Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

Libo, tell us what you did this past weekend dogg, :

Reality: Millions of Democrats are Christians.

OP's reactionary conversation with his toiletries:
Libo-pussy-lips-now, how'd your last math test go?

tbh .............:

I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Where I come from we don't aspire to common. That's why we snicker at posts like yours. The left only denigrates the phony Christians. Real Christians are no problem.
Ignorance really is bliss i guess. Most Democrats who call themselves Christians don't even realize that the snotty Anti-Christian Leftists control the party they blindly support. It's kind of funny but also pretty sad. :(
Libo pig stank's "very Christian" very "non judgemental" view of anyone not Right wing:

dude, if your phony platitudes and moral judgements of others really make you "sad," you seriously need to hit up the vending machine and sign offline.

Libo pig stank's "very Christian" very "non judgemental" view of anyone not Right wing:


lol! Like i said,you really should get to know your own party better. Unless you are also one of those snotty Anti-Christian Leftists? If so,please disregard my advice. :)
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Idiot, my party is Independant. Tell us all about them.

Usmb readers (in blue)
Libofacistforever (in black)

say what?

Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.

I explained a post to some idiots and from that you deduce I hate America. You're another diseased existence.
Idiot, my party is Independant. Tell us all about them.

Usmb readers (in blue)
Libofacistforever (in black)


Yea you're an "Independent."...And i'm the Pope. Now you're a liar too. Cograts. Maybe you should just quit while you're behind. Just a suggestion. :lol:
If the right is so tolerant, how come it's almost all JUST CHRISTIANS???

I don't think so. There are lots of people on the right that are not Christians. What do you mean exatly?? Maybe I'm not getting it.
The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.

That is a really dumb thing to say.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

How do you know the politics of her fans??? You're an idiot and people like you that make these ridiculous assumptions give me the creeps.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

How do you know the politics of her fans??? You're an idiot and people like you that make these ridiculous assumptions give me the creeps.

Lady Gaga is a well known Anti-Christian Leftist so it's not such a leap to believe that most of her fans feel the same way. They sure do cheer pretty loudly when she desecrates a Crucifix and denigrates Christians. The same can be said for Madonna and her fans.

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