Hey Newt, pay off your OWN damn debts!


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
Nobody likes hypocrites. I don't think anyone will dispute that fact. But when the hypocrisy comes from the political leaders and wannabe presidents who routinely see it as their place to preach to the rest of us because they're SO much more responsible than we (the little people) are, it's particularly galling.

Well, it looks like Newt has gotten himself into some serious debt to the tune of about $4 million because his ego (and the ego of his wife, no doubt) kept him in the presidential race long after it was apparent that he didn't have a prayer at securing the nomination.

Now, after months of blasting Romney, I hear Newt is willing to endorse Romney as long as he gets help in retiring his debt? What's that about? "Pay me, and I'll endorse you, Mitt!" It sounds like extortion to me because the inference is that Newt wouldn't endorse Romney unless he gets paid.

Can we finally put an end to the ridiculous notion that people like Newt Gingrich have ANY kind of moral compass at all? If you learned nothing from his serial marriages which came as a result of dumping previous wives, or if you thought that those things were merely issues of personal behavior, guess again. The man is amoral.

Newt Gingrich $4 Million in Debt; Staffers and Creditors Fume

Newt Gingrich ends his White House dream today with his political committee facing a mountain of debts -- owing about $4 million to scores of businesses and campaign workers around the country who fear they will never get paid.

Campaign watchdogs said the size of Gingrich's debt is extraordinary -- and could have been avoided if the candidate and his team had been more disciplined.

"He was reckless in running up these bills, especially in the last month or so of the campaign when it was quite clear that Mitt Romney would be the nominee," said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the watchdog group Citizen Union.

Newt Gingrich $4 Million in Debt; Staffers and Creditors Fume - Yahoo! News

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