothing but a sore arm, like the flu shot.
What's a flu shot ?
I had a tetanus shit when I was 12 or so ? I think it was in a butt cheek ?

Wow....thats a hell of a shit.
CDC and FDA will stop using the J&J vaccine after finding out it can cause blod clots?

Why would anyone want to be the guinea pigs for anything brand new in medicine? Unless you 100000% MUST.

I did get my second shot Monday and I am expected to live at "least' another 48 hours.

I'm scheduled to get my second (Moderna) shot tomorrow. It was a no-brainer to get it, and I got the first one scheduled as soon as possible.

However, I have to admit being more than a little pissed off at all the GOP males and evangelicals in general for their refusal to get vaccinated. And do you know why? Out of the millions of them who refuse the vaccine, tens of thousands of them will eventually get sick, and many of them will require hospitalization. And who do you think is going to have to pick up the tab of billions of dollars of tax dollars to pay for their care? It's going to be taxpayers like you and me!!!
not if they have ins ....
What I'm reading suggests the clots occur only in a miniscule number of people who have a certain rare genetic "condition". Prudent, certainly, to hold off on the particular vaccine for now. I would expect quick development of a means to spot the condition before vaccinating OR a modification to the vaccine to deal with it.

The international stats suggest that any individual's chances of experiencing clotting are akin to those of the same individual perishing from having slipped on a turd in San Francisco. OK, so not actually miniscule. But damn slim particularly for those not given to street walking in Baghdad-by-The Bay.
If over 200 people die every day from blood clots then this another hoax media driven attempt to create fear and rob liberties and freedom
CDC and FDA will stop using the J&J vaccine after finding out it can cause blod clots?

Why would anyone want to be the guinea pigs for anything brand new in medicine? Unless you 100000% MUST.

The J&J vaccine is a traditional style shot. Nothing experimental about it.


Its under emergency authorized use currently. Its traditional style and fewer have died from it compared to the thousands that have died and hundreds of thousands that have been injured under the two modified RNA drugs.

Want to offer a bit of proof of that...

A guy you are following on Facebook doesn't count...

I don't follow nor have any social media accounts. Yes, the ones taking the drug are the experiment and the ones not taking it are the control. The populace is the guinea pig.

Dude, you're posting on a social media website as "Lord Brown Trout", so yes you both have and are following social media accounts.

Today, Canada confirmed its approvals of both Astra Zeneca and the Johnson & Johnson vaccines, so any production you folks don't want, we'll cheerfully buy at a discount.

The rate of blood clots in AZ is 1 case for every 250,000 vaccines. The rate for J&J is less than one in a million.

The rate of blood clots for women using birth control is 1 case in 1000 users, and it's even higher for women who smoke. Those risks were known back in the 1960's when I was taking them, because I considered them back when I was taking them. No one has talked about pulling BCP's off the market.

I'm good with the odds on these vaccines.
CDC and FDA will stop using the J&J vaccine after finding out it can cause blod clots?

Why would anyone want to be the guinea pigs for anything brand new in medicine? Unless you 100000% MUST.

Are the idiot progressives still virtue signalling like the dopey idiots they are ...
Couple weeks ago that all they could do on Twatter ....

Tylenol has a higher lethality rate.

This is political pandering.
and there are medications that people take daily that have listed possible side effects that are worse than the condition that they are taking the pills for......yet years later they are still here....

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