Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.
Um, it specifcally deals with the hostage crisis. You seem to only like the Constitution when you think it helps you. That's not the way this game is played. Now, use the Constitution to show how a treaty is entered into. Oh yes, you do know that an "accord" is not a treaty, right?

22 U.S. Code § 1732 - Release of citizens imprisoned by foreign governments

22 U.S. Code § 1732 - Release of citizens imprisoned by foreign governments
Whenever it is made known to the President that any citizen of the United States has been unjustly deprived of his liberty by or under the authority of any foreign government, it shall be the duty of the President forthwith to demand of that government the reasons of such imprisonment; and if it appears to be wrongful and in violation of the rights of American citizenship, the President shall forthwith demand the release of such citizen, and if the release so demanded is unreasonably delayed or refused, the President shall use such means, not amounting to acts of war and not otherwise prohibited by law, as he may think necessary and proper to obtain or effectuate the release; and all the facts and proceedings relative thereto shall as soon as practicable be communicated by the President to Congress.

The Algiers accords were upheld under Dames & Moore v. Regan, cert. granted, 101 S. Ct. 3071 (1981).

Once again you run away. An "accord" reached in 1981 specifically about American Hostages has nothing to do with anything. International Law does not trump (no in intended) the Constitution. Now show the Constitutionally prescribed method of entering into a treaty because nothing else matters.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.

Considering how much you act like a know it all idiot you are in no position "guarantee" anything about anyone.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.


You people are unbelievably retarded. Seriously.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.


You people are unbelievably retarded. Seriously.

They absolutely are, it's astonishing.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.

Considering how much you act like a know it all idiot you are in no position "guarantee" anything about anyone.

I guaranteed this and stand by it.
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.


You people are unbelievably retarded. Seriously.

Retarded is believing every word Trump tells you.
I think we can all agree if Trump had not brought up the chance of tapes Comey the treasonous leaky clown would have lied his ass off...Nice job Mr. President.
I'm shocked. LOL
He never said he had tapes.

God you people are as stupid as a bag of rocks.
I KNOW what he said, KG. The people who were stupid were the ones who kept wondering if he really did have tapes. I knew it was bullshit.

I knew he had no tapes. But I guarantee you that each of these conservatives here believed he had tapes that he could use to make Comey out to be a liar.


You people are unbelievably retarded. Seriously.

Retarded is believing every word Trump tells you.
Retarded is being a democrat....
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.

How did he lie when he tweeted Comey better hope there was no tapes?
He never said there was tapes.
The US owned Iran 400 dollars that had to be delivered in small denomination in the middle of the night? Really?

Obama got 10 sailors released by paying the Iranian kidnappers from their own bank account.
Then he violated the law.
President Obama Violated the Law with His Ransom Payment to Iran

Hardly the payments were because of a tribunal set up by trreaty. And treaties are the highest laws of the land
Since you are on a discussion board I know you can, now the question is, did you read the linked article? That money they claim they were giving back was held since the Shaw of Iran and you are telling us that it just so happened to be return the very day that the hostages were released? Really? Are you really that gullible?
The US owned Iran 400 dollars that had to be delivered in small denomination in the middle of the night? Really?

Obama got 10 sailors released by paying the Iranian kidnappers from their own bank account.
Then he violated the law.
President Obama Violated the Law with His Ransom Payment to Iran

Hardly the payments were because of a tribunal set up by trreaty. And treaties are the highest laws of the land

Tell us how Iran "deal" was Treaty?
Then he can tell us how the treaty said that the money returned would be in small unmarked bills sent on an unmarked plane in the dead of night. If a drug lord did the same thing we would put them in prison.
Nice head fake by Trump

Comey is history, a sad footnote in FBI history

Head fakes only work if they lead to a layup or an open shot.

Trump's weak ass shit got knocked into the 5th row.

Don't try to be clever with basketball analogies, Repug troll. You simply ain't got the intellectual guns.

I'm being a little too harsh...it's not your fault that you were born a fucking idiot incapable of criticizing your Dear Leader.

I sincerely believe you are being inaccurate – and perhaps a wee bit ignorant – in calling SassyIrishLass “a fucking idiot incapable of criticizing your Dear Leader.” I believe the lady knows more about head fakes than you do. You seem to think the term applies only to basketball and it doesn't. Most people on the USMB know it also applies to another rather well known sport called football. In football “open shot” is sometimes, although rarely, used to indicate a wide open receiver and the word “layup” is never heard. In football, a head fake is used to make a potential tackler go in the wrong direction.

The phrase “head fake” is also commonly used outside of the realm of sports. In stock market parlance it is used to indicate an increase or decrease in stock price or market performance that is quickly followed by a shift in the opposite direction. The words are also generally used define a socially acceptable deception designed to influence others to do something they would not otherwise do. Sometimes the phrase is used to accomplish one thing under the pretense of accomplishing another. One author wrote that “'….a head-fake occurs when someone is taught a deeper lesson under the pretense of learning something simple — when a high school football player learns determination, teamwork, and perseverance while seeming to learn a proper three-point stance, for instance.” You can read about that one at the following link:


Conclusion: I don't know why you went ballistic over the simple use of the words “head fake”. At any rate, SassyIrishLass was right. Trump said that Comey better hope that none of his conversations were recorded. It really didn't matter whether they were recorded or not It was sufficient that Comey believed they might have been. Trump got inside Comey's head and convinced him not to stray too far from the truth when testifying before the Senate Committee. It was a head fake, a classic head fake, a brilliant head fake. Comey is not an honest man and the world will never know what lies he may have told if he thought he could get away with it.

PS: For shock value, vulgar language is sometimes effectively used in literary works; however it is never to be used simply to insult a person. Vulgar personal insults are not indicia of intelligence; instead, those who uses such language portray themselves as childish, unrefined, uneducated potty-mouths.

You can have the last word. I anticipate your response will be nothing but a barrage of personal insults and although I could easily defeat you in the battle of insults (I served in the Marines) I will not go there. I do not engage in character assassination; besides, in your case there isn't anything left to kill.
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It's sad how the only way to ensure a Democrat does not lie under oath is to issue the bluff before hand that there may be tapes of the conversation. :p
It's sad how the only way to ensure a Democrat does not lie under oath is to issue the bluff before hand that there may be tapes of the conversation. :p

It's sad how the only way to ensure a Democrat does not lie under oath is to issue the bluff before hand that there may be tapes of the conversation. :p

He was a lifelong Repub till just last year.
Don't fool yourself, there is corruption in both parties and it's being exposed, which is why some voted for Trump - to get it exposed. :)

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