Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.

Define "The Left" for us. Would that include all the Christians who are on the Left politically?

And what about YOUR contempt of those different than yourself? What about YOUR lack of credibility?

Truth hurts douchebag, and saying "chit" like a cutesy little 4 year old is still as good as saying shit.

Yup you Leftists are just soo tolerant. :lol:

Another guy who thinks anyone who disagrees with him about anything is "the left."

That's a tactic to use when your fucking brain is void.

I'm more Conservative than you are, ass clown. There's people dying in uniform to defend our Constitution, and here you are whining "leftist" at anyone who wants to do the same because it hurts your pussy little partisan sensibilities. Get a life, and try interacting with a female once in a while.
And say "shit" once in a while ya wuss, it will put hairs on your chest.
The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. I see no tolerance or respect for religious freedom & expression coming from the Left. So their preaching on this Mosque issue really should and does fall on deaf ears. The Left has nothing but contempt for Christians. They just don't have enough credibility on this issue to be preaching to anyone. I think many Americans agree with me on this.

Define "The Left" for us. Would that include all the Christians who are on the Left politically?

And what about YOUR contempt of those different than yourself? What about YOUR lack of credibility?

OP - read this post a hundred times. If it doesn't enlighten you to anything, print out 6, 000 copies of it, put it in a hard-cover book, and smash your face with it. :lol:
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses.

The Left is constantly insulting and denigrating Christians. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us about religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Show five known "Leftists" who have dropped Crosses in jars of urine. Surely, most certainly, you wouldn't be so pathetically dishonest to try and claim the "Left" is responsible for the act of a single artist over 20 years ago. Or are you that fucking sad?

The rest of your rant is igna-ant shit because you try to compare State funded enorsement of religion to a privately funded mosque. But hey, in your camp you don't need facts, evidence, arguments, or intellectual honesty. All you need is sewer-amateur level Coulteresque whine sessions and you dumbasses go into orgasmic heart string mode.

You lefties are sensitive to this because you all know damn well how hypocritical you are being on this issue. If someone proposed building a gun shop on or near the Virginia Tech campus you'd go ape shit and you know. And rightfully so btw on that one.

If someone proposed building a General Electric oven factory next to a former concentration camp youd.........well, I dunno, we've witnessed the left's tolerance for Jews lately, you guys may not say much about that one.

But the gun shop, yeah, youd be pissed.

Islam is to 9-11 as guns are to Virginia Tech. Hows that analogy.

Off the mark, unless you want to claim the V Tech guy was inspired by a warped version of a gun.
When or if the Left starts showing real respect & tolerance for Christian beliefs and expression,i will certainly give them credibility on issues like this. Currently I see nothing but contempt & ridicule coming from them for the most part. They can deny this if they want to but people with common sense know the truth.
When or if the Left starts showing real respect & tolerance for Christian beliefs and expression,i will certainly give them credibility on issues like this. Currently I see nothing but contempt & ridicule coming from them for the most part. They can deny this if they want to but people with common sense know the truth.
The Left has always shown respect for Christian faith. The Right has to realize that expressing that faith by seeking endorsement from the state is not what America is about. You cannot put a Nativity scene on the city hall lawn. You cannot display the Ten Commandments in a courthouse. When that happens, it happens when the state endorses that particular faith. You really don't want the state to endorse a particular faith, do you?
When or if the Left starts showing real respect & tolerance for Christian beliefs and expression,i will certainly give them credibility on issues like this. Currently I see nothing but contempt & ridicule coming from them for the most part. They can deny this if they want to but people with common sense know the truth.

Hey, you're the whack job defying common sense, and for political purposes, because guess what?




Your entire thread premise flies in the face of "common sense," which is why you're being stepped on and stepped over like the dis-honest pissant that you are.
When or if the Left starts showing real respect & tolerance for Christian beliefs and expression,i will certainly give them credibility on issues like this. Currently I see nothing but contempt & ridicule coming from them for the most part. They can deny this if they want to but people with common sense know the truth.

Hey, you're the whack job defying common sense, and for political purposes, because guess what?




Your entire thread premise flies in the face of "common sense," which is why you're being stepped on and stepped over like the dis-honest pissant that you are.

Watch the spittle. You just got some on me. Now you just sound like a loon. So stop embarrassing yourself. It's not my fault you support a party that hates Christians for the most part. That's a YP not a MP. But good luck with that. :)
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

So all of Lady Gaga's fans are leftists?...:cuckoo::cuckoo:
When or if the Left starts showing real respect & tolerance for Christian beliefs and expression,i will certainly give them credibility on issues like this. Currently I see nothing but contempt & ridicule coming from them for the most part. They can deny this if they want to but people with common sense know the truth.

Hey, you're the whack job defying common sense, and for political purposes, because guess what?




Your entire thread premise flies in the face of "common sense," which is why you're being stepped on and stepped over like the dis-honest pissant that you are.

Watch the spittle. You just got some on me. Now you just sound like a loon. So stop embarrassing yourself. It's not my fault you support a party that hates Christians for the most part. That's a YP not a MP. But good luck with that. :)

you can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of Democrats are Christian. Now, put your fingers in your ears and go la la la la, because that fact alone means that your thread is Partisan Dogshit.........and...you should be ashamed to do it to your fellow countrymen...........but you aren't, because you're not a good person, you're a partisan one.
Hey, you're the whack job defying common sense, and for political purposes, because guess what?




Your entire thread premise flies in the face of "common sense," which is why you're being stepped on and stepped over like the dis-honest pissant that you are.

Watch the spittle. You just got some on me. Now you just sound like a loon. So stop embarrassing yourself. It's not my fault you support a party that hates Christians for the most part. That's a YP not a MP. But good luck with that. :)

you can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of Democrats are Christian. Now, put your fingers in your ears and go la la la la, because that fact alone means that your thread is Partisan Dogshit.........and...you should be ashamed to do it to your fellow countrymen...........but you aren't, because you're not a good person, you're a partisan one.

You don't even know that the party you blindly support is dominated by snotty Leftists who hate Christians for the most part. That's just plain sad. I actually feel sorry for you. You should get to know your party better. :confused:
Watch the spittle. You just got some on me. Now you just sound like a loon. So stop embarrassing yourself. It's not my fault you support a party that hates Christians for the most part. That's a YP not a MP. But good luck with that. :)

you can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of Democrats are Christian. Now, put your fingers in your ears and go la la la la, because that fact alone means that your thread is Partisan Dogshit.........and...you should be ashamed to do it to your fellow countrymen...........but you aren't, because you're not a good person, you're a partisan one.

You don't even know that the party you blindly support is dominated by snotty Leftists who hate Christians for the most part. That's just plain sad. I actually feel sorry for you. You should get to know your party better. :confused:

Does it bother you how dumb you are? My party is "I" <-- read, that's Independant. Now, smash yourself in the forehead.

Secondly, say again with me because it makes your thread retarted: "Millions of Democrats, are Christians."

Once more?

Millions - of - Democrats - are - Christians.

Feel better?
you can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of Democrats are Christian. Now, put your fingers in your ears and go la la la la, because that fact alone means that your thread is Partisan Dogshit.........and...you should be ashamed to do it to your fellow countrymen...........but you aren't, because you're not a good person, you're a partisan one.

You don't even know that the party you blindly support is dominated by snotty Leftists who hate Christians for the most part. That's just plain sad. I actually feel sorry for you. You should get to know your party better. :confused:

Does it bother you how dumb you are? My party is "I" <-- read, that's Independant. Now, smash yourself in the forehead.

Secondly, say again with me because it makes your thread retarted: "Millions of Democrats, are Christians."

Once more?

Millions - of - Democrats - are - Christians.

Feel better?

Well not really. These Democrats are just like you unfortunately. They haven't figured out that their party they support is controlled by snotty Leftists who actually despise Christians. Oh well,stuck on stupid i guess. I can't help them. They can only help themselves.
holy shit chit shit you're dumb. wow.
lol! Like i said,you really should get to know your party better. The snotty Anti-Christian Leftists run your party. I'm actually shocked that so many in the Democratic Party don't know this. Talk about dumb? Hmm?
lol! Like i said,you really should get to know your party better. The snotty Anti-Christian Leftists run your party. I'm actually shocked that so many in the Democratic Party don't know this. Talk about dumb? Hmm?

Your jacket's ready, dude:


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