Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

Real nice, folks.

Couldn't say SHIT if your mouths were full of it,

could you?


SHIT wouldn't melt in y'all's mouths...

I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers.

Art no. Freedom of speech yes. Besides Art is the most subjective thing in the world.

They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

Show me one time where this has happened, one time.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance?

One important difference is that they don't call Christians criminals or attempt to block churches.

Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

And I can pretend to speak for others too when I tell you to shut the fuck up and stop using fallacies.

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What I don't get is why the Left embraces religions and political systems which deny free speech, women's rights, and equality for homosexuals.

What's up with that?

I must've missed the mass exodus of lefties converting to that brand of Islam, or asny brand of Islam, so please show me where that's happened.
I am jut chuckling about the venom that spewed towards myself and others who were supporting the rights of the boy scouts to remain in the building they built. Boy Scouts - bad Sharia Law - good. Don't let your kids near those awful bigots... Ah the irony.

No one defended Sharia law.
Seems to me that it would be mighty helpful if we could stop confusing the actions and words of one or a few with the view of a group.

Saying that 'the left' thinks xxx is as stupid as saying 'the right' thinks xxx. Just sayin'.
I asked a question in the flame, no one seems to want to answer. I'll ask here.

Why ddi yall on the left scream like banshees when tea partiers allegedly used their first amendment right to scream racial epithets at certain law makers that they shouldn't be talking like that, but now that Muslims allegedly have a first amendment right to build this mosque and that NO ONE should be saying differently?

I will self ban for 30 days if anyone can post a legitimate explanation that does not reek of hypocrisy.
Screaming racial epithets is not protected speech. Have you ever heard of "fighting words"? Google it as it is the crux of a SCOTUS decision on free speech rights. Like creaming "Fire!" in a theater.

And if the Muslims have violated their first amendment rights by building a mosque downtown in Manhattan, could you cite how?

Remember, it's the unpopular groups and attitudes that need the protection of the constitution. If it were just based on popularity, there wouldn't be a need to codify rights constitutionally.

I'll see ya next month.

<just kidding. don't ban yourself>

You're wrong sir. I can go down and yell at the faggots and ******* and kikes all I want and no one can do anything about it, well unless I violate disturbing the peace ordinances or something. Otherwise, it's protected speech.
And you do enjoy that, don't you?
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Show five known "Leftists" who have dropped Crosses in jars of urine. Surely, most certainly, you wouldn't be so pathetically dishonest to try and claim the "Left" is responsible for the act of a single artist over 20 years ago. Or are you that fucking sad?

The rest of your rant is igna-ant shit because you try to compare State funded enorsement of religion to a privately funded mosque. But hey, in your camp you don't need facts, evidence, arguments, or intellectual honesty. All you need is sewer-amateur level Coulteresque whine sessions and you dumbasses go into orgasmic heart string mode.
Demented rantings over?

Christ on a harley, how much mileage can a group get out of one persons demented art of a crucifix in urine? That was what 30 years ago?
lets talk Iran contra then.

I am tolerant of religions as long as they are tolerant of my being an atheist.
I believe in adhereing to the constitution.

Islam teaches to behead or cut the throat of non-believers. Aside from all the BS "peaceful Muslims" will tell you, their holy book says it. But unlike Christians, whose book also says some dumb stuff, Muslims are actually still cutting peoples heads off for not believing. If you spoke the words you just typed in many Muslim nations, you'd be killed.

Islam doesn't tolerate your being an atheist.
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Show five known "Leftists" who have dropped Crosses in jars of urine. Surely, most certainly, you wouldn't be so pathetically dishonest to try and claim the "Left" is responsible for the act of a single artist over 20 years ago. Or are you that fucking sad?

The rest of your rant is igna-ant shit because you try to compare State funded enorsement of religion to a privately funded mosque. But hey, in your camp you don't need facts, evidence, arguments, or intellectual honesty. All you need is sewer-amateur level Coulteresque whine sessions and you dumbasses go into orgasmic heart string mode.

You lefties are sensitive to this because you all know damn well how hypocritical you are being on this issue. If someone proposed building a gun shop on or near the Virginia Tech campus you'd go ape shit and you know. And rightfully so btw on that one.

If someone proposed building a General Electric oven factory next to a former concentration camp youd.........well, I dunno, we've witnessed the left's tolerance for Jews lately, you guys may not say much about that one.

But the gun shop, yeah, youd be pissed.

Islam is to 9-11 as guns are to Virginia Tech. Hows that analogy.
I asked a question in the flame, no one seems to want to answer. I'll ask here.

Why ddi yall on the left scream like banshees when tea partiers allegedly used their first amendment right to scream racial epithets at certain law makers that they shouldn't be talking like that, but now that Muslims allegedly have a first amendment right to build this mosque and that NO ONE should be saying differently?

I will self ban for 30 days if anyone can post a legitimate explanation that does not reek of hypocrisy.

Nobody is dumb enough to believe you would honor your word so don't confuse the lack of an explanation for you being right. God could spell it out for you and you would claim it is not "legitimate" because you suddenly became an atheist.

(Here's another hint of how stoopid you are: criticizing speech of others is not the same as trying to remove their speech you assmap)
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Show five known "Leftists" who have dropped Crosses in jars of urine. Surely, most certainly, you wouldn't be so pathetically dishonest to try and claim the "Left" is responsible for the act of a single artist over 20 years ago. Or are you that fucking sad?

The rest of your rant is igna-ant shit because you try to compare State funded enorsement of religion to a privately funded mosque. But hey, in your camp you don't need facts, evidence, arguments, or intellectual honesty. All you need is sewer-amateur level Coulteresque whine sessions and you dumbasses go into orgasmic heart string mode.

You lefties are sensitive to this because you all know damn well how hypocritical you are being on this issue. If someone proposed building a gun shop on or near the Virginia Tech campus you'd go ape shit and you know. And rightfully so btw on that one.

If someone proposed building a General Electric oven factory next to a former concentration camp youd.........well, I dunno, we've witnessed the left's tolerance for Jews lately, you guys may not say much about that one.

But the gun shop, yeah, youd be pissed.

Islam is to 9-11 as guns are to Virginia Tech. Hows that analogy.

I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Show five known "Leftists" who have dropped Crosses in jars of urine. Surely, most certainly, you wouldn't be so pathetically dishonest to try and claim the "Left" is responsible for the act of a single artist over 20 years ago. Or are you that fucking sad?

The rest of your rant is igna-ant shit because you try to compare State funded enorsement of religion to a privately funded mosque. But hey, in your camp you don't need facts, evidence, arguments, or intellectual honesty. All you need is sewer-amateur level Coulteresque whine sessions and you dumbasses go into orgasmic heart string mode.

You lefties are sensitive to this because you all know damn well how hypocritical you are being on this issue. If someone proposed building a gun shop on or near the Virginia Tech campus you'd go ape shit and you know. And rightfully so btw on that one.

If someone proposed building a General Electric oven factory next to a former concentration camp youd.........well, I dunno, we've witnessed the left's tolerance for Jews lately, you guys may not say much about that one.

But the gun shop, yeah, youd be pissed.

Islam is to 9-11 as guns are to Virginia Tech. Hows that analogy.

I'm not a leftie you dumbfuck and your Gun-VT analogy is as stoopid as the op premise. Not everyone who defends the Right to build the Mosque is on the "Left" or are you too stoopid to comprehend? You blaming 9/11 on Islam is as ingno-ant as Leftists using shootings (such as VT) to say all guns should be banned. You're the ones using Lefty logic you slimy assrat.

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