High ranking CIA agent blows whistle on deep state shadow Govt.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp, has emerged from the wolves den to expose the deep state and the shadow government which he calls two entirely separate entities.
“The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes,” Shipp warned in a recent talk at a Geoengineeringwatch.org conference.

Shipp had a series of slides explaining how the deep state and shadow government functions as well as the horrific crimes they are committing against U.S. citizens.

At the time Inouye expressed that the “shadow government had its own funding mechanism, shadowy Navy, and Air Force freedom to pursue its own goals free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself.”

High-Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On Deep State, Shadow Govt

Shipp further added that the shadow government and elected government were in the midst of a visible cold war.

So who is Shipp and is he credible as a whistleblower, does he have credentials for the CIA? Aim.org wrote:.....................................


All this is public information, the problem is NOBODY PAID ATTENTION to it. This has all been well known information that would be spread among us.
All you have to do is research go to the correct sites and there is where you can find all the information that has been in plain view. Go to a public library and look for books on it all.
Some of the revelations the former CIA anti-terrorism counter intelligence officer revealed included that “Google Earth was set up through the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
We watched a documentary on mercenaries and the companies/corporate's that hire them last night. I am not sure that may not be a bigger problem than many of our federal employees. Good and bad in everything but the corruption needs to go and when it goes down there are going to be some very disappointed people who thought they'd be rich on other peoples gullibility.
Had you been watching and paying attention, it began when Nixon had to go....
We watched a documentary on mercenaries and the companies/corporate's that hire them last night. I am not sure that may not be a bigger problem than many of our federal employees. Good and bad in everything but the corruption needs to go and when it goes down there are going to be some very disappointed people who thought they'd be rich on other peoples gullibility.
Those were mercenaries who murdered the unarmed LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
We watched a documentary on mercenaries and the companies/corporate's that hire them last night. I am not sure that may not be a bigger problem than many of our federal employees. Good and bad in everything but the corruption needs to go and when it goes down there are going to be some very disappointed people who thought they'd be rich on other peoples gullibility.
Those were mercenaries who murdered the unarmed LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
Sure looked like it to me when I watched it all. Taking out all the privately own ranches and farms has been in the works for many years.
We watched a documentary on mercenaries and the companies/corporate's that hire them last night. I am not sure that may not be a bigger problem than many of our federal employees. Good and bad in everything but the corruption needs to go and when it goes down there are going to be some very disappointed people who thought they'd be rich on other peoples gullibility.
Those were mercenaries who murdered the unarmed LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
Sure looked like it to me when I watched it all. Taking out all the privately own ranches and farms has been in the works for many years.
Actually people reported it and one of Oregon's state representative reported it to the Army or Air Force, I don't remember which and recorded the conversation. He was promised an investigation and everything is quiet since. Well I did not follow up so I did not hear anything else.
We watched a documentary on mercenaries and the companies/corporate's that hire them last night. I am not sure that may not be a bigger problem than many of our federal employees. Good and bad in everything but the corruption needs to go and when it goes down there are going to be some very disappointed people who thought they'd be rich on other peoples gullibility.
Those were mercenaries who murdered the unarmed LaVoy Finicum in Oregon.
Sure looked like it to me when I watched it all. Taking out all the privately own ranches and farms has been in the works for many years.
Actually people reported it and one of Oregon's state representative reported it to the Army or Air Force, I don't remember which and recorded the conversation. He was promised an investigation and everything is quiet since. Well I did not follow up so I did not hear anything else.
The whole is under attack by greedy thugs. It won't stand but but may look and feel pretty rough for awhile.
People would be amazed to know how inefficient, disorganized and poorly funded the CIA truly is.

And it does not engage in any activities against American citizens because if Congress got wind of them violating their charter, there will be an epic shit storm.

But keep on spinning the yarns; they are entertaining.

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