Higher Gas Prices. Trump's Payoff To Putin?

Notice whenever someone on the America-hating Right gets caught lying, one of their fellow travelers always tries to change the subject.
How is it lying ? The only way to save the planet is gas prices to be $20 bucks a gallon..
And now the dumb act.
Whitehall lied about the average price for gas Obama's last year was $4.00 a gallon when it was $2.14.
I accused YOU of changing the subject, which you are STILL trying to do.

View attachment 195362

As we can see, gasoline prices soared after DumBama's first term. While you like to brag about what they were when his second term ended, it had nothing to do with anything he did. It was fracking that greatly lowered our fuel costs as well as stir up our economy. People found more money in their household; some people into the hundreds of dollars per month. We were able to pay off outstanding bills, spend more of that money into the economy, and even expand our personal investments.

Now if you want to credit Ears with any of the success in fuel, please tell me what policy that was.
Fake graph.

Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.
How is it lying ? The only way to save the planet is gas prices to be $20 bucks a gallon..
And now the dumb act.
Whitehall lied about the average price for gas Obama's last year was $4.00 a gallon when it was $2.14.
I accused YOU of changing the subject, which you are STILL trying to do.

View attachment 195362

As we can see, gasoline prices soared after DumBama's first term. While you like to brag about what they were when his second term ended, it had nothing to do with anything he did. It was fracking that greatly lowered our fuel costs as well as stir up our economy. People found more money in their household; some people into the hundreds of dollars per month. We were able to pay off outstanding bills, spend more of that money into the economy, and even expand our personal investments.

Now if you want to credit Ears with any of the success in fuel, please tell me what policy that was.
Fake graph.

Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
And now the dumb act.
Whitehall lied about the average price for gas Obama's last year was $4.00 a gallon when it was $2.14.
I accused YOU of changing the subject, which you are STILL trying to do.

View attachment 195362

As we can see, gasoline prices soared after DumBama's first term. While you like to brag about what they were when his second term ended, it had nothing to do with anything he did. It was fracking that greatly lowered our fuel costs as well as stir up our economy. People found more money in their household; some people into the hundreds of dollars per month. We were able to pay off outstanding bills, spend more of that money into the economy, and even expand our personal investments.

Now if you want to credit Ears with any of the success in fuel, please tell me what policy that was.
Fake graph.

Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
It correctly shows Gas was HIGHEST under Bush, your fake graph had gas lower under Bush. In any case gas was NOT $4.00 in 2016 as the the Right-wing liar posted.
View attachment 195362

As we can see, gasoline prices soared after DumBama's first term. While you like to brag about what they were when his second term ended, it had nothing to do with anything he did. It was fracking that greatly lowered our fuel costs as well as stir up our economy. People found more money in their household; some people into the hundreds of dollars per month. We were able to pay off outstanding bills, spend more of that money into the economy, and even expand our personal investments.

Now if you want to credit Ears with any of the success in fuel, please tell me what policy that was.
Fake graph.

Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
It correctly shows Gas was HIGHEST under Bush, your fake graph had gas lower under Bush. In any case gas was NOT $4.00 in 2016 as the the Right-wing liar posted.

No, it was four dollars a gallon in 2011 and 2012.........even according to your chart.

But again, the drop in price had absolutely nothing to do with DumBama. Fracking began to net us more and more fuel until there was such an abundance of it we started to export the stuff.
Fake graph.

Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
It correctly shows Gas was HIGHEST under Bush, your fake graph had gas lower under Bush. In any case gas was NOT $4.00 in 2016 as the the Right-wing liar posted.

No, it was four dollars a gallon in 2011 and 2012.........even according to your chart.

But again, the drop in price had absolutely nothing to do with DumBama. Fracking began to net us more and more fuel until there was such an abundance of it we started to export the stuff.
The lying POS you are defending said Obama's LAST year.
Because it goes against your beliefs. Very well, post a better graph from a more reliable source.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
It correctly shows Gas was HIGHEST under Bush, your fake graph had gas lower under Bush. In any case gas was NOT $4.00 in 2016 as the the Right-wing liar posted.

No, it was four dollars a gallon in 2011 and 2012.........even according to your chart.

But again, the drop in price had absolutely nothing to do with DumBama. Fracking began to net us more and more fuel until there was such an abundance of it we started to export the stuff.
The lying POS you are defending said Obama's LAST year.

I'm not defending anybody. That's not what I come here. I simply chimed into a discussion.
If the Dems are so worried about gas prices, they should eliminate gas taxes. The gubmint takes more in taxes per
gallon than the oil companies make i profit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gas was 4 dollars a gallon under Obama....
If a high sales price is what you're looking for then I'd be happy to sell u a gallon for $375.

Seriously, what we're really talking about is a national average price over time, preferably adjusted for inflation---

--and if we're pegging price trends on administration policy we'd have to average the real price over the terms:
So many lies! You can't fool the people paying these prices at the pump!
Why are you protecting the price gougers? Corruption is out of control in this country and a fish rots from the head down.

If prices remain at these ALL TIME HIGHS towards the November elections Democrats need to focus on this as part of the anti-corruption campaign

As such, I am calling on Democrats to:

1) Demand an investigation into these high prices

2) They need to haul the oil barons up to capital hill in chains is necessary and demand answers of why they are cheating the American public

3) A thorough investigation of Tom Prices' many corrupt acts as head of the EPA including his wild spending sprees and how his actions of cutting regulations has, if its true, led to price manipulation, gouging and more profits for the rich and powerful. Who the hell is this guy working for?

4) What role if any has bribes paid to Trump, Trump associates and other cronies paid in allowing this most corrupt system to flourish

5) How has Trump's relationships with corrupt--that word haunts this corrupt administration!--regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia led to these higher prices that are out of control!
Why are you protecting the price gougers? Corruption is out of control in this country and a fish rots from the head down.

If prices remain at these ALL TIME HIGHS towards the November elections Democrats need to focus on this as part of the anti-corruption campaign

As such, I am calling on Democrats to:

1) Demand an investigation into these high prices

2) They need to haul the oil barons up to capital hill in chains is necessary and demand answers of why they are cheating the American public

3) A thorough investigation of Tom Prices' many corrupt acts as head of the EPA including his wild spending sprees and how his actions of cutting regulations has, if its true, led to price manipulation, gouging and more profits for the rich and powerful. Who the hell is this guy working for?

4) What role if any has bribes paid to Trump, Trump associates and other cronies paid in allowing this most corrupt system to flourish

5) How has Trump's relationships with corrupt--that word haunts this corrupt administration!--regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia led to these higher prices that are out of control!

We seem to be getting more than our fare share of trolls these days.
Why are you protecting the price gougers? Corruption is out of control in this country and a fish rots from the head down.

If prices remain at these ALL TIME HIGHS towards the November elections Democrats need to focus on this as part of the anti-corruption campaign

As such, I am calling on Democrats to:

1) Demand an investigation into these high prices

2) They need to haul the oil barons up to capital hill in chains is necessary and demand answers of why they are cheating the American public

3) A thorough investigation of Tom Prices' many corrupt acts as head of the EPA including his wild spending sprees and how his actions of cutting regulations has, if its true, led to price manipulation, gouging and more profits for the rich and powerful. Who the hell is this guy working for?

4) What role if any has bribes paid to Trump, Trump associates and other cronies paid in allowing this most corrupt system to flourish

5) How has Trump's relationships with corrupt--that word haunts this corrupt administration!--regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia led to these higher prices that are out of control!

Maybe you should use this internet to learn how oil and gasoline are priced and sold. Then you wouldn't look so uninformed when you post.
The pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal did nothing for the US but it sure helped petro-criminals like Putin and the Saudis. With Iranian oil off the market the Russians, Saudis and big oil are all able to make huge profits.

The American consumer is now stuck with the bill. That scam wasn't much different from Trump University scams.

No sitting President is responsible for gasoline or oil prices, those prices are set by the commodities market. Regular unleaded and diesel should be regulated at .40 cents above tax.
tRump personally tightened the supply, increasing price.

And the market reacted. The fact remains we have more then enough oil and gasoline without having to use imports.
Got nothing to do with this discussion.

Sure it does. Gasoline prices are set by the commodities market.
It's All One Class, and It Must Be Smashed

They're set by those who limit supply, whether they are looting petrocrats or their sons, the Environmentalists.
Why are you protecting the price gougers? Corruption is out of control in this country and a fish rots from the head down.

If prices remain at these ALL TIME HIGHS towards the November elections Democrats need to focus on this as part of the anti-corruption campaign

As such, I am calling on Democrats to:

1) Demand an investigation into these high prices

2) They need to haul the oil barons up to capital hill in chains is necessary and demand answers of why they are cheating the American public

3) A thorough investigation of Tom Prices' many corrupt acts as head of the EPA including his wild spending sprees and how his actions of cutting regulations has, if its true, led to price manipulation, gouging and more profits for the rich and powerful. Who the hell is this guy working for?

4) What role if any has bribes paid to Trump, Trump associates and other cronies paid in allowing this most corrupt system to flourish

5) How has Trump's relationships with corrupt--that word haunts this corrupt administration!--regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia led to these higher prices that are out of control!

Maybe you should use this internet to learn how oil and gasoline are priced and sold. Then you wouldn't look so uninformed when you post.
So glad the voters will know they are getting screwed by corrupt Trump regime. You screwballs can run around pretending this is market forces when everyone not else not having their heads up Trump's butt knows th,e truth. The Democrats will scream this in th media constantly! Yes! Stick the knife in and turn it slowly! :) :)
And the market reacted. The fact remains we have more then enough oil and gasoline without having to use imports.
Got nothing to do with this discussion.

Sure it does. Gasoline prices are set by the commodities market.
Which is what I have been saying. Where it comes from is immaterial to the price as far as the market is concerned.

Yes, but the market is fixed, it's a big bubble that is held together by a few.

The only way to reduce gasoline prices is to cap through regulation which makes market trading null.
No, gas prices are a factor of supply, demand, and taxes.

had a glut of oil and gasoline for decades
And the market reacted. The fact remains we have more then enough oil and gasoline without having to use imports.
Got nothing to do with this discussion.

Sure it does. Gasoline prices are set by the commodities market.
Which is what I have been saying. Where it comes from is immaterial to the price as far as the market is concerned.

Yes, but the market is fixed, it's a big bubble that is held together by a few.

The only way to reduce gasoline prices is to cap through regulation which makes market trading null.
No, gas prices are a factor of supply, demand, and taxes.
We have a glut of gasoline and oil. So much that our exports outnumber our imports.
No sitting President is responsible for gasoline or oil prices, those prices are set by the commodities market. Regular unleaded and diesel should be regulated at .40 cents above tax.
tRump personally tightened the supply, increasing price.

And the market reacted. The fact remains we have more then enough oil and gasoline without having to use imports.
Got nothing to do with this discussion.

Sure it does. Gasoline prices are set by the commodities market.
It's All One Class, and It Must Be Smashed

They're set by those who limit supply, whether they are looting petrocrats or their sons, the Environmentalists.
We don't have a limited supply of oil and gasoline, we have a glut.
tRump personally tightened the supply, increasing price.

And the market reacted. The fact remains we have more then enough oil and gasoline without having to use imports.
Got nothing to do with this discussion.

Sure it does. Gasoline prices are set by the commodities market.
It's All One Class, and It Must Be Smashed

They're set by those who limit supply, whether they are looting petrocrats or their sons, the Environmentalists.
We don't have a limited supply of oil and gasoline, we have a glut.
So much so that some of the oil.producing nations are cooperating to reduce supplies.
Most Trump supporters didn't care that he was going to take health care away from 30 million people so he could get a huge tax break and now they are actually pretending to be outraged by the suggestion he spiked the Iran deal to get kick backs from Russia and Saudi Arabia for ending the deal, which takes Iranian oil off the market. This is crony capitalism out in the open. Trump, Putin, the Saudi Royals and the oil barons are laughing all the way to the bank.

Do you have even a SHRED of proof that Donald Trump is getting "kick backs" from Russia and Saudi Arabia? Or is this another one of your posts based on little more than a foaming at the mouth hatred of the guy who beat Hillary?
We know Trump and company were shaking no down companies and doing the crony capitalism thing, they shook down AT&T and other companies for millions, and those are only the ones we know about. Now the Saudis and Putin are making out like bandits because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal. What did the USA get out of pulling out of the deal? Tell me what!

We got higher gas prices. That's a fact. Trump is corrupt, that's a fact.

What did we lose by pulling out of the Iran deal? Do you seriously think THAT deal was going to prevent Tehran from building a nuke? Are you that naive?

So now you're no longer claiming Trump got kick backs from Russian and Saudi Arabia but that he "shook down" AT&T for millions? This is probably a total waste of time...but I'll ask anyways...do you have any proof of THAT...or is this another unsubstantiated claim you're going to make regarding Trump with zero back up?

I haven't dealt with you much, ImissBush but already I'm seeing a pattern of behavior.

Thanks, but it's not much different than the one I posted.
It correctly shows Gas was HIGHEST under Bush, your fake graph had gas lower under Bush. In any case gas was NOT $4.00 in 2016 as the the Right-wing liar posted.

No, it was four dollars a gallon in 2011 and 2012.........even according to your chart.

But again, the drop in price had absolutely nothing to do with DumBama. Fracking began to net us more and more fuel until there was such an abundance of it we started to export the stuff.
The lying POS you are defending said Obama's LAST year.

I'm not defending anybody. That's not what I come here. I simply chimed into a discussion.
You chimed in to defend a liar in the discussion.
Why are you protecting the price gougers? Corruption is out of control in this country and a fish rots from the head down.

If prices remain at these ALL TIME HIGHS towards the November elections Democrats need to focus on this as part of the anti-corruption campaign

As such, I am calling on Democrats to:

1) Demand an investigation into these high prices

2) They need to haul the oil barons up to capital hill in chains is necessary and demand answers of why they are cheating the American public

3) A thorough investigation of Tom Prices' many corrupt acts as head of the EPA including his wild spending sprees and how his actions of cutting regulations has, if its true, led to price manipulation, gouging and more profits for the rich and powerful. Who the hell is this guy working for?

4) What role if any has bribes paid to Trump, Trump associates and other cronies paid in allowing this most corrupt system to flourish

5) How has Trump's relationships with corrupt--that word haunts this corrupt administration!--regimes in Russia and Saudi Arabia led to these higher prices that are out of control!

Maybe you should use this internet to learn how oil and gasoline are priced and sold. Then you wouldn't look so uninformed when you post.
So glad the voters will know they are getting screwed by corrupt Trump regime. You screwballs can run around pretending this is market forces when everyone not else not having their heads up Trump's butt knows th,e truth. The Democrats will scream this in th media constantly! Yes! Stick the knife in and turn it slowly! :) :)

Of course Democrats will scream this to the media. The media no longer tells the truth. They are nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

But we on the right do something most leftists don't do, and that's listen to the news. We understand that fuel is a commodity, and as such, is controlled by the commodity investors---not Trump.
The gubmint takes more in taxes per
gallon than the oil companies make i profit.
You idiots will believe anything especially the lie that oil companies only make a profit selling the gasoline at your local gas station. According to those STUPID enough to vote for Tramp, the oil companies pump the crude from the ground for free, and refine it into various products for free, sell jet fuel for free, and sell heating oil for free they do everything at no profit except sell the gasoline locally. :cuckoo:

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