Higher Taxes or Unemployment (pick one)

fine Sealy...I see you like the ultamitums of Higher taxes or lost jobs

What about this one?

Union compromises in pay cuts or lose your job?

This has nothing to do with unions.

So you think the solution is that every working person in America who makes under $250K should take a pay cut.

I have to admit, that would definately work for the corporations.

And, it might, no, it IS happening.

But don't attack all of us and pretend you are only attacking union workers. At least be honest.
Anyone want to venture a guess why this happened?

I don't need to guess. Banks were allowed to finance transactions that they knew would end up as "toxic". And then, after they repossessed homes, they were allowed to sell them again, and again. And now we are supposed to feel sorry for the banks that engaged in this behavior. What people forget is that this isn't the first time in recent history that we've had a foreclosure crisis. Anyone remember 2000/01? Same thing was going on then. How many times do people need to be robbed before they wise up?

Just until the whole god damned sham that is our system collapses, would be my guess, Mich.

Right now we're having far too much fun trying to blame the liberals and conservatives too much care that the ship is sinking, you know?
Mich, I doubt ANY bank in America is really solvent right now.

I'm beginning to think there isn't a a solvent bank in the world to be honest.

Swiss banks are going belly up now for Mammon's sakes!

I disagree. In fact, I submit that what we are seeing here is a justification of the MOTU(forgive me for stealing your acronym) taking our money and justifying criminal behavior. I say let the big boys fall and the regional players who think they're up to it can expand. Of course, none of this will matter if we can't get a handle on the infestation inside the Beltway right now.

Oh I don't know that we actually disagree, Mich.

I'm simply not at all sure that "if we let the big boys fall" there will be any regional players left.

This goofy system of buying and selling and monetizing debts has so SNAFU'd the economy, that I seriously doubt anyone thinks that there will BE an economy if they ADMIT how truly screwed up they've made it.

The good people of Michigan work their asses off their whole lives just trying to buy ahome and raise their families yet somehow they're all broke?

How can they be broke?

How can the world be broke?

More to the point, how can the world owe so much money and to WHOM does it ow this money?

Where did all this money go?

Where did it come from?

I am no longer going to play the minuetia banker's games about dervivatives and balance sheets until somebody explains to me how these guys, who had EVERY ADVANTAGE screwed up THEIR INDUSTRY, and suddenly WE're ALL BROKE?

None of this makes sense.

It's all banker bla bla bla bla.

I don't know about you but I for one am sick to death of carrying these cretin on our backs.

They don't make shit, they don't do shit and they have all the money while we have all the debts?

Fuck 'em, and fuck them what's supporting their claim to owning the fucking world's resources, too.

They've bankrupted themselves with thier stupid greedy freaking games. I have personally already paid more than twice the purchasing price of my home but I STILL owe these vermin money?

And I am, like millions I suspect, sitting here asking ourselves why?

Why did we pay THEM interest to borrow money they didn't have in the first place? And how could they have lost it?

I'm for hanging the lot of them and calling it a good days work.
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Higher Taxes or Unemployment (pick one)

I choose unemployment for liberals since those who have jobs are the least productive of any group (and therefore bring the entire organization down as a whole) and the rest are already on government assistance. :D
Higher Taxes or Unemployment (pick one)

I choose unemployment for liberals since those who have jobs are the least productive of any group (and therefore bring the entire organization down as a whole) and the rest are already on government assistance. :D

You have a point. Maybe if things get bad enough, my government will take back the treasury from the rich bankers who also own the oil fields. And while we are at it, we might consider Nationalizing the oil if they try to gouge us again.

See, they don't have a buddy in the White House anymore. Obama is a man of the people.

If he isn't, no one ever will be. If he isn't, fuck hope.
Higher Taxes or Unemployment (pick one)

I choose unemployment for liberals since those who have jobs are the least productive of any group (and therefore bring the entire organization down as a whole) and the rest are already on government assistance. :D

You have a point. Maybe if things get bad enough, my government will take back the treasury from the rich bankers who also own the oil fields. And while we are at it, we might consider Nationalizing the oil if they try to gouge us again.

See, they don't have a buddy in the White House anymore. Obama is a man of the people.

If he isn't, no one ever will be. If he isn't, fuck hope.


The only gouging going on in the gasoline prices are the ever increasing gas taxes.

Just wait until the cap and trade tax is added and then let me hear you say that the rich bankers who own all the oil fields are the reason your energy bills double or triple.
I choose unemployment for liberals since those who have jobs are the least productive of any group (and therefore bring the entire organization down as a whole) and the rest are already on government assistance. :D

You have a point. Maybe if things get bad enough, my government will take back the treasury from the rich bankers who also own the oil fields. And while we are at it, we might consider Nationalizing the oil if they try to gouge us again.

See, they don't have a buddy in the White House anymore. Obama is a man of the people.

If he isn't, no one ever will be. If he isn't, fuck hope.


The only gouging going on in the gasoline prices are the ever increasing gas taxes.

Just wait until the cap and trade tax is added and then let me hear you say that the rich bankers who own all the oil fields are the reason your energy bills double or triple.

How did technology and science do under the GOP the last 8 years? Status quo. Drill baby drill!

How are the oil companies doing with all the tax breaks we gave them to research alternative energy? Or is Obama going to figure it out before they do.
You have a point. Maybe if things get bad enough, my government will take back the treasury from the rich bankers who also own the oil fields. And while we are at it, we might consider Nationalizing the oil if they try to gouge us again.

See, they don't have a buddy in the White House anymore. Obama is a man of the people.

If he isn't, no one ever will be. If he isn't, fuck hope.


The only gouging going on in the gasoline prices are the ever increasing gas taxes.

Just wait until the cap and trade tax is added and then let me hear you say that the rich bankers who own all the oil fields are the reason your energy bills double or triple.

How did technology and science do under the GOP the last 8 years? Status quo. Drill baby drill!

How are the oil companies doing with all the tax breaks we gave them to research alternative energy? Or is Obama going to figure it out before they do.

Obama ain't gonna figure anything out but another way to get more of our money.

Just don't start whining that its the GOP's fault, or the rich peoples' fault when the cap and trade tax triples your heat, electric and gas bills and the manufacturing you so want to keep in this country (what's left of it anyway) pulls up stakes and flees leaving you with an even bigger pertion of the carbon tax to pay.
fine Sealy...I see you like the ultamitums of Higher taxes or lost jobs

What about this one?

Union compromises in pay cuts or lose your job?

This has nothing to do with unions.

So you think the solution is that every working person in America who makes under $250K should take a pay cut.

I have to admit, that would definately work for the corporations.

And, it might, no, it IS happening.

But don't attack all of us and pretend you are only attacking union workers. At least be honest.

nope, sorry if you give us that ultamitum then I give you on eback

Tell your precious unions who seem to think there is an endless amount of money on the other side that they need to compromise a bit or lose their fucking job!

Can't have it both ways cocksucker
I'm sorry, but we're going to have higher unemployment for quite some time, no matter what the government does. We suffered a gunshot wound, and everyone wants to fix it with a bandaid, a large bandaid, but a bandaid none the less. If we want the patient to heal properly, we need to remove the bullet and let the patient recover gradually on his own.
Give me a $250,000 income and I PROMISE never to whine about the 35% taxes I'm paying for it.
Higher Taxes or Unemployment (pick one)

I choose unemployment for liberals since those who have jobs are the least productive of any group (and therefore bring the entire organization down as a whole) and the rest are already on government assistance. :D

You have a point. Maybe if things get bad enough, my government will take back the treasury from the rich bankers who also own the oil fields. And while we are at it, we might consider Nationalizing the oil if they try to gouge us again.

See, they don't have a buddy in the White House anymore. Obama is a man of the people.

If he isn't, no one ever will be. If he isn't, fuck hope.

I was wondering where "your government" was going to get money to operate. They're going to steal it. That's the way it's been done throughout history. Maybe Obama will break into everyone's house, steal their gold and make a huge statue of himself that we can all worship. And if we don't bow down to the gold statue, we'll be thrown into a fiery furnance. That's the ticket!
"I say this F22 thing sounds like a big waste of money. Don't we have a lot of F22's already? We've been building them since the 80's."

The first production F-22 was delivered to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, on 14 January 2003 and "Dedicated Initial Operational Test and Evaluation" commenced on 27 October 2003. By 2004, 51 Raptors had been delivered.

Dosen't seem like the 80's to me.
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Give me a $250,000 income and I PROMISE never to whine about the 35% taxes I'm paying for it.

Maybe you should try earning it. Just a thought.

When I was making very close to $100K, it was shocking to see how much they take out in taxes. Hell, I make $75k now and they take out too much.

Did you hear starting in April, 95% of us will see about $80 a week or month in our paychecks? That Obama is good!!!

It is important to know that they will only be taxed more on every dollar over $250K. So if they make $260K, they'll pay a little more on the extra $10K.

It's nothing really. But when you take the person that makes $1 million a year, it adds up. Then there are the guys who make $20 million a year.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? We aren't paying our bills. Either their taxes go up or yours do. You decide.
Give me a $250,000 income and I PROMISE never to whine about the 35% taxes I'm paying for it.

Maybe you should try earning it. Just a thought.

When I was making very close to $100K, it was shocking to see how much they take out in taxes. Hell, I make $75k now and they take out too much.

Did you hear starting in April, 95% of us will see about $80 a week or month in our paychecks? That Obama is good!!!

It is important to know that they will only be taxed more on every dollar over $250K. So if they make $260K, they'll pay a little more on the extra $10K.

It's nothing really. But when you take the person that makes $1 million a year, it adds up. Then there are the guys who make $20 million a year.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? We aren't paying our bills. Either their taxes go up or yours do. You decide.

hey dipshit,
it's more like $8 a week

Plan Tries Slow, Steady Stimulus to Revive Spending - WSJ.com

god you really do have your head up Obama's ass don't you

80 dollars a week hmph
Give me a $250,000 income and I PROMISE never to whine about the 35% taxes I'm paying for it.

Maybe you should try earning it. Just a thought.

When I was making very close to $100K, it was shocking to see how much they take out in taxes. Hell, I make $75k now and they take out too much.

Did you hear starting in April, 95% of us will see about $80 a week or month in our paychecks? That Obama is good!!!

It is important to know that they will only be taxed more on every dollar over $250K. So if they make $260K, they'll pay a little more on the extra $10K.

It's nothing really. But when you take the person that makes $1 million a year, it adds up. Then there are the guys who make $20 million a year.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? We aren't paying our bills. Either their taxes go up or yours do. You decide.

I'll go for plan C: cut the government in half.
Maybe you should try earning it. Just a thought.

When I was making very close to $100K, it was shocking to see how much they take out in taxes. Hell, I make $75k now and they take out too much.

Did you hear starting in April, 95% of us will see about $80 a week or month in our paychecks? That Obama is good!!!

It is important to know that they will only be taxed more on every dollar over $250K. So if they make $260K, they'll pay a little more on the extra $10K.

It's nothing really. But when you take the person that makes $1 million a year, it adds up. Then there are the guys who make $20 million a year.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? We aren't paying our bills. Either their taxes go up or yours do. You decide.

I'll go for plan C: cut the government in half.

But the bankers have gotten too powerful and out of control. Do you need any more proof of that? So if our government doesn't reign in the bankers, who will?

You want to cut your own government's power in half and leave the bankers along? :cuckoo:

Typical dumb fuck American voter on desplay ladies and gentlemen.

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