Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

As with Popeye. I yam what I yam, and that is all that I yam.

However Olive is not my type of gal.

I like semitic games better than semantic ones.
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Topspin, that is what being tolerant means to them.

Christians are also the only correct people in the world.
I think baptists may be the most correct though?
Demented rantings over?

Christ on a harley, how much mileage can a group get out of one persons demented art of a crucifix in urine? That was what 30 years ago?
lets talk Iran contra then.

I am tolerant of religions as long as they are tolerant of my being an atheist.
I believe in adhereing to the constitution.

Islam teaches to behead or cut the throat of non-believers. Aside from all the BS "peaceful Muslims" will tell you, their holy book says it. But unlike Christians, whose book also says some dumb stuff, Muslims are actually still cutting peoples heads off for not believing. If you spoke the words you just typed in many Muslim nations, you'd be killed.

Islam doesn't tolerate your being an atheist.

I worked for years with some Muslims. No one cut my throat.
say what?

Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.

if you don't post, people won't know exactly how stupid you are.


Honey, you accidentally posted one of your "Daily Inspirations" on a thread again. (Good thing there is an edit but.......oops.....never mind.)
The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.
The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.

the voices in your head don't count as actual people you know.
If the right is so tolerant, how come it's almost all JUST CHRISTIANS???

say what?

Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.
You're wrong sir. I can go down and yell at the faggots and ******* and kikes all I want and no one can do anything about it, well unless I violate disturbing the peace ordinances or something. Otherwise, it's protected speech.

Actually, I'd have to agree here, much as I think people who use racial epithets are assholes.

Though if a riot breaks out, then the screamers could probably be held at least partially guilty for inciting it.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.
say what?

Idiot. The point is if the Right is largely Christian then how tolerant can it be? You and Cally **** (with others) seem to almost always fail in unison.
For someone enjoying the fruits and privileges allotted you from a majority Christian nation, founded on Christian ideals, you sure hate it a lot. How about you go to the middle east or virulently atheist nation like North Korea and live there. See how your bullshit flies.
I'm a Christian and I know there have been sins committed by those calling themselves "Christian". Folks force their narrow, dogmatic beliefs on society and seek cover by calling those beliefs "morality" smack more of the American Taliban than "Christians". Don't be so naive and protective of those sinners.

And the old saw "America: Love it or leave it" just gives cover to those who commit wrongdoings.
I'm not a leftie you dumbfuck and your Gun-VT analogy is as stoopid as the op premise. Not everyone who defends the Right to build the Mosque is on the "Left" or are you too stoopid to comprehend? You blaming 9/11 on Islam is as ingno-ant as Leftists using shootings (such as VT) to say all guns should be banned. You're the ones using Lefty logic you slimy assrat.

Though I don't know about the labeling here, I agree with the analogy.

No-one should be using shootings to justify gun bans, and no-one should be using 9/11 to justify religious discrimination against all of Islam.

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