Zone1 highly educated atheist investigates the Cause of Christ, becomes a Christian


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
I suspect he was just searching for answers as it pertained to his own life and latched onto something that suited him.

Odd though.....You would have thought he would have went agnostic instead.
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
There are many highly educated Christians. Mentioning this example speaks loudly for Christians' insecurity.

That which makes an intelligent Christian is his indoctrination into the Christian lies at childhood.

He/she is hooked into being a believer in the supernatural just as completely as the baby duckling is imprinted on the wolf being it's mother, if it sees the wolf first.

Imprinting at childhood can convince even the most intelligent (well not quite) to believe in malarkey for life!
Anthony Fewer, world class atheist set about proving that Christ did not exist ended up becoming a Christian.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born a Muslim, became an atheist because of a botched clitorectomy (FGM). she recently became a Christian.

Faith is a gift.
Anthony Fewer, world class atheist set about proving that Christ did not exist ended up becoming a Christian.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, born a Muslim, became an atheist because of a botched clitorectomy (FGM). she recently became a Christian.

Faith is a gift.
Such is the power of the indoctrination at childhood.
Christian faith is a curse to the highly educated. It forces them to live the lies when they know better.

But wait! The Catholic is toying with the ultimate answer to all the questions rolled into one.

Darwinian Evolution slowly being introduced to lessen the shock effect.

Just ask Ding. He has invented an answer that makes it possible to be created and to evolve all at once!
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Such is the power of the indoctrination at childhood.
Christian faith is a curse to the highly educated. It forces them to live the lies when they know better.
And the converts? I am a Christian raised as an atheist. Actually, Mom was a dabbler in Atheism, Voodoo and Witchcraft.
I suspect he was just searching for answers as it pertained to his own life and latched onto something that suited him.

Odd though.....You would have thought he would have went agnostic instead.
he went by facts alone, asked 1000s of questions of archeologists and other scientists
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
What was the cause of Christ, Mom and Dad screwing around...?
And the converts? I am a Christian raised as an atheist. Actually, Mom was a dabbler in Atheism, Voodoo and Witchcraft.
And you're not the topic, which is about the highly intelligent.

There is a mysterious power involved that's working in the minds of highly intelligent Christians, that allows them to believe the hokey bible stories while believing in the normal too.

Our Ding is trying to make the break from that power in that he doesn't accept the ridiculous nonsense in his bibles. Ask him!

And fwiw, Ding is easily as intelligent as the schlunks who buy the whole literal nonsense as being the word of the god.
the guy's name is Lee Strobel and I believe he is either an attorney or has some law degree or another (I wasn't clear about that when reading his background info). But he is very well educated, has one or 2 degrees.

He investigated many, many claims made about Jesus by Christians and by the Bible.

And he couldn't deny the facts. He interviewed many experts on such things as: How Jesus died on the Cross (some say he didn't actually die on it, but that was disproven by experts. There is no way he could have merely "swooned." Roman guards were killed themselves if anyone survived their torture/crucifixion)

And I could go on and on. I can't recall the exact title of the book, something about the Cause for Christ.. No, it was The Case for Christ.

There is a massive amount of information in the book, written some 20 years ago, still relevant today.

You'll likely be happy to learn he is not Catholic (or wasn't back then anyhow)

But facts are facts regardless of your POV
Nobody takes the leap of faith based on facts.

No one believes in unicorns, for example, without any facts.

People embrace a faith based on various evidences, but not make believe

The Christian faith is based on real people and real events in the real world.

But evidence is not proof. Faith demands some element of doubt, otherwise, it is not faith.
Faith is a gift.
And for every person who sees it that way , there are how many who see the reverse ?
50 ? 100? , 1000? Many , many more ?

I am a very contented Atheist who would regard Faith as a horrific disability if somehow it was forced onto me .
And if incredibly it attacked me like some virus I would doubt my supposed status as a person with Free Will .

I am prepared to concede intellectually that I could be mistaken, but I would tell God that I regarded him as an arrogant and meddling fool . Any threats against me would confirm that opinion and if I was then obliterated , so what .
It would prove , he did not care , as neither would I, or anybody else . But I would still be part of Universe because Energy can be transferred but not destroyed .
And for every person who sees it that way , there are how many who see the reverse ?
50 ? 100? , 1000? Many , many more ?

I am a very contented Atheist who would regard Faith as a horrific disability if somehow it was forced onto me .
And if incredibly it attacked me like some virus I would doubt my supposed status as a person with Free Will .

I am prepared to concede intellectually that I could be mistaken, but I would tell God that I regarded him as an arrogant and meddling fool . Any threats against me would confirm that opinion and if I was then obliterated , so what .
It would prove , he did not care , as neither would I, or anybody else . But I would still be part of Universe because Energy can be transferred but not destroyed .
Faith will never be forced on you. Although you life could become pretty miserable if God ever wanted your attention.

I personally don't care either way.

No one believes in unicorns, for example, without any facts.

People embrace a faith based on various evidences, but not make believe

The Christian faith is based on real people and real events in the real world.

But evidence is not proof. Faith demands some element of doubt, otherwise, it is not faith.
And what would these so-called "various evidences" be?

Surely you don't pin your faith on some 3rd or 4th hand written "magic book"?
And what would these so-called "various evidences" be?

Surely you don't pin your faith on some 3rd or 4th hand written "magic book"?
There are a myriad of evidences.

One is prophesy, as I started a post with perhaps the most impressive prophesy in the Bible, which is a literal calendar for the coming Messiah which points to the time of Daniel the future when Jesus came into the world. It was spot on.

Another is the historical nature of the Bible. This has led to Biblical Archeology, the only scientific discipline I know of that is based on a religious text. For example, there is no record of the Philistines in history, other than the Bible. So, they simply read in the Bible where they were supposed to be and started digging and found them.

The Bible is often made fun of for Genesis, with the presumption the translation is the universe was made in 7 literal days. However, the steps of creation are accurate, with life first coming via plants and the ocean and then on land, and man being made of the dust of the earth etc. All other religious books I have read sort of sounds like this, a pink elephant had sex with a pink rhino and the next thing you know she pooped out the earth. As for the 7 days of creation, this is a mistranslation with ample evidence to prove my point if you are interested.

But I will stop here as I don't think you to be interested. If you prove me otherwise, we can talk some more.
There are a myriad of evidences.

One is prophesy, as I started a post with perhaps the most impressive prophesy in the Bible, which is a literal calendar for the coming Messiah which points to the time of Daniel the future when Jesus came into the world. It was spot on.

Another is the historical nature of the Bible. This has led to Biblical Archeology, the only scientific discipline I know of that is based on a religious text. For example, there is no record of the Philistines in history, other than the Bible. So, they simply read in the Bible where they were supposed to be and started digging and found them.

The Bible is often made fun of for Genesis, with the presumption the translation is the universe was made in 7 literal days. However, the steps of creation are accurate, with life first coming via plants and the ocean and then on land, and man being made of the dust of the earth etc. All other religious books I have read sort of sounds like this, a pink elephant had sex with a pink rhino and the next thing you know she pooped out the earth. As for the 7 days of creation, this is a mistranslation with ample evidence to prove my point if you are interested.

But I will stop here as I don't think you to be interested. If you prove me otherwise, we can talk some more.
There are also six epochs of creation
The Archean Eon
The Proterozoic Eon
The Paleozoic Era
The Mesozoic Era
The Cenozoic Era
The Anthropocene

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