Hey Ya Know What?

Challenge me on that.

Okay, well I should not have to challenge simple facts.

Perhaps you could argue why the old Democratic party was closer to liberalism.

I do not really care either way though.

"Perhaps you could argue why the old Democratic party was closer to liberalism."

Also false.

The communist John Dewey had the Socialist Party change it's name to 'Liberal.'
Hence, Modern Liberals.....socialists.

That and the Democrat Party bear no resemblance to the classical liberals who founded this nation.
They, and modern conservatives, center their doctrines on individualism, limited constitutional governments, and free markets.....all of which are anathema to Liberals, Democrats, and socialists.

Gads, you're full of malarkey.

A supporter of the protectionist yakking on about the founders and free markets.

Which is a lie btw. The founders did not support free markets.
Challenge me on that.

Okay, well I should not have to challenge simple facts.

Perhaps you could argue why the old Democratic party was closer to liberalism.

I do not really care either way though.

"Perhaps you could argue why the old Democratic party was closer to liberalism."

Also false.

The communist John Dewey had the Socialist Party change it's name to 'Liberal.'
Hence, Modern Liberals.....socialists.

That and the Democrat Party bear no resemblance to the classical liberals who founded this nation.
They, and modern conservatives, center their doctrines on individualism, limited constitutional governments, and free markets.....all of which are anathema to Liberals, Democrats, and socialists.

Gads, you're full of malarkey.

The above is nonsense.
How many did Martin Luther King start with?



All movements have a beginning.

The fact that you hold Trump in the same regard as your list shows your delusion quite clearly.

I do not. Only illiterate people would assume that.

It's clear what you were inferring. What is the "Trump movement" you refer to anyway?

I was referring to the growth of movements from small beginnings.

I do not know that there IS a "Trump movement", but there is a definite movement to get the Democrats out of the kitchen. How successful it will be, only time will tell.

So if there's no movement per se and no comparison personally with Trump, then what's your point?

Great things start small.

Hard for you to grok, eh?

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