Higher Gas Prices. Trump's Payoff To Putin?

Lol, it's sold on the open market. Of course we got iranian oil. Educate yourself.

Very little of it; educate yourself.

Out of the top five US oil imports, Iraq is the fifth and we only get 6% of our oil from there. Whatever happens in Iran has very little to do with the price of US gasoline today.
Iran has plenty to do with the price of us oil and gas. Their product is sold on the international market, where it affects the price of all oil.

Read this, it may help you understand.

Oil Prices and Outlook - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

I really didn't have time to read the entire thing because it has nothing to do with Iran, plus this is energy investing 101. Iran is not going to quit selling their oil on the world market.

Because it's energy investing 101, let me point out the most important point of the article:

Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is the biggest factor that affects demand—growing economies require energy. The petroleum products made from crude oil and other hydrocarbon liquids account for about a third of total world energy consumption.

Seasonal changes in demand for petroleum products can influence the supply and demand balance for crude oil and its market price
If our admittedly wavering allies follow our leed Iran will indeed stop selling oil on the open market.

Not likely because all they have is oil. But even if they tried, OPEC won't stand for it. They will increase supply from other oil nations. Remember that we compete with those people using our own oil.
Ok, one more time then I'm done. One of the big sanctions is limiting the amount of oil Iran is allowed to sell. If our allies follow the Orange Doofus's lead Iran will have to stop selling on the open market. That is why news of tRump pulling out of the deal raised the price of crude.

Also, "we" don't compete with anyone with "our" oil. It belongs to the oil companies. Surely you don't think they are interested in keeping prices low do you?
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Yet another post by a Butt Hurt liberal

trying to smear President Trump…

You Butt Hurt liberals are pissing in the wind with

this shit, it always comes back in your face…

You all need to get you some Butt Hurt cream.

See Fangs post # 59 for details…..

Are we having fun or what?
Very little of it; educate yourself.

Out of the top five US oil imports, Iraq is the fifth and we only get 6% of our oil from there. Whatever happens in Iran has very little to do with the price of US gasoline today.
Iran has plenty to do with the price of us oil and gas. Their product is sold on the international market, where it affects the price of all oil.

Read this, it may help you understand.

Oil Prices and Outlook - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

I really didn't have time to read the entire thing because it has nothing to do with Iran, plus this is energy investing 101. Iran is not going to quit selling their oil on the world market.

Because it's energy investing 101, let me point out the most important point of the article:

Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is the biggest factor that affects demand—growing economies require energy. The petroleum products made from crude oil and other hydrocarbon liquids account for about a third of total world energy consumption.

Seasonal changes in demand for petroleum products can influence the supply and demand balance for crude oil and its market price
If our admittedly wavering allies follow our leed Iran will indeed stop selling oil on the open market.

Not likely because all they have is oil. But even if they tried, OPEC won't stand for it. They will increase supply from other oil nations. Remember that we compete with those people using our own oil.
Ok, one more time then I'm done. One of the big sanctions is limiting the amount of oil Iran is allowed to sell. If our allies follow the Orange Doofus's lead Iran will have to stop selling on the open market. That is why news of tRump pulling out of the deal raised the price of crude.

Also, "we" don't compete with anyone with "our" oil. It belongs to the oil companies. Surely you don't think they are interested in keeping prices low do you?

I think they want to be competitive.

Much of our oil comes from private land. So you own a couple hundred acres and it's found to have fuel. Usually the deal is you get a cut of the profits when the companies extract that fuel. Of course, the higher the price, the bigger piece of the pie for you. So yes, they do want the highest price they can. However they also understand they are competing in the world market. If they are asking too much, buyers look for somewhere else to get fuel.

Now imagine if we isolated ourselves. Our gasoline today could be seven bucks a gallon and there would be nothing we could do about it. So we need worldwide competition to stabilize the market. It's why the commodities market was invented in the first place; to naturally stabilize prices.

The price of gasoline started to increase well before any deal was eliminated by Trump. The price of oil is mostly due to our economic activity being we are the largest oil consumers in the entire world. When we use a lot of fuel, prices go up across the market. When we are in a financial slump, prices go down because of the impact across the world market.

This is not to say Iran has no impact on fuel prices, it's just that it's not the major driver and their activity or inactivity would only be a few dollars per barrel either way.
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon

How much of that is taxes?

Your little public trust thing is Bull Shit….

See you in November when Trump Spanks

your liberal asses again….

Is life good or what?
Iran has plenty to do with the price of us oil and gas. Their product is sold on the international market, where it affects the price of all oil.

Read this, it may help you understand.

Oil Prices and Outlook - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration

I really didn't have time to read the entire thing because it has nothing to do with Iran, plus this is energy investing 101. Iran is not going to quit selling their oil on the world market.

Because it's energy investing 101, let me point out the most important point of the article:

Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is the biggest factor that affects demand—growing economies require energy. The petroleum products made from crude oil and other hydrocarbon liquids account for about a third of total world energy consumption.

Seasonal changes in demand for petroleum products can influence the supply and demand balance for crude oil and its market price
If our admittedly wavering allies follow our leed Iran will indeed stop selling oil on the open market.

Not likely because all they have is oil. But even if they tried, OPEC won't stand for it. They will increase supply from other oil nations. Remember that we compete with those people using our own oil.
Ok, one more time then I'm done. One of the big sanctions is limiting the amount of oil Iran is allowed to sell. If our allies follow the Orange Doofus's lead Iran will have to stop selling on the open market. That is why news of tRump pulling out of the deal raised the price of crude.

Also, "we" don't compete with anyone with "our" oil. It belongs to the oil companies. Surely you don't think they are interested in keeping prices low do you?

I think they want to be competitive.

Much of our oil comes from private land. So you own a couple hundred acres and it's found to have fuel. Usually the deal is you get a cut of the profits when the companies extract that fuel. Of course, the higher the price, the bigger piece of the pie for you. So yes, they do want the highest price they can. However they also understand they are competing in the world market. If they are asking too much, buyers look for somewhere else to get fuel.

Now imagine if we isolated ourselves. Our gasoline today could be seven bucks a gallon and there would be nothing we could do about it. So we need worldwide competition to stabilize the market. It's why the commodities market was invented in the first place; to naturally stabilize prices.

The price of gasoline started to increase well before any deal was eliminated by Trump. The price of oil is mostly due to our economic activity being we are the largest oil consumers in the entire world. When we use a lot of fuel, prices go up across the market. When we are in a financial slump, prices go down because of the impact across the world market.

This is not to say Iran has no impact on fuel prices, it's just that it's not the major driver and their activity or inactivity would only be a few dollars per barrel either way.
Lol, all I can say is I'm glad you finally came to your senses.
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon

How much of that is taxes?

Your little public trust thing is Bull Shit….

See you in November when Trump Spanks

your liberal asses again….

Is life good or what?

who cares - $5 is $5 any way you cut it

Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Do you have even a SHRED of proof that Donald Trump is getting "kick backs" from Russia and Saudi Arabia? Or is this another one of your posts based on little more than a foaming at the mouth hatred of the guy who beat Hillary?
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon

How much of that is taxes?

Your little public trust thing is Bull Shit….

See you in November when Trump Spanks

your liberal asses again….

Is life good or what?

who cares - $5 is $5 any way you cut it


Now that’s FUNNY….

You signed off as idiot.

A Freudian slip no doubt:dance:
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Trump was willing to say he would do what ever it took to get his collective slobbering, and humping each other - his "only he could" was a sack of crap
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Do you have even a SHRED of proof that Donald Trump is getting "kick backs" from Russia and Saudi Arabia? Or is this another one of your posts based on little more than a foaming at the mouth hatred of the guy who beat Hillary?
We know Trump and company were shaking no down companies and doing the crony capitalism thing, they shook down AT&T and other companies for millions, and those are only the ones we know about. Now the Saudis and Putin are making out like bandits because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. What did the USA get out of pulling out of the deal? Tell me what!

We got higher gas prices. That's a fact. Trump is corrupt, that's a fact.
Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....
If a high sales price is what you're looking for then I'd be happy to sell u a gallon for $375.

Seriously, what we're really talking about is a national average price over time, preferably adjusted for inflation---

--and if we're pegging price trends on administration policy we'd have to average the real price over the terms:
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....

so ..... now its $5 under trump

In Manhattan, Gas Reaches $5 a Gallon

And you vote for Democrats why? It's $2.65 here in South Carolina
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Do you have even a SHRED of proof that Donald Trump is getting "kick backs" from Russia and Saudi Arabia? Or is this another one of your posts based on little more than a foaming at the mouth hatred of the guy who beat Hillary?
We know Trump and company were shaking no down companies and doing the crony capitalism thing, they shook down AT&T and other companies for millions, and those are only the ones we know about. Now the Saudis and Putin are making out like bandits because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. What did the USA get out of pulling out of the deal? Tell me what!

We got higher gas prices. That's a fact. Trump is corrupt, that's a fact.

So how come you are not trying to save the planet and drive an electric car?
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

If you think that Iranian Oil is "off the market" you are red helmet special.
The extra $0.60 you are paying thanks to Tramp's energy policies.
That gas tax.

What policy in particular? Have a link to what you're talking about?
Well for starters pathological liar Tramp approved the keystone pipeline which diverted crude from Midwest refineries where it could only be sold in the USA to gulf refineries so it can be exported which by itself raises the price 15%. Then he violated the Iran deal removing their oil from the world market reducing the supply available on the open market jacking the price to everyone worldwide.

That's absolutely insane. The Keystone had absolutely nothing to do with it. If the Keystone does anything, it will lower the price of oil and gasoline. The oil comes from Canada you know.
And without the keystone the Canadian oil can ONLY be sold in the USA. Diverting the Canadian oil to the Gulf allows it to be exported overseas reducing the supply available for sale in the USA raising the price by 15%.
No matter how much you lie it won't change that fact.

I see. So what you're saying is that they do better by shipping their oil overseas than selling it to the place they transported it to. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? That was a hoax that the Democrat party promoted to stop the pipeline in the first place. It was coming here no matter what, the only question was how and why.

Warren Buffett Wins Big In Keystone Pipeline Rejection - Home - The Daily Bail
The contract Canada has with the Midwest refineries requires it to be sold ONLY in the USA. Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products.
No matter how many times you lie about it it will still be a lie.
What policy in particular? Have a link to what you're talking about?
Well for starters pathological liar Tramp approved the keystone pipeline which diverted crude from Midwest refineries where it could only be sold in the USA to gulf refineries so it can be exported which by itself raises the price 15%. Then he violated the Iran deal removing their oil from the world market reducing the supply available on the open market jacking the price to everyone worldwide.

That's absolutely insane. The Keystone had absolutely nothing to do with it. If the Keystone does anything, it will lower the price of oil and gasoline. The oil comes from Canada you know.
And without the keystone the Canadian oil can ONLY be sold in the USA. Diverting the Canadian oil to the Gulf allows it to be exported overseas reducing the supply available for sale in the USA raising the price by 15%.
No matter how much you lie it won't change that fact.

I see. So what you're saying is that they do better by shipping their oil overseas than selling it to the place they transported it to. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? That was a hoax that the Democrat party promoted to stop the pipeline in the first place. It was coming here no matter what, the only question was how and why.

Warren Buffett Wins Big In Keystone Pipeline Rejection - Home - The Daily Bail

I'm not an expert and I'm sure there are some on here. Isn't most oil from Canada shale oil? And, isn't that not quite suitable for the kind of refining used for vehicle fuels? That means it is simply being transported economically to a port where it can be profitably shipped to the proper markets. Right?
Wrong. It is just harder to refine and yields smaller amounts per barrel.
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Do you have even a SHRED of proof that Donald Trump is getting "kick backs" from Russia and Saudi Arabia? Or is this another one of your posts based on little more than a foaming at the mouth hatred of the guy who beat Hillary?
We know Trump and company were shaking no down companies and doing the crony capitalism thing, they shook down AT&T and other companies for millions, and those are only the ones we know about. Now the Saudis and Putin are making out like bandits because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. What did the USA get out of pulling out of the deal? Tell me what!

We got higher gas prices. That's a fact. Trump is corrupt, that's a fact.

You are ridiculous.

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