Hey Geographic America

We elected a President of ALL the United States. Not just NY and LA. Population density does not a country make. The Founders saw fit to give somewhat more equality to less densely populated areas with the knowledge that these areas, although not densely populated, contribute food to the populace (for example).

Trump represents a person who, although born wealthy, understands that America can only be strong if we stand together and embrace our traditional values.

Trump doesn't understand if the light in the refrigerator goes out when the door closes, much less all the things you give him credit for.

Trump was born and bred in the mean streets of the Big Apple. He had spent his entire life as the stereotypical limo riding city slicker.

Yet somehow he knew enough to treat the people in the heartland like PEOPLE, while the broad who opposed him called them deplorables- even after she served a decade as the First Lady of the Arkansasites.

where in the blue f*ck do you get the sh*t ?

We elected a President of ALL the United States. Not just NY and LA. Population density does not a country make. The Founders saw fit to give somewhat more equality to less densely populated areas with the knowledge that these areas, although not densely populated, contribute food to the populace (for example).

Trump represents a person who, although born wealthy, understands that America can only be strong if we stand together and embrace our traditional values.

Trump doesn't understand if the light in the refrigerator goes out when the door closes, much less all the things you give him credit for.

Trump was born and bred in the mean streets of the Big Apple. He had spent his entire life as the stereotypical limo riding city slicker.

Yet somehow he knew enough to treat the people in the heartland like PEOPLE, while the broad who opposed him called them deplorables- even after she served a decade as the First Lady of the Arkansasites.

where in the blue f*ck do you get the sh*t ?


Its factual. Mr. Trump was born and raised in Queens, New York- a pretty tough area of town. One of my college chums was from Queens, I think I know a little about it.
It's okay to rip off old people at a fraudulent "university", and leave them indigent in their old age.

It's okay to make money exploiting human weakness in your casinos.

It's okay to put on lustful contests of the flesh in your beauty pageants, and bust into the girls' dressing rooms hoping to catch them naked.

It's okay to grab pussies and sexually assault women.

It's okay to assent to calling your own daughter a "hot piece of ass".

It's okay to hit on married women.

It's okay to cheat on all three of your wives.

It's okay to marry and divorce as often as you wish.

It's okay to fuck a porn star while you leave your immigrant wife and newborn at home.

It's okay to fuck a beauty contestant while you leave your immigrant wife and newborn at home.

It's okay to make payoffs to the porn star and your other mistresses to win an election.

It's okay to bear false witness against people on an almost daily basis.

BUT DON'T SUCK A DICK! That makes Jesus cry.

Christ on a cracker g5, you're like the pillsbury dough boy today.....on a ROLL!

We elected a President of ALL the United States. Not just NY and LA. Population density does not a country make. The Founders saw fit to give somewhat more equality to less densely populated areas with the knowledge that these areas, although not densely populated, contribute food to the populace (for example).

Trump represents a person who, although born wealthy, understands that America can only be strong if we stand together and embrace our traditional values.

Trump doesn't understand if the light in the refrigerator goes out when the door closes, much less all the things you give him credit for.

Trump was born and bred in the mean streets of the Big Apple. He had spent his entire life as the stereotypical limo riding city slicker.

Yet somehow he knew enough to treat the people in the heartland like PEOPLE, while the broad who opposed him called them deplorables- even after she served a decade as the First Lady of the Arkansasites.

where in the blue f*ck do you get the sh*t ?


Its factual. Mr. Trump was born and raised in Queens, New York- a pretty tough area of town. One of my college chums was from Queens, I think I know a little about it.

You have zero idea of elitism posing itself as anything else than what it is

Serial adulterer, woman, baby. He ditched the woman (his SECOND wife) for another mistress. Then he married her (THIRD wife) and in nine months he was embracing a porn star while his third wife was at home holding another baby.

That's Trump's idea of "family values".

Of course you are stupid enough to need this explained to you. Not surprised.

Maybe more men should do that. Maybe then feminist women (which is most women these days) would try to be nicer to men. Right now women are basically raping men and able to unilaterally kill the offspring. Your insults prove nothing. Why don't you stop it? Discussions can be had without insulting those you disagree with. That kind of nonsense is why no one takes TDSers seriously.
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