Hey Obama!... Stop picking on Girls!

Only a "conservative" would look at this photo and say the man is picking on the woman.

I don't know if only a "conservative" would come to such a conclusion. But certainly, such a person has a very low opinion of women, and thinks them pathetically weak.
Only a "conservative" would look at this photo and say the man is picking on the woman.

I don't know if only a "conservative" would come to such a conclusion. But certainly, such a person has a very low opinion of women, and thinks them pathetically weak.



Pick on someone your own size!



Only a "conservative" would look at this photo and say the man is picking on the woman.



What are you 12?... ^That Shit had ALL the Liberals Panties in a Ball and Stuck WAY up their Asses...

Even the Boys.




*AHEM* ^Somebody was probably shitting themselves over HILLARY!/Lazio when it happened, along with the rest of the Liberal Establishment and it's Lemmings...

ravi being a Current Member. :thup:



Short memory I see. You've already forgotten about the Perry/Romney debate incident. But of course, that was between two white men, and you probably think they can handle themselves fine.




You have said NOTHING that Negates the Liberal Reaction to Lazio Approaching HILLARY! in a Debate...

Try again.



Well, I did, but you don't understand, so I will make it easier for you.

You don't approach another person in a debate and you don't touch them in any way. Ever.

Romney broke this rule with Perry and everyone went ape shit but of course, you don't care because you clearly think only women need protecting.
If I was her I'd keep my eyes on a swivel watchin out for a tall black woman in a blue dress. Michelle might just take a little vacation to AZ and slap that stupid bitch back into last week. White women might "stand by thier man" but a black woman will knock a bitch out if ya fuck with her good man. :lol: :lol:

She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.
Only a "conservative" would look at this photo and say the man is picking on the woman.

I don't know if only a "conservative" would come to such a conclusion. But certainly, such a person has a very low opinion of women, and thinks them pathetically weak.


Only a "conservative" would look at this photo and say the man is picking on the woman.



What are you 12?... ^That Shit had ALL the Liberals Panties in a Ball and Stuck WAY up their Asses...

Even the Boys.





So what's your point? That as as conservative, you're just as much of a misogynist idiot as liberals who are misogynist idiots?
He has thin skin. Brewer was on Greta last night and she said all he wanted to do is talk about her book and how it put him in a bad light. She wanted to talk about the borders, the economy he got upset and walked away from her

I pray to God this isn't how Obama handles meetings with foreign leaders. He sounds like a spoiled little brat without a clue that's playing in the big leagues now.

He has Holder sue states while maintaining loving relationships with Pakistan and other ME countries.
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He has thin skin. Brewer was on Greta last night and she said all he wanted to do is talk about her book and how it put him in a bad light. She wanted to talk about the borders, the economy he got upset and walked away from her

I pray to God this isn't how Obama handles meetings with foreign leaders. He sounds like a spoiled little brat without a clue that's playing in the big leagues now.

He has Holder sue states while maintaining loving relationships with Pakistan and other ME countries.

Not 57 States Obama?...


Say it ain't so!


If I was her I'd keep my eyes on a swivel watchin out for a tall black woman in a blue dress. Michelle might just take a little vacation to AZ and slap that stupid bitch back into last week. White women might "stand by thier man" but a black woman will knock a bitch out if ya fuck with her good man. :lol: :lol:

She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.

Wagging/pointing her finger at the President is disrespectful. If she has a problem with him I am sure she could get him on the phone. She was out of line. There always will be disagreement in politics. There is a time and other places for those that represent a large constituancy to redress their greivances. Grandstanding by appearing to "lecture" the POTUS in front of cameras is ignorant of how one should show respect for his office.
If I was her I'd keep my eyes on a swivel watchin out for a tall black woman in a blue dress. Michelle might just take a little vacation to AZ and slap that stupid bitch back into last week. White women might "stand by thier man" but a black woman will knock a bitch out if ya fuck with her good man. :lol: :lol:

She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.

Wagging/pointing her finger at the President is disrespectful. If she has a problem with him I am sure she could get him on the phone. She was out of line. There always will be disagreement in politics. There is a time and other places for those that represent a large constituancy to redress their greivances. Grandstanding by appearing to "lecture" the POTUS in front of cameras is ignorant of how one should show respect for his office.

Reminds me of this Lying Douchebag...

Who was that?...


Oh yeah, there he go!


If I was her I'd keep my eyes on a swivel watchin out for a tall black woman in a blue dress. Michelle might just take a little vacation to AZ and slap that stupid bitch back into last week. White women might "stand by thier man" but a black woman will knock a bitch out if ya fuck with her good man. :lol: :lol:

She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.

Wagging/pointing her finger at the President is disrespectful. If she has a problem with him I am sure she could get him on the phone. She was out of line. There always will be disagreement in politics. There is a time and other places for those that represent a large constituancy to redress their greivances. Grandstanding by appearing to "lecture" the POTUS in front of cameras is ignorant of how one should show respect for his office.

He starts trashing her when gets off the plane. He's suing her state for following the law in regards to immigration. His blatant disregard for the law is disrespectful to this nation.
If I was her I'd keep my eyes on a swivel watchin out for a tall black woman in a blue dress. Michelle might just take a little vacation to AZ and slap that stupid bitch back into last week. White women might "stand by thier man" but a black woman will knock a bitch out if ya fuck with her good man. :lol: :lol:

She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.

Wagging/pointing her finger at the President is disrespectful. If she has a problem with him I am sure she could get him on the phone. She was out of line. There always will be disagreement in politics. There is a time and other places for those that represent a large constituancy to redress their greivances. Grandstanding by appearing to "lecture" the POTUS in front of cameras is ignorant of how one should show respect for his office.

Just why does the Governor of the State of Arizona need to be respectful of the President? Is he somehow her superior? Or did I miss the coronation?
He got off the plane lecturing her. Just who was disrespectful?
She lit him up. Hell he's more friendly with rogue countries. He's even got lawsuits against states. Yep, she let him have it.

Wagging/pointing her finger at the President is disrespectful. If she has a problem with him I am sure she could get him on the phone. She was out of line. There always will be disagreement in politics. There is a time and other places for those that represent a large constituancy to redress their greivances. Grandstanding by appearing to "lecture" the POTUS in front of cameras is ignorant of how one should show respect for his office.

Reminds me of this Lying Douchebag...

Who was that?...


Oh yeah, there he go!



Clinton did more to ruin the future of the economy during his reign than any president in history. He was the "builder of the bubble". He sold out the local community media ...allowing the conglomoration of too many radio and television stations by corporate moguls .. He advanced the destruction of American manufacturing promoting outsourcing putting our trade deficit into a tailspin.

Clinton got credit for an economy not of his making. He fought with and sued Microsoft more than once. Microsoft as a corporation did more to advance the economy of this country in ways that we still enjoy than Clinton ever dreamed of.

Piss on Clinton.

Oh ya...what were we talking about?...:lol:
Pretty dirtbag move on his part. He's an amateur. Should have never been President.

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