Hey Feminists: 1860 called, it has fainting couches to sell you

Your argument is essentially that feminists are complaining about inequality to excuse their own failure to be successful in their area of endeavor. What you are saying is that women need only be as good as you are in order to succeed and that is that. No problems with the cultural patriarchy or the Old Boys' Network or ingrained stereotypes of how a woman should behave.
I don't believe a highly successful woman would say that. It is a man's argument.

What's important to being a highly successful woman isn't between your legs, goofball. :21:
As long as you think that being a woman is the best measure of what has provided her with success, instead of what she has provided in something of value, then you are always going to find yourself fighting with the simple minded.
Why do you keep going between our legs? I NEVER said it was. I said that old wives tale is still circulating. I didn't condone it.
I know, yet why does Fox and Friends have a girl on the couch with two men on each side every morning. She also is in a tight dress up to her crouch. Sex sells, esp on Fox. I suspect they prefer blonds, and have a sex code, tight short dresses and high heels.

How does that apply to their show that comes after that (noon EST), with four women and one guy on the couch (appropriately named "Outnumbered")?
You are ignoring the point, which is how they are dressed.
Why do you keep going between our legs? I NEVER said it was. I said that old wives tale is still circulating. I didn't condone it.

It's reference to what a woman may choose to fight because she is a woman, when I am saying that highly successful women aren't highly successful because they are women. Whether or not you agree with that, doesn't make a difference.
You are ignoring the point, which is how they are dressed.

OMG, are their ankles showing? :confused:

I wouldn't know, because I don't watch. But I can say that I would probably be more concerned about what she has to say, than what she is wearing. Perhaps you think the only thing of value she has to offer is in cloth and lipstick.
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You are welcome. You have some nerve to blame public schools and colleges for their upbringing.
Well when liberals in schools teach little girls how to use dildos and that abortion is a right. What do you think will happen to them.

I do hope they teach them how to put on a condom. I doubt anyone is taught about dildos. Also abortion is a right.
Murder is against the law and not a right. I surely do hope if this stunt keeps Kavanaugh out. Votes come out and vote republican in november, give Trump a super majority. Then he could put a pro life judge in. That would be sweet revenge.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.
But most conservatives want to make it illegal; if only the authoritarian right would mind its own business.
Lol, totally a fallacy. We just don't to pay for it.
Well when liberals in schools teach little girls how to use dildos and that abortion is a right. What do you think will happen to them.

I do hope they teach them how to put on a condom. I doubt anyone is taught about dildos. Also abortion is a right.
Murder is against the law and not a right. I surely do hope if this stunt keeps Kavanaugh out. Votes come out and vote republican in november, give Trump a super majority. Then he could put a pro life judge in. That would be sweet revenge.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.
So you want to be equal, but you don't take responsibility on your own? Rely on the man. Lol

Its about time, don't you think, men take responsibility.
It's her own body, she is responsible for it. So what your saying she is only responsible when she wants to kill her baby, but she is not responsible any other time? Well shit make up your mind, the bad part is you also want us to pay for the abortion. Makes no sense at all.
You can't defend your women abusers so you deflect with a Trump did it too excuse, pathetic.

Its pathetic that he could even get elected or nominated when there were a few decent GOP to nominate. If you wanted a Republican you sure picked the bottom of the bucket.

Don't blame Trump, blame the corrupt DC establishment. Its not Trump's fault that the American people are so fed up with phony politicians that they chose Trump, that's on the phony politicians.

Hey, Reagan was the first divorced President, and also you talk about Hollywood in a neg light, well both Reagan and Trump were ? bad actors.

Also I do not blame Trump, I blame the "poorly educated" that Trump loves so much. You fell for the act and you bought it.

They aren't poorly educated. They truly were and are fed up.

He won by less than 80,000 votes in 3 states, let us remember that.

We are focusing on your concept of what constitutes poorly educated.
Well when liberals in schools teach little girls how to use dildos and that abortion is a right. What do you think will happen to them.

I do hope they teach them how to put on a condom. I doubt anyone is taught about dildos. Also abortion is a right.
Murder is against the law and not a right. I surely do hope if this stunt keeps Kavanaugh out. Votes come out and vote republican in november, give Trump a super majority. Then he could put a pro life judge in. That would be sweet revenge.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.
But most conservatives want to make it illegal; if only the authoritarian right would mind its own business.

I agree, what is it to them if a female they do not even know, gets an abortion. If God gave us free will, then who is the government to take it away.
Freewill with restrictions, you forgot about that tidbit.
Well when liberals in schools teach little girls how to use dildos and that abortion is a right. What do you think will happen to them.

I do hope they teach them how to put on a condom. I doubt anyone is taught about dildos. Also abortion is a right.
Murder is against the law and not a right. I surely do hope if this stunt keeps Kavanaugh out. Votes come out and vote republican in november, give Trump a super majority. Then he could put a pro life judge in. That would be sweet revenge.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.
But most conservatives want to make it illegal; if only the authoritarian right would mind its own business.

I agree, what is it to them if a female they do not even know, gets an abortion. If God gave us free will, then who is the government to take it away.

Here, folks, is a great example of my daily mantra:

If liberals could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.
I know, yet why does Fox and Friends have a girl on the couch with two men on each side every morning. She also is in a tight dress up to her crouch. Sex sells, esp on Fox. I suspect they prefer blonds, and have a sex code, tight short dresses and high heels.

People who think simple thoughts do quite well as lifelong Democrats. They can spew talking points, sound pretty smart to their Democrats friends, and never trouble their brains over it ever again.

Like this post, for example.
You are ignoring the point, which is how they are dressed.

OMG, are their ankles showing? :confused:

I wouldn't know, because I don't watch. But I can say that I would probably be more concerned about what she has to say, than what she is wearing. Perhaps you think the only thing of value she has to offer is in cloth and lipstick.
Perhaps you are as dense as you let on, but I doubt it.
Of course it should matter more what she says. Then why not go with that instead of dressing her like a sex kitten. The men all wear a business suit and tie. No part of their body is unclothed for our viewing pleasure. It is a blatant double standard.
I give our local CBS affiliate props for not hiring sex kittens for their news commentators. The new weather woman is downright fat, if I were to use that word. I prefer heavyset. Kudos. She's there to tell us the weather, not amuse us with her legs or her Barbie figure.
Perhaps you are as dense as you let on, but I doubt it.
Of course it should matter more what she says. Then why not go with that instead of dressing her like a sex kitten. The men all wear a business suit and tie. No part of their body is unclothed for our viewing pleasure. It is a blatant double standard.
I give our local CBS affiliate props for not hiring sex kittens for their news commentators. The new weather woman is downright fat, if I were to use that word. I prefer heavyset. Kudos. She's there to tell us the weather, not amuse us with her legs or her Barbie figure.

Call me stupid for putting more stock in what may be between your ears, or the lack of a desire to see what may be a good looking woman as a sex object because she isn't fat and doesn't dress like someone from the 50's. Whether you are Barbie or Henrietta Hippo, that's never going to make you any smarter.
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Perhaps you are as dense as you let on, but I doubt it.
Of course it should matter more what she says. Then why not go with that instead of dressing her like a sex kitten. The men all wear a business suit and tie. No part of their body is unclothed for our viewing pleasure. It is a blatant double standard.
I give our local CBS affiliate props for not hiring sex kittens for their news commentators. The new weather woman is downright fat, if I were to use that word. I prefer heavyset. Kudos. She's there to tell us the weather, not amuse us with her legs or her Barbie figure.

Call me stupid for putting more stock in what may be between your ears, instead of what is between your legs, or the desire to see what may be a good looking woman as a sex object because she isn't fat and doesn't dress like someone from the 50's. If you are Barbie or Henrietta Hippo, that's never going to make you any smarter.

Feminists are very angry that they cannot change fundamental human nature.

That is part of why the harpies are out in the streets screeching. If you look at the particular harpies screeching, the picture begins to become clear. They are angry that men are valued for power and prestige and women for beauty. Not entirely, of course. But that's the way the scales tip.

I'm not saying it's fair all the time, or that I even like it. But it is what it is.

What I DO want to tell these silly girls is what their great-great-grandmothers would have told them--no woman is more beautiful by being an unkempt, unhinged harpy. You have things to say, say them. But say them coherently and maybe brush your hair first.
Feminists are very angry that they cannot change fundamental human nature.

That is part of why the harpies are out in the streets screeching. If you look at the particular harpies screeching, the picture begins to become clear. They are angry that men are valued for power and prestige and women for beauty. Not entirely, of course. But that's the way the scales tip.

I'm not saying it's fair all the time, or that I even like it. But it is what it is.

What I DO want to tell these silly girls is what their great-great-grandmothers would have told them--no woman is more beautiful by being an unkempt, unhinged harpy. You have things to say, say them. But say them coherently and maybe brush your hair first.

Thanks Sue, but the only problem I have with feminists in that case, are the ones that say looks shouldn't matter, and do so bitching about the way someone looks.

If a woman wants power, and prestige, she better get to earning it the same way a man does in a man's world. How a man gets to the top of the ladder in a room full of men, has very little to do with the way he looks (or at least not in a sex object sense). Women will be treated as women as long as they act like women (especially when it is petty and about looks instead of brains and productivity).
This is modern feminism on best display. No logic, no reason, no arguments. Just caterwauling, screeching, and when that fails, throwing up signs in Charlie Kirk's face.

This is what Jeff Flake confronted in the elevator on Friday as well. Those chicks were not assaulted by Kavanaugh and were not even making that argument. But somehow that assault "happened to them", even though....it probably never happened, and certainly not to them.

These are hysterical, nonsensical, overwrought females. They need fainting couches, smelling salts, and some could CLEARLY use corsets.

Congratulations, Regressives, you've regressed women right back to the Victorian Era. Well done, chickas. You've come a long way, baby.

You obviously have no idea of what feminism is. Its a shame women have to speak up to be heard.

Everyone has to speak up to be heard.
Thank you for your superior opinion, O ye righteous judge. :frown:

You are welcome. You have some nerve to blame public schools and colleges for their upbringing.
Well when liberals in schools teach little girls how to use dildos and that abortion is a right. What do you think will happen to them.

I do hope they teach them how to put on a condom. I doubt anyone is taught about dildos. Also abortion is a right.
Murder is against the law and not a right. I surely do hope if this stunt keeps Kavanaugh out. Votes come out and vote republican in november, give Trump a super majority. Then he could put a pro life judge in. That would be sweet revenge.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.

So, the woman bears no responsibility for a pregnancy? It's only a man who should be responsible for birth control? I find that an odd position for a "liberated woman".
Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.

So, the woman bears no responsibility for a pregnancy? It's only a man who should be responsible for birth control? I find that an odd position for a "liberated woman".

I think what Penelope suggested is that abortion is retroactive or remedial birth control. It's possible she also equates it to the same type responsibility a man takes when he wears a condom.

You could also be correct, because a liberated or independent woman is not always going to leave things to chance, and may very well cover her own bases instead of expecting the man to have a solution specific to her desires.

Look at it this way, as a matter of basic quality control, the longer a guy has been carrying a condom around in hopes of getting laid, the higher the chance the condom doesn't perform to standard. A woman has a fair indication when such an occurrence may actually happen, and can be better prepared. Using a combination of birth control options, often produces more security in birth control as well.
I know, yet why does Fox and Friends have a girl on the couch with two men on each side every morning. She also is in a tight dress up to her crouch. Sex sells, esp on Fox. I suspect they prefer blonds, and have a sex code, tight short dresses and high heels.

How does that apply to their show that comes after that (noon EST), with four women and one guy on the couch (appropriately named "Outnumbered")?

I don't watch it, but its equally disgusting. Why they can't sit at a table I don't know. Well we know, the legs wouldn't show.

Actually abortion is not against the law, if only men would wear condoms.

So, the woman bears no responsibility for a pregnancy? It's only a man who should be responsible for birth control? I find that an odd position for a "liberated woman".

I think what Penelope suggested is that abortion is retroactive or remedial birth control. It's possible she also equates it to the same type responsibility a man takes when he wears a condom.

You could also be correct, because a liberated or independent woman is not always going to leave things to chance, and may very well cover her own bases instead of expecting the man to have a solution specific to her desires.

Look at it this way, as a matter of basic quality control, the longer a guy has been carrying a condom around in hopes of getting laid, the higher the chance the condom doesn't perform to standard. A woman has a fair indication when such an occurrence may actually happen, and can be better prepared. Using a combination of birth control options, often produces more security in birth control as well.

I guess women need to carry fresh quality condoms and buy them, maybe they should charge the man. Everything needs to be done to avoid STD's. If a man wants sex, I'm talking about unmarried people, need to use a condom. I'm not disgusting married people here as we must know that there is an issue with cheating, but that is a different topic, but if you even think your partner is cheating its time for a medical checkup and no sex.
I guess women need to carry fresh quality condoms and buy them, maybe they should charge the man. Everything needs to be done to avoid STD's. If a man wants sex, I'm talking about unmarried people, need to use a condom. I'm not disgusting married people here as we must know that there is an issue with cheating, but that is a different topic, but if you even think your partner is cheating its time for a medical checkup and no sex.

There has been an increase in reports and treatment for STD's over the past few years, so a condom would never be a bad idea for anyone not in a committed relationship. I thought it was also important to point out that a combination of birth control options used at the same time (most of which are available to women), provides more security against an unwanted pregnancy.

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