Hiding a college transcript v hiding tax returns

The logical conclusion, i.e., the sort of conclusion that conservatives aren't interested in unless it suits their agenda, is that Romney paid a lower rate than 14% in at least some of the years he's hiding.

The big problem for Romney in showing how low a rate he paid those years is that his tax plan is based primarily on the argument that people like himself need to pay LOWER rates.

The logical conclusion, i.e., the sort of conclusion that progressives aren't interested in unless it suits their agenda, is that Obama’s grades were lower than expected, at least all of the years he's hiding.

BTW that's what getting fucking owned looks like. Don't trip over your hypocrisy.

You're comparing two unrelated items. That's idiocy.

No, just RW ideology.
You sound as shallow as the conservatives harping about Obama's college transcripts.

Seriously neither one tells us anything we need to know about how Romeny might be over the next for years or how Obama was over the last 4 years.

Do you deny that the central theme of GOP tax policy is the need to keep rates low, or lower rates,

on the 'job creators'?

That's quite an amusing argument to try to make if you're a multi-millionaire who's already been paying 10% or so for years.

How is Obama's tax policy any different? You know, tha actual policy Obama passed and put his name on. Obama claims to be one of the biggest tax cutters in US history.

Man people on these boards or so full of shit it's amazing.

Are this stupid in real life? ...that you have missed the issue of letting the top tax rate cuts expire? Or that the GOP has used the 'job creators' talking point about 14 zillion times in arguing for tax CUTS for the wealthy?

Central theme for the conservative tax policy is flat tax.. equal taxation for all on every dollar earned...

So if you don't like the GOP policy, come to equality rather than class warfare

The GOP doesn't support a flat tax.

And as to equality, a progressive tax is equality. Everyone pays the same rate on the money earned in each bracket.

Spending <- the man republicans have chosen as the ultimate representative to run for the Office of the President disagrees with you.

Well i guess the nuance lies in the definition of the word 'drastically.' I don't think either of the two major parties are capable of making the necessary drastic cuts the government needs to get remotely solvent.

I'll admit that what I think is drastic and what you or Romney's people think is drastic could be DRASTICALLY different :D

couldn't resist ;)
Keep the transcripts and let me see Obama's thesis papers. I'm sure he's quite proud of them too. Thos would be the best insight into what he truly believes about government, America, etc. If it's all what he says it is then he should have no problem then, right?
Central theme for the conservative tax policy is flat tax.. equal taxation for all on every dollar earned...

So if you don't like the GOP policy, come to equality rather than class warfare

The GOP doesn't support a flat tax.

And as to equality, a progressive tax is equality. Everyone pays the same rate on the money earned in each bracket.

Anon did some hacking and fount Mitt's tax returns.
He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes.

Free Wood Post
Central theme for the conservative tax policy is flat tax.. equal taxation for all on every dollar earned...

So if you don't like the GOP policy, come to equality rather than class warfare

The GOP doesn't support a flat tax.

And as to equality, a progressive tax is equality. Everyone pays the same rate on the money earned in each bracket.


That's your subjective view.
The logical conclusion, i.e., the sort of conclusion that conservatives aren't interested in unless it suits their agenda, is that Romney paid a lower rate than 14% in at least some of the years he's hiding.

The big problem for Romney in showing how low a rate he paid those years is that his tax plan is based primarily on the argument that people like himself need to pay LOWER rates.

The logical conclusion, i.e., the sort of conclusion that progressives aren't interested in unless it suits their agenda, is that Obama&#8217;s grades were lower than expected, at least all of the years he's hiding.

BTW that's what getting fucking owned looks like. Don't trip over your hypocrisy.

You're comparing two unrelated items. That's idiocy.

No, they are the same.

See here is the issue. Mitt released his tax returns, but there was nothing in there to really attack him, so you demand more. There is no law out there that requires Mitt to do so, but you so want there to be something wrong with his taxes because you reeEEeEeeally wana play the class warfare card.

The hypocrisy is on the other hand Obama has not released any of his school records, in fact Obama might be one of the least known about Presidents in history, but you&#8217;re ok with that because he has a D next to his name, oh and you fear his grads might make him out to be dumb, or even just average&#8230; that maybe there is something in there that the Right can use to destroy Obama during the election.

You&#8217;re a blind hypocrite, you sound bias and fucking stupid, really fucking stupid. You believe there is a difference between tax returns and grades when the entire point is to &#8220;find dirt,&#8221; that&#8217;s all. If Mitt released his taxes for 10 years and nothing was in there you would instantly move to the next attack topic because that&#8217;s the only reason you cared about the tax returns.

I don&#8217;t like Mitt, I don&#8217;t want him to be President. In fact fuck Mitt, this is a notch on his belt because he has nothing better to do than expand his family&#8217;s name. But for dumb ass Bush&#8230; er Obama-bots like you, it gets really old watching you stumble around trying to attack Republicans for the very thing you vote for.

You wanted less to no wars (even though Obama expands old wars and starts new wars, military spending is up!)

You wanted higher taxes (for the rich, even though it won&#8217;t pay for jack fucking shit and Obama runs around claiming to be giving the biggest tax cuts in recent history to EVERYONE!!!!!!!)

You wanted Guantanamo closed (OPS!)

You wanted the patriot act repealed, (darn Obama expanded that.)

You wanted a balanced budget (lolz)

You wanted to shrink the deficit (Obama outspends the drunken sailor Bush, but that&#8217;s cool with you!)

The list just goes on and on...

You&#8217;re a waste of space on the internet. You crap on these forms and believe so absolutely that you&#8217;re justified because some pos &#8220;conservative&#8221; does the same thing. Look at you, look at your pathetic arguments, I doubt you would even be able to mumble your bullshit talking points to my face because as you crap out your mouth you would realize my brain off is shutting down so I don&#8217;t catch the stupid virus you&#8217;re trying so desperately hard to spread.

I&#8217;m not that religious gay hating &#8220;Bush was a great President&#8221; conservative you love to taunt. I see you for what you are, as the same as the Bush bots you claim to hate.
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The logical conclusion, i.e., the sort of conclusion that progressives aren't interested in unless it suits their agenda, is that Obama’s grades were lower than expected, at least all of the years he's hiding.

BTW that's what getting fucking owned looks like. Don't trip over your hypocrisy.

You're comparing two unrelated items. That's idiocy.

No, they are the same.


A tax return is not the same as a list of college grades.

Do you have a link to Romney's college transcripts? Anyone?
Lets compare the two

Hiding a college transcript v hiding tax returns

Hiding a college transcript could be used to cover up
- getting a bad grade
- dropped and incomplete classes
- being allowed to withdraw from a class after the drop date

Hiding a tax return cold be used to cover up
- participation in a taxpayer amnesty program (admission of being guilty of a crime)
- tax penalties paid for not paying taxes on time
- fees received for lobbying Congress

Anyone got anything else?

We know more about this president than any other in our history. The fact that he qualified for President of the Harvard law Review (in a blind contest - the ASSSSinine claims that he got it because he's black are lies), is testament to his grades.

The demands for his college transcripts are just desperation on the r's part. Next, they'll want his circumcision certificate.

As for sneaky Mitt, I just posted this about his amnesty

One of the conditions of tax amnesty (amnesty given to those folks that didn't declare their overseas bank accounts) is you are not allowed to run for public office in the executive and legislative branch of the federal gov't.

He's a criminal but the r hates the president far more than they love their country.
Liberal's are so retarded. They want to buy into the made up controversy created out of thin air, in order to avoid the fact that Obama and his liberal policies are worse then failures, they are a detriment to our economy.

Mitt released his tax returns. But leave it to liberals to want to stick their noses farther up a republicans ass in hopes of finding shit.

Romney is a really rich dude you envious lemming idiots...now how about those job numbers?
No, they are the same.


A tax return is not the same as a list of college grades.

Do you have a link to Romney's college transcripts? Anyone?

In fact, we don't have ANY documentation about this candidate. There is nothing except Mittens dodging questions and his wife saying, 'this is all you people are going to get'.

Ok, so if that's the truth then the apples to apples comparison is that neither Romney nor Obama has released his college transcripts.

So what, exactly, are the Romney defenders complaining about here? And calling people hypocritical?

Anyone who can explain that?
I believe Obama went to school as a foreign student, qualifying for funding not available to US citizens. Why else would he seal his college records?? Who gives a crap what his grades were, I wanna know how it was paid for.

You birther people have made such fools of yourselves over the years that none of your demands for information on Obama will ever again be taken seriously, by normal Americans.

Doesnt have anything about being a BIRTHER. He grew up in Indonesia according to HIS BOOK. He was adopted by Santoro and said he was a citizen of that country.. He could have USED this status to get the FUNDS ASSWIPE
I believe Obama went to school as a foreign student, qualifying for funding not available to US citizens. Why else would he seal his college records?? Who gives a crap what his grades were, I wanna know how it was paid for.

You birther people have made such fools of yourselves over the years that none of your demands for information on Obama will ever again be taken seriously, by normal Americans.

Sweetie, I didn't say he wasn't born here. As a matter of fact, I believe he was. Using foreign status to gain entry and funding to a US College is fraud.

Just like his book cover, he used his "foreign roots" to gain access to things he might not have qualified for. If you don't have a problem with fraud, then you must be a Dem.
Anon did some hacking and fount Mitt's tax returns.
He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes.

Free Wood Post

Nitroz why doesn't the article have any link to the actual return they hacked?

I only trust articles that provide the sources of their claim and this article doesn't back up the claim in any of the links provided within it.
I believe Obama went to school as a foreign student, qualifying for funding not available to US citizens. Why else would he seal his college records?? Who gives a crap what his grades were, I wanna know how it was paid for.

You birther people have made such fools of yourselves over the years that none of your demands for information on Obama will ever again be taken seriously, by normal Americans.

Sweetie, I didn't say he wasn't born here. As a matter of fact, I believe he was. Using foreign status to gain entry and funding to a US College is fraud.

Just like his book cover, he used his "foreign roots" to gain access to things he might not have qualified for. If you don't have a problem with fraud, then you must be a Dem.

Everything about him is fraudulent...according to Morgan Freeman, he isn't even an authentic African American...he's a mere mixed race dude. :D
Our president is creepy... really creepy. He is down right slimy creepy :D
Anon did some hacking and fount Mitt's tax returns.
He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes.

Free Wood Post

Nitroz why doesn't the article have any link to the actual return they hacked?

I only trust articles that provide the sources of their claim and this article doesn't back up the claim in any of the links provided within it.

I can't find it....
dammit. :(

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