Hey there team


In the pipe, 5x5
Aug 30, 2010
I'd like to dispense with the obligatory massaging of egos before I begin:

I've been stealthily trolling this forum for about a week, now, and I am genuinely happy to have finally found a group of mature (mostly), reasonable (to a point), intelligent (as far as that word can go when politics are in play), and agreeable, though not necessarily like-minded people. I'm looking forward to some good, intellectual, and rhetorical sparring, as well as the occasional full-frontal assault of savage wit.

Now that I have that out of the way:

I won't sit here and say that I'm all that old or gnarly, because I'm not. Nor am I some fresh-faced net rat with feelings as fragile as bone china. I work in a profession that I'd describe from the inside as completely apolitical, while from the outside being most people's manifestation of political "leverage". I also don't like riddles. Go figure.

As far as leaning, I'll just say that I am extremely passionate about 2 things: my family and my country, and in that order. I lean towards that which I see to be the best for both. I don't like political parties, and don't register as a blue guy or a red guy. In the interest of honesty, I'll say that I've voted republican since I turned 18, but never for the same reason twice. I have passionate views on right and wrong, with a small but potent margin for error and shades of gray.

Most importantly, I believe that the only thing that the world can never take from a man is his integrity. That is something only he can give up. That being said, I will never knowingly falsify information and I'll never play dumb when I know better.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you on the forums.

PS- I probably sound like a complete stick in the mud, but...oh I guess you'll see for yourself.

-The Jerk
Well. OK. Now that you have that out of the way, tell us about your blood type and how easily a vampire can get to your neck veins. All the rest is just frosting on the cake. BTW, welcome.
Welcome, Jerkinthebox. Nice intro...though I could go for an ego massage about now.

Ego massages are rare delicacies, so enjoy that one. And Ringel...you're a NoVA dweller as well...I can only hope you're the GMU type and not the GWU type :razz:
Welcome, Jerk!

You have no idea how many times I've wanted to say that before today. :lol:

Let the games begin!
Well .. I do hope your posts are shorter than your introduction...

I did find your introduction interesting.. a play on balance

Family then Country.. that works for me... Welcome to the Ride...

(Heck...this wasn't funny at all)
yeah...I was doing my best to avoid studying for the 5th hour in a row, so typing up that big thing was a nice respite. I'm only long winded when i'm bored or reeeeeally mad. Generally.
Not a whole bunch to brag about, not poetic as Jerk... I'll dispense with the formalities... former military, worked military related contracts since that time. Just a citizen who's been around a bit... and a while, seen a lot of things... some I'd rather not have. Lived a lot of life, none I regret.
Blood type: O+

Need more?
Not a whole bunch to brag about, not poetic as Jerk... I'll dispense with the formalities... former military, worked military related contracts since that time. Just a citizen who's been around a bit... and a while, seen a lot of things... some I'd rather not have. Lived a lot of life, none I regret.
Blood type: O+

Need more?

Must be some good punch!
I've been stealthily trolling this forum for about a week, now, and I am genuinely happy to have finally found a group of mature (mostly), reasonable (to a point), intelligent (as far as that word can go when politics are in play), and agreeable, though not necessarily like-minded people.

Apparently, you have not read any of my posts.

I am xotoxi...a demi-god of sorts.
Welcome, although I don't think any of us are really sure of what side of the team we are on. Pappadave

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