Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you

I guess women need to carry fresh quality condoms and buy them, maybe they should charge the man. Everything needs to be done to avoid STD's. If a man wants sex, I'm talking about unmarried people, need to use a condom. I'm not disgusting married people here as we must know that there is an issue with cheating, but that is a different topic, but if you even think your partner is cheating its time for a medical checkup and no sex.

There has been an increase in reports and treatment for STD's over the past few years, so a condom would never be a bad idea for anyone not in a committed relationship. I thought it was also important to point out that a combination of birth control options used at the same time (most of which are available to women), provides more security against an unwanted pregnancy.

Both should be used. Best to avoid a STD than to treat one.
I don't watch it, but its equally disgusting. Why they can't sit at a table I don't know. Well we know, the legs wouldn't show.

Well, that's a matter of opinion, and I don't necessarily find it disgusting. It isn't that I don't understand why you find it disgusting, but they are grown women and they can dress themselves. It may possibly be that you don't like the way they are represented, and how that may be influenced by who they work for, or how men view them. Women are often more critical about how other women dress.

That's also television, which is something I never expect to mirror real life in the business world. To "dress for success" doesn't require a short dress and heels difficult to spend all day in. Which leads back to what can help a woman be more successful, her ability to do the job, all day, all hours, and whenever necessary. In my case, I have more problems with a woman who wears clothes that don't look good on her, than a woman who picks a wardrobe that she can wear, look good, and do the job required. Not to mention, I see some women now wearing yoga pants in public (or any number of poor clothing choices that don't match their body), and I am embarrassed for them.

For people, who may not understand what I meant by "all day, all hours, and whenever necessary", it's in reference to times when the job, or your responsibilities to your job, come first. If you have a family, you are going to need a partner that is willing to burden some of the load. In other cases, it will require making sacrifices that are not common to way many women view things. In the longrun, how well you do the job someone is paying you to do, can always make more of a difference than how they think you look.
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Best to avoid a STD than to treat one.

With some, you can treat the symptoms, but in reality you are just a host, full of blood born pathogens for the rest of your life. It's sad to look at it that way, but some mistakes you cannot fix (at least not yet).
Best to avoid a STD than to treat one.

With some, you can treat the symptoms, but in reality you are just a host, full of blood born pathogens for the rest of your life. It's sad to look at it that way, but some mistakes you cannot fix (at least not yet).

That is why I pro the ACA and expanded Medicaid, we have become ATB resistant. You are right , there are always going to be viruses and bacteria , but we do not need to spread them with sex.
I don't watch it, but its equally disgusting. Why they can't sit at a table I don't know. Well we know, the legs wouldn't show.

Well, that's a matter of opinion, and I don't necessarily find it disgusting. It isn't that I don't understand why you find it disgusting, but they are grown women and they can dress themselves. It may possibly be that you don't like the way they are represented, and how that may be influenced by who they work for, or how men view them. Women are often more critical about how other women dress.

That's also television, which is something I never expect to mirror real life in the business world. To "dress for success" doesn't require a short dress and heels difficult to spend all day in. Which leads back to what can help a woman be more successful, her ability to do the job, all day, all hours, and whenever necessary. In my case, I have more problems with a woman who wears clothes that don't look good on her, than a woman who picks a wardrobe that she can wear, look good, and do the job required. Not to mention, I see some women now wearing yoga pants in public (or any number of poor clothing choices that don't match their body), and I am embarrassed for them.

For people, who may not understand what I meant by "all day, all hours, and whenever necessary", it's in reference to times when the job, or your responsibilities to your job, come first. If you have a family, you are going to need a partner that is willing to burden some of the load. In other cases, it will require making sacrifices that are not common to way many women view things. In the longrun, how well you do the job someone is paying you to do, can always make more of a difference than how they think you look.

Because the women are told to show their legs and wear short dresses and then sit on a couch. Sex sells and Fox knows it. Those women need to look sexy or they won't be on the show.
Because the women are told to show their legs and wear short dresses and then sit on a couch. Sex sells and Fox knows it. Those women need to look sexy or they won't be on the show.

How well a woman manages what she is told to do, and what she wants to do, speaks volumes towards how well she manages to accomplish her goals.

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