Hey Leftists! Answer this question! If You Dare!

Molest who or what?

Not sure what freako point you two are trying to make but has someone actually said that there is a group of people within which there are no "molesters" of fill in the blank.

Toro......gotta love the responses from the fringe gay guys!! Shit...these people get hysterical over everything.:D:D

My question is......if you got somebody like Nuddly banging his cat, does that fall under molestation?

the poster is a married she.....
Homos are ten times more likely to molest children. Stating so doesn't take away from the despicable heterosexuals that molest. They should all be executed after being found guilty. But pretending that homosexuals don't have a huge problem within their small "community" only puts more children at risk.

Yes, there are cases where liberals will be vocal about homos and pedophiles....such as when a Catholic priest is accused or a Republican is outed as a closet homo. But it is obvious they only do so because it is their chance to attack established religion or make fun of their political opposition...not because they care about the children. If they did actually care about the victims, they would be just as vocal about the teachers who are accused of child molestation (far more teachers have been accused than priests), or when Hollywood stars are outed as well. But whenever that happens they seem to fall rather silent.

After all, it doesn't help their agenda to do so. Acceptance of homosexuality is one of their goals, so they are more than willing to look the other way when the Queer-pedophile problem rears its ugly head.
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Do homosexuals molest?

Or is @mal not the sociopolitical genius we all think he is?

1. there are some... far fewer than heterosexuals who molest

a genius? lmao...

this thread just made me sad, though.

The homophobes are getting more and more desperate.

Its as though they're saying its okay that so many more heteros molest children because a few homosexuals do.

And, of course, priests always get free rein.

Two posts, and you haven't actually answered the question, all you have done is pretend that talking about homosexuals in anything but glowing terms makes you a homophobe. Maybe mal actually has a point.

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