Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

Sorry...inside joke. But why do you care what Turkey does? We are not Turkey...we have religious freedom.

You can't see how different places/countries have been overwhelmed with Muslims, and what that actually means, in terms of Law and national identity?

If that happens here, we won't have religious freedoms.

In fact, as women, we'll be considered slaves, or worse,

depending on our acceptance of/ADHERENCE TO the Muslim religion.
It won't happen here. You cannot turn the country over to a religious group. Any religious group. Anyone that advocates anything remotely like that will become a laughingstock.

You seem to feel that as a country we are weak and unable to withstand fundamentalism. That is simply not true.

Withstand? Hell, you are embracing it. Who in the hell do you think you are kidding?
You can't see how different places/countries have been overwhelmed with Muslims, and what that actually means, in terms of Law and national identity?

If that happens here, we won't have religious freedoms.

In fact, as women, we'll be considered slaves, or worse,

depending on our acceptance of/ADHERENCE TO the Muslim religion.
It won't happen here. You cannot turn the country over to a religious group. Any religious group. Anyone that advocates anything remotely like that will become a laughingstock.

You seem to feel that as a country we are weak and unable to withstand fundamentalism. That is simply not true.

Withstand? Hell, you are embracing it. Who in the hell do you think you are kidding?
What am I embracing, exactly? I think Muslims are loons. I also think Republicans are loons. But I support their right to enjoy the same constitutional protections as all of their fellow Americans.
I don't know about anyone else but i'm pretty sick of the Leftists preaching to the rest of us about religious freedom and tolerance. They sure are up on their high horses on this whole Mosque on Ground Zero issue no? Pretty bizarre when you consider these are the same people who gleefully drop Crucifixes in urine and call it "Art." They remove crosses at memorial sites for our fallen soldiers. They even desecrate veteran graves by removing crosses. So who are these people to think they can preach to the rest of us on religious freedom & tolerance? Since when has the Left been tolerant of religious beliefs? I guess i didn't get that memo. These people are completely full of chit in my opinion. How can anyone take the Left seriously on issues like this? So i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell the Left to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Who on here ever did the things you mention?
So you're not tolerant of Muslins.

Are you of the opinion that all muslins are morans?

Or do you just dislike the half-breed muslins...you know, the ones that are half muslin, half niggar?
I suppose that what I believe is that they're as committed to their religion as I am to mine,

and they will do their best to act in accordance with what they feel like their God is telling them to do,

just like me.

The difference between us is that my God doesn't instruct me to kill ANYONE in order to convert the entire world to MY religion,

and I'm more than tolerant of other folks religious beliefs,

up to the point that they begin to act like Christian CRUSADERS,

wanting to KILL anyone that does not believe as they do.

Islam is a religion that DOES advocate the complete and utter destruction of non-believers.

If you think it isn't?

You just haven't been paying attention.
Demented rantings over?

Christ on a harley, how much mileage can a group get out of one persons demented art of a crucifix in urine? That was what 30 years ago?
lets talk Iran contra then.

I am tolerant of religions as long as they are tolerant of my being an atheist.
I believe in adhereing to the constitution.

You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.
I suppose that what I believe is that they're as committed to their religion as I am to mine,

and they will do their best to act in accordance with what they feel like their God is telling them to do,

just like me.

The difference between us is that my God doesn't instruct me to kill ANYONE in order to convert the entire world to MY religion,

and I'm more than tolerant of other folks religious beliefs,

up to the point that they begin to act like Christian CRUSADERS,

wanting to KILL anyone that does not believe as they do.

Islam is a religion that DOES advocate the complete and utter destruction of non-believers.

If you think it isn't?

You just haven't been paying attention.

No. I don't pay attention.

Life is too short to get worked up about the shit that happens in the world.
Demented rantings over?

Christ on a harley, how much mileage can a group get out of one persons demented art of a crucifix in urine? That was what 30 years ago?
lets talk Iran contra then.

I am tolerant of religions as long as they are tolerant of my being an atheist.
I believe in adhereing to the constitution.

You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.

I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.
What I don't get is why the Left embraces religions and political systems which deny free speech, women's rights, and equality for homosexuals.

What's up with that?

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Unholy-Alliance-Radical-Islam-American/dp/089526076X]Amazon.com: Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left (9780895260765): David Horowitz: Books[/ame]
The issue is not religious tolerance, it is American precedent, American principle, the American constitution and the law. A 911 mother was on Chris Mathews tonight and expressed her belief the community center has a place in America. And she lost a daughter, you buffoons only lost the last election and you've cried ever since.

Sorry the right has no important issues that help America, time you wingnuts shut up and did something good like supporting American values and the constitution. Oh, and buy American too.

'Should An Islamic Center Be Built Near Ground Zero? - Interview With Sharif El-Gamal, Developer Of Islamic Center In Manhattan'

'Aren’t you afraid it will become a place for protests, and maybe even violence?'

"No, I don’t. I believe that people are good, at the end of the day. When good people come together, and good intentions are behind something, something good is going to happen. I feel so blessed to be an American, to have my local officials, to have my friends, neighbors. To have my Jewish brothers and sisters, my Christian brothers and sisters. To be a New-Yorker. It’s an historic moment for the Muslims in this country. It reaffirms what the foundation of America is."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnAsE1DBya8]YouTube - i ain't afraid[/ame]
Demented rantings over?

Christ on a harley, how much mileage can a group get out of one persons demented art of a crucifix in urine? That was what 30 years ago?
lets talk Iran contra then.

I am tolerant of religions as long as they are tolerant of my being an atheist.
I believe in adhereing to the constitution.

You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.

I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.
I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

In a country such as Turkey, where they are the ruling class,

you WOULD be killed,

and those Muslim "friends" of yours?

Would be the first in line, if for no other reason than to Prove to THEIR friends that they are still as committed as ever.

Sad, but true.
You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.

I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.

What gives you the right to tell someone they're "not a real Muslim"?

Why can't you realize that there are different interpretations of the Qu'ran - just like there are a couple thousand sects of Christianity?
I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

In a country such as Turkey, where they are the ruling class,

you WOULD be killed,

and those Muslim "friends" of yours?

Would be the first in line, if for no other reason than to Prove to THEIR friends that they are still as committed as ever.

Sad, but true.

I've been to Turkey. They didn't kill me.

What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.

What gives you the right to tell someone they're "not a real Muslim"?

Why can't you realize that there are different interpretations of the Qu'ran - just like there are a couple thousand sects of Christianity?

I am not the one deciding who a REAL Muslim is. They define it themselves. THey don't consider American Muslims to be their brothers.
No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.

What gives you the right to tell someone they're "not a real Muslim"?

Why can't you realize that there are different interpretations of the Qu'ran - just like there are a couple thousand sects of Christianity?

I am not the one deciding who a REAL Muslim is. They define it themselves. THey don't consider American Muslims to be their brothers.

Who are "they", and how are they relevant?

Radical, wahhibi Muslims are a small minority of Muslims.

Do you base whether or not someone is a "real Christian" on what Fred Phelps says?

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