Hey, member when Jill Stein said hillary was a bigger warmonger than Trump?

Who cares? She's had her fifteen minutes of fame. Let her sink back into obscurity now.

Member that? I member.

Well, Stein was right about Hillary's planned no-fly zone in Syria. Even Obama was against it and one of her own Generals said that a no-fly zone would cause a war with Russia.

The Obama/Clinton team is responsible for getting the US involved in Syria where over 250,000 innocent men, woman and children have been killed and many more displaced. Obama/Clinton armed terrorists to help take out President Assad who was no threat to the United States. Funny isn't it, that Obama sanctioned Russia for interfering in the elections when they allegedly hacked into the DNC database; however, it's OK for him to take out the duly elected president of another country by force no matter how many innocent lives are lost in the process.

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