

Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
I skipped the introduction when I first posted, and jumped right in starting my own thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

I have now been here long enough to polarize some people into freinds, and not so friendly. But I thought I would like to explain myself to the community now.

I have been what I consider to be a truth seeker all my life, and I have spared myself nothing in the search, and I have been involved in many religions and cults over the last fifty years. I have found much wrong with the bible so I searched in the practical occult, and I have found much wrong with that.

I conclude that I do not know what is true, but this is what I suspect, and is the core teaching of the occult.

We are immortal spiritual beings that are incarnate in the flesh for experience sake.
We live thousands of lifetimes on many different planets over countless ages.
All memory of our past lives is stored in what is called the soul, or causual body, which is a formless bubble of divine conciousness that is infinitely expandable.
What that means is that our soul is a small piece of God sealed off into what appears to be a separate being. But in reality we are Gods within God.
After we reach enlightenment we no longer reincarnate and we remember all our past lives, and live on as immortals in a higher dimension, and we continue to evolve.

I have had many messages from the spirit world about such things and I have had personal psychic experiences.

In the 1960s I rejected the God of wrath of the bible as a myth and everything I have learned since tells me that if there is a God he does not burn anyone in hell.

So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.
I have written quite a bit on my findings and you can read them here on my thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

Love me or hate me, I am still only interested in what is true and not what people believe.
So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.

I thought the same after reading the Bible, and the Quran is nothing like you describe.
God allows free will out of love. That free will often leads to sin which has consequences for us and others. Pretty simple really. I also am a Christian, yet believe that God is the sum total of intelligence in the Universe. That is how there is an omnipresence.
I skipped the introduction when I first posted, and jumped right in starting my own thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

I have now been here long enough to polarize some people into freinds, and not so friendly. But I thought I would like to explain myself to the community now.

I have been what I consider to be a truth seeker all my life, and I have spared myself nothing in the search, and I have been involved in many religions and cults over the last fifty years. I have found much wrong with the bible so I searched in the practical occult, and I have found much wrong with that.

I conclude that I do not know what is true, but this is what I suspect, and is the core teaching of the occult.

We are immortal spiritual beings that are incarnate in the flesh for experience sake.
We live thousands of lifetimes on many different planets over countless ages.
All memory of our past lives is stored in what is called the soul, or causual body, which is a formless bubble of divine conciousness that is infinitely expandable.
What that means is that our soul is a small piece of God sealed off into what appears to be a separate being. But in reality we are Gods within God.
After we reach enlightenment we no longer reincarnate and we remember all our past lives, and live on as immortals in a higher dimension, and we continue to evolve.

I have had many messages from the spirit world about such things and I have had personal psychic experiences.

In the 1960s I rejected the God of wrath of the bible as a myth and everything I have learned since tells me that if there is a God he does not burn anyone in hell.

So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.
I have written quite a bit on my findings and you can read them here on my thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

Love me or hate me, I am still only interested in what is true and not what people believe.

I here ya. 9/12 I'm on Amazon getting a copy of the Quran. And like you about page six I'm smelling a rat. This is the biggest ball of bunco ever created if you leave out the first Ponzi scheme. Sorry folks, but I know bullshit when I read it and the Quran is a pile of badly edited, plagerized bullshit.
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So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.

I thought the same after reading the Bible, and the Quran is nothing like you describe.

Either the quran is the words of God, or it is evil lies about God.

Which do you think it is?
Why do you have it narrowed down to just those two choices?

What other possibilities can there be? either the quran is what it claims to be, which is the words of God dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Or it is a book of evil lies that suit Muhammad's warmongering schemes.
You will find it incites wandering Arabs to fight Muhammad's battles for him, or face the wrath of God. What is more the quran separates people into believers and unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgment, and it sets them at war with each other.

It even says Gods curse is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hellfire.

I say that even a brain dead donkey ought to be able to work out that the quran is an evil book of lies about God, that makes God out to be a merciless monster, and what can be more evil than that?
Most libraries have a fiction section. I am well aware of Islam and what it means.
I skipped the introduction when I first posted, and jumped right in starting my own thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

I have now been here long enough to polarize some people into freinds, and not so friendly. But I thought I would like to explain myself to the community now.

I have been what I consider to be a truth seeker all my life, and I have spared myself nothing in the search, and I have been involved in many religions and cults over the last fifty years. I have found much wrong with the bible so I searched in the practical occult, and I have found much wrong with that.

I conclude that I do not know what is true, but this is what I suspect, and is the core teaching of the occult.

We are immortal spiritual beings that are incarnate in the flesh for experience sake.
We live thousands of lifetimes on many different planets over countless ages.
All memory of our past lives is stored in what is called the soul, or causual body, which is a formless bubble of divine conciousness that is infinitely expandable.
What that means is that our soul is a small piece of God sealed off into what appears to be a separate being. But in reality we are Gods within God.
After we reach enlightenment we no longer reincarnate and we remember all our past lives, and live on as immortals in a higher dimension, and we continue to evolve.

I have had many messages from the spirit world about such things and I have had personal psychic experiences.

In the 1960s I rejected the God of wrath of the bible as a myth and everything I have learned since tells me that if there is a God he does not burn anyone in hell.

So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.
I have written quite a bit on my findings and you can read them here on my thread, "is the quran Gods words" on the religion forum.

Love me or hate me, I am still only interested in what is true and not what people believe.

books are books and religions are religions and there really isn't anything inherently good or bad about either. they are written for the culture of the time when rules weren't really codified as such. i've read the koran too, and i have read the bible...and i read both to my kid when he was growing up and to be honest with you, pretty soon he wouldn't let me read the bible to him becaause it is scarey as all hell, but he liked the koran because of the calligraphy. he and i are grown up now and are both what we were always...irish roman catholic.

i find it strange somewhat that you say you started reading the koran with an open mind right after 9/11 to find out what islam is all about. i mean, i worked in a very culturally diverse warehouse at night in an industrial area of town and after 9/11 i was asked by fellow workers to walk them to their cars because they were afraid...even sikhs. are you sure you weren't agenda driven. you may want to look into yourself on that one.

one of my very best friends and a person whose kindness is unbounded is of the islamic faith. he's from senegal but came here and was working to get his family over.

christians dropped an atom bomb on buddhists. you can look at things all different ways.

people are people.
So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.

I thought the same after reading the Bible, and the Quran is nothing like you describe.

Either the quran is the words of God, or it is evil lies about God.

Which do you think it is?

man, there are other options.

you sound like a true believer. once i was invited out by a friend of mine to go to this thing at eagle's auditorium in seattle. he was my bud and was teaching me mandarin (his wife was chinese) so i said"sure. why not." i had no idea what it was all about.

well, i go in and all of there was goin' on was a cacaphony of sound and people were being saved and praising jesus and ululating like wild bean sidhes and it was sort scarey. my friend's pupils pinpointed and he starts tellin' folks he's a "back slider and starts huggin' people and crying his eyes out.

off in the corner, some kid in a wheelchair was being told to "get up and walk. Take the Lord's spirit in you and walk!!!" and he tried and tried and fell down and fell down, musta been eight times. and every time they they would put him back in his chair and told him he had to believe harder...that he didn't believe hard enough. well, i couldn't take it anymore, went over to him and whispered "let me get you ot of here." he said thanks and i wheeled him out.

we sat out on the corner waiting and talking until my friend came out. i called his sister and she came and got him home.

my friend came out a few minutes later. he was all sweaty and had that thousand yard stare i've only seen before in real scarey places. i said "man, i sure could use some of that backslidin' i heard you talkingt about." there was a bar on the opposite corner i did a quick act of contrition before i jay walked across the street.

anyhoo...the point is basically, that the first amendment to the constitution of the united states of america kinda says the koran is the word of god, although not exclusively, or even that there is a word of god definitively, and that people have the right to believe it, and that is followed by your right to depict it as some evil word and preach the hatred of it and those who adhere to it...but i sure feel sorry for the poor soul who had the msifortune to be born crippled and is wheel chair should he run into you. ain't god supposed to be about love. well, i'm not feelin' it, man.
Why do you have it narrowed down to just those two choices?

What other possibilities can there be? either the quran is what it claims to be, which is the words of God dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Or it is a book of evil lies that suit Muhammad's warmongering schemes.
You will find it incites wandering Arabs to fight Muhammad's battles for him, or face the wrath of God. What is more the quran separates people into believers and unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgment, and it sets them at war with each other.

It even says Gods curse is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hellfire.

I say that even a brain dead donkey ought to be able to work out that the quran is an evil book of lies about God, that makes God out to be a merciless monster, and what can be more evil than that?

ya know what? i got sucked in but i don't think this topic belongs here so i am exiting out of this discussion. stop being a hater. it isn't christian like.
So when muslims crashed planes into the world trade center I wanted to understand why, and I read the quran. I started reading it with a completely open mind, but within twenty minutes of opening it I smelled a rat. It was full of references to bible stories ,and poor in narative, with very little original material. All my subsequent readings of the quran confirmed to me that it is not the words of God, but the words of a cunning Arab bandit.

I thought the same after reading the Bible, and the Quran is nothing like you describe.

Either the quran is the words of God, or it is evil lies about God.

Which do you think it is?

The Bible is a made up fairy tale, so the Quran cannot be full of lies about God, or the truth about God, either.
Why do you have it narrowed down to just those two choices?

What other possibilities can there be? either the quran is what it claims to be, which is the words of God dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Or it is a book of evil lies that suit Muhammad's warmongering schemes.
You will find it incites wandering Arabs to fight Muhammad's battles for him, or face the wrath of God. What is more the quran separates people into believers and unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgment, and it sets them at war with each other.

It even says Gods curse is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hellfire.

I say that even a brain dead donkey ought to be able to work out that the quran is an evil book of lies about God, that makes God out to be a merciless monster, and what can be more evil than that?

You need to get educated and go back to school. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, and there is more violence in the Bible than any other book I have written.

If the Quran is lies about God, why don't God and Muhammed have a mythical sky fairy fight?
Why do you have it narrowed down to just those two choices?

What other possibilities can there be? either the quran is what it claims to be, which is the words of God dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Or it is a book of evil lies that suit Muhammad's warmongering schemes.
You will find it incites wandering Arabs to fight Muhammad's battles for him, or face the wrath of God. What is more the quran separates people into believers and unbelievers in Muhammad and the day of judgment, and it sets them at war with each other.

It even says Gods curse is on unbelievers, and they will burn in eternal hellfire.

I say that even a brain dead donkey ought to be able to work out that the quran is an evil book of lies about God, that makes God out to be a merciless monster, and what can be more evil than that?

You need to get educated and go back to school. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, and there is more violence in the Bible than any other book I have written.

If the Quran is lies about God, why don't God and Muhammed have a mythical sky fairy fight?

Written? Really? How old are you? :lol:
You need to get educated and go back to school. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, and there is more violence in the Bible than any other book I have written.

If the Quran is lies about God, why don't God and Muhammed have a mythical sky fairy fight?

I do not need to go back to school to see through the quran. I left school 50 years ago, and although I was not an academic sucess, I have spent the entire last 50 years looking into various cults, and religions.

Therfore when I say it took me only twenty minutes from my first reading of the quran to see there were things wrong with it. I was bringing 50 years experience to the conclusion.

I do not care what is wrong with the bible as that is not my concern. But the fact is the quran is largely stolen from the bible, and other sources, such as Arab myths.

I have said on my thread "is the quran Gods words" that there is only one meaning to the quran and that is, OBEY MUHAMMAD. Reading between the lines of the quran that is the only message it has. The nice bits of the quran are just attempts to seduce the gullible.
Just like the saying, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Since the quran says unbelievers in Muhammads message will burn in eternal hell, I stand prepared to risk my immortal soul spending an eternity of burning by entirely rejecting his rotten book. That is how sure I am that I am right.
You need to get educated and go back to school. I have read the Quran and I have read the Bible, and there is more violence in the Bible than any other book I have written.

If the Quran is lies about God, why don't God and Muhammed have a mythical sky fairy fight?

I do not need to go back to school to see through the quran. I left school 50 years ago, and although I was not an academic sucess, I have spent the entire last 50 years looking into various cults, and religions.

Therfore when I say it took me only twenty minutes from my first reading of the quran to see there were things wrong with it. I was bringing 50 years experience to the conclusion.

I do not care what is wrong with the bible as that is not my concern. But the fact is the quran is largely stolen from the bible, and other sources, such as Arab myths.

I have said on my thread "is the quran Gods words" that there is only one meaning to the quran and that is, OBEY MUHAMMAD. Reading between the lines of the quran that is the only message it has. The nice bits of the quran are just attempts to seduce the gullible.
Just like the saying, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Since the quran says unbelievers in Muhammads message will burn in eternal hell, I stand prepared to risk my immortal soul spending an eternity of burning by entirely rejecting his rotten book. That is how sure I am that I am right.

sheesh...we get it already. you're an islamophobe who hates muhammad and you're a bigot who had his mind made up before he even opened the book.

lessee..just after 9/11 you decided to read the holy koran to find out why people would fly planes into buildings and 20 minutes later, voila, you had your answer. yeah...every indication of an open mind to me.

how do ya feel about roman catholics there, boss. how about buddhism? judaeism? i ya go looking for hate, you're gonna find it. is that what the essence of your quest for a greater spirituality entails, looking for reasons to hate.

why do you even care what other people believe...or don't believe. here's a clue. i went to the sagart for a bearing of my soul things, a confession. i told him i didn't have a lick of faith and i neither believed nor disbelieved in god and the question, well, i got tired of thinking about it. i asked if i could still be a catholic. he says "sure. just don't close your heart to god and be kind to people and we're good to go." i said "cool". the end.

don't be a hater.

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