Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

And if Lady GaGa were pissing on a picture of Mohammed at her concert, that would be protected free speech.

Lady Gaga is not trying to prevent Christians from building Churches, now is she?
The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.
I wonder if you've had a chance to read and comment on my post here on this thread? It's post #34 on page 3.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

And if Lady GaGa were pissing on a picture of Mohammed at her concert, that would be protected free speech.

Lady Gaga is not trying to prevent Christians from building Churches, now is she?
except for that pissing part. Protected speech does not trump indecent exposure statutes. of course she could be charged with littering too.
I'm sure lil teeny-bopper pop music fans are SOOOOO political too.......dumbass. Wrestling with Demons that don't even exist. :lol:
Most 911 victims' family members oppose this Mosque being built in this location. They see it as being incredibly insensitive & disrespectful. I give their opinions far more weight than the phony Left's. These families see it as being wrong. That's good enough for me.
say what?

Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.

Thank you for giving us an example of religious intolerance, and for showing us the reason why the First Amendment protection of religion exists.
Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.
I'm a Christian and I know there have been sins committed by those calling themselves "Christian". Folks force their narrow, dogmatic beliefs on society and seek cover by calling those beliefs "morality" smack more of the American Taliban than "Christians". Don't be so naive and protective of those sinners.

And the old saw "America: Love it or leave it" just gives cover to those who commit wrongdoings.
I'm not. I'm just scolding a hypocrite who is attacking a very tolerant nation while enjoying the right to do so. People who sin in the name of God often are the source of the worst atrocities, regardless of what they call god.
Most 911 victims' family members oppose this Mosque being built in this location. They see it as being incredibly insensitive & disrespectful. I give their opinions far more weight than the phony Left's. These families see it as being wrong. That's good enough for me.
What's Ron Paul doing in your avatar? Trying to revive the original intent of the constitution? Why don't you look into that document and perhaps you'll find what an incredible mistake you're making in the name of "liberty".
why do you keep saying christians, 14% of republicans are non christian religious. Oh yeah, you hunted them down to 14%. LOFL
Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.

Thank you for giving us an example of religious intolerance, and for showing us the reason why the First Amendment protection of religion exists.
Wow. talk about white being black. Idiot.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.
I'm a Christian and I know there have been sins committed by those calling themselves "Christian". Folks force their narrow, dogmatic beliefs on society and seek cover by calling those beliefs "morality" smack more of the American Taliban than "Christians". Don't be so naive and protective of those sinners.

And the old saw "America: Love it or leave it" just gives cover to those who commit wrongdoings.
I'm not. I'm just scolding a hypocrite who is attacking a very tolerant nation while enjoying the right to do so. People who sin in the name of God often are the source of the worst atrocities, regardless of what they call god.
They aren't attacking the nation. They're attacking those who would ignore the rule of law and embrace the rule of popular politics.
Most 911 victims' family members oppose this Mosque being built in this location. They see it as being incredibly insensitive & disrespectful. I give their opinions far more weight than the phony Left's. These families see it as being wrong. That's good enough for me.

"Most", huh?

Got any concrete numbers, or is that like Fox's "Some" as in "Some people are saying... (blah, blah, blah)"?
Most 911 victims' family members oppose this Mosque being built in this location. They see it as being incredibly insensitive & disrespectful. I give their opinions far more weight than the phony Left's. These families see it as being wrong. That's good enough for me.
What's Ron Paul doing in your avatar? Trying to revive the original intent of the constitution? Why don't you look into that document and perhaps you'll find what an incredible mistake you're making in the name of "liberty".

BULL CHIT! Obviously they have the legal right to build their Mosque. That doesn't make it the right thing to do though. If you want to limit this issue to just a Constitutional issue than that's your problem. That just seems pretty cowardly to me though. It's like what this President just did with his somewhat incoherent & cowardly remarks on this issue. They should just do the right thing and buld their Mosque somewhere else. That's how i feel anyway.
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For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.

Thank you for giving us an example of religious intolerance, and for showing us the reason why the First Amendment protection of religion exists.
Wow. talk about white being black. Idiot.

Yes, saying "Christianity, love it or leave America, because America is a Christian nation", is in fact a perfect example of religious intolerance.
I look at the Mosque issue as a private property issue, might not see their wisdom in doing it but as long as they own the property, don't violate zoning ordinances etc. then I defend their right to build, that sends the right message to the world;imho; that we won't be compromising ourselves Constitutionally because of the actions of a few and before I get called a "leftie", I support the guy holding them paddles in your avatar.:eusa_angel:
"Hey Libopussylypse now, Quit pretending you care about Victims of 9/11 and admit that the only real thing you do around these parts is make pretend political swipes"
Most 911 victims' family members oppose this Mosque being built in this location. They see it as being incredibly insensitive & disrespectful. I give their opinions far more weight than the phony Left's. These families see it as being wrong. That's good enough for me.
What's Ron Paul doing in your avatar? Trying to revive the original intent of the constitution? Why don't you look into that document and perhaps you'll find what an incredible mistake you're making in the name of "liberty".

BULL CHIT! Obviously they have the legal right to build their Mosque. That doesn't make it the right thing to do though. If you want to limit this issue to just a Constitutional issue than that's your problem. That also just seems pretty cowardly to me. It's like what this President just did with his somewhat incoherent & cowardly remarks on this issue. They should just do the right thing and buld their Mosque somewhere else. That's how i feel anyway.
Do you think someone has failed to advise them about that? Short of some criminal direct action against building the mosque, there are no legal means to stop it. You voice and the voices in chorus with you have been heard. The Islamic community seems deaf to you. If they intend this center to be one of inter-faith outreach, they have failed big time. But, that's their problem, not a problem for Liberal Americans to address.

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