Highway Crisis looms if Congress does not act

Yes making shit up is a sign of mental health

:cuckoo: Show us the 2 back to back negative quarters Clinton or Obama had. :lol:

If you honestly think a President can turn an economy around in less than one quarter, then why hasn't the great Obama?

The 4 quarter of 2000 was negative as was the 1 quarter of 2001. Bush was in office less than 2 and a half months, but you put it all on him?

The sad fact was as early as the mid 90's economist were forecasting a recession because the growth rate, the excess spending and the inflated dot com numbers pointed to another Great Depression, instead by a miracle the Great Recession was saved until 2008.

It was not anyone Presidents fault for a boom or a bust, the economy has cycles. The main problem is that Congress and the President make policies that have long economic impact that go beyond their tenure.

Again, you are nothing but a dishonest partisan hack.

You Lie! Every quarter of Clintons Presidency was positive. The very first negative was as soon as Bush/Cheney was sworn in. Marshal law & riots nearly stopped the Bush inauguration. Everyone knew Bush was going to steal the SS surplus & Clinton Surplus & give it to the Rich & start wars. Bush brought the country to a halt, caused riots, marshal law & tanked the economy his first day. Q1-March-2000 GDP=12,365 billion, Q2-June-2000 GDP=12,598 billion, Q3-Sept-2000 GDP=12,614 billion, Q4-Dec-2000 GDP=12,682 billion, Bush Inauguration Riots-January-2001, Q1-March-2001 GDP=12,645 billion.


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Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

??? Sorry. but things like roads and bridges (and whatever benefits me directly) don't cost the government money. Obama is just bluffing. Only benefits that go to people other than me are socialism and cost money.

anyone notice

everything has either been historic or a crisis since the mans election

so tired of it and him
:cuckoo: Show us the 2 back to back negative quarters Clinton or Obama had. :lol:

If you honestly think a President can turn an economy around in less than one quarter, then why hasn't the great Obama?

The 4 quarter of 2000 was negative as was the 1 quarter of 2001. Bush was in office less than 2 and a half months, but you put it all on him?

The sad fact was as early as the mid 90's economist were forecasting a recession because the growth rate, the excess spending and the inflated dot com numbers pointed to another Great Depression, instead by a miracle the Great Recession was saved until 2008.

It was not anyone Presidents fault for a boom or a bust, the economy has cycles. The main problem is that Congress and the President make policies that have long economic impact that go beyond their tenure.

Again, you are nothing but a dishonest partisan hack.

You Lie! Every quarter of Clintons Presidency was positive. The very first negative was as soon as Bush/Cheney was sworn in. Marshal law & riots nearly stopped the Bush inauguration. Everyone knew Bush was going to steal the SS surplus & Clinton Surplus & give it to the Rich & start wars. Bush brought the country to a halt, caused riots, marshal law & tanked the economy his first day.



Hey dishonest, partisan hack, please educate yourself.

Economic Numbers Conclude Recession Started Earlier than March of 2001

Again, the President alone cannot start or stop a recession and if you really believe that, then you need to answer why Obama hasn't turned the economy around as it has taken him over 5 1/2 years and still isn't close.

Also thanks for conceding that the left is the one with the violence, not the TeaParty folks.
Sorry idiot, but opinions & news stories are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. Facts are facts. FireFly's numbers are accurate from the BEA. So we know for a fact the dishonest, partisan hack is you.

Q1-2000 GDP=12,365 billion
Q2-2000 GDP=12,598 billion
Q3-2000 GDP=12,614 billion
Q4-2000 GDP=12,682 billion
Bush Inauguration January-2001
Q1-2001 GDP=12,645 billion March-2001 -$38 billion
In PA there are two super highways that cross the state. One cost a person about 39 dollars if I remember correctly. The other is a federal interstate and the state asked if they could turn it into a toll road, the fed government said no.

So yes, any new freeway built by the state will become a toll road, in my opinion. If the interstates are turned over then the maintenance will have to be paid for somehow. So yes we would see more toll roads.
That is Pennsylvania. Toll roads are an east coats thing, for the most part.

Also, having driven about PA on both the toll roads and the rest, I believe it is safe to say that they have some of the worst highways in the northeast, if not the whole nation. So, as it is with every other government program, more money does not mean better a end product.

the PA turnpike was the first "superhighway." Designed for 55 not 65 and faster. So there is some catch up to do but I find it not that much different then other roads I have driven, other then one thing, it appears to me that a lot of the work being done looks to me to be a make work projects. The toll was suppose to end years ago. I guess back when built they felt that the turnpike would last forever and never need maintenance.

An example of what could happen is witnessed in western PA and I 367 3.25 for a car to go about 10 miles.
PA is great example of a bad example.

They have high fuel taxes, turnpikes with expensive tolls, and some of the worst roads in the nation.

Something tells me that all the money that they collect does not go back into road building and maintenance.
That is Pennsylvania. Toll roads are an east coats thing, for the most part.

Also, having driven about PA on both the toll roads and the rest, I believe it is safe to say that they have some of the worst highways in the northeast, if not the whole nation. So, as it is with every other government program, more money does not mean better a end product.

the PA turnpike was the first "superhighway." Designed for 55 not 65 and faster. So there is some catch up to do but I find it not that much different then other roads I have driven, other then one thing, it appears to me that a lot of the work being done looks to me to be a make work projects. The toll was suppose to end years ago. I guess back when built they felt that the turnpike would last forever and never need maintenance.

An example of what could happen is witnessed in western PA and I 367 3.25 for a car to go about 10 miles.
PA is great example of a bad example.

They have high fuel taxes, turnpikes with expensive tolls, and some of the worst roads in the nation.

Something tells me that all the money that they collect does not go back into road building and maintenance.

Then why not stop the spending on roads instead of stealing tax dollars from income tax, sales tax, payroll tax, SS trust fund & money printing inflation tax?

Exactly - All you want is subsidies for roads, oil, etc by stealing from workers & creating inflation. If you believe there is wasteful spending on roads then cut the wasteful spending or pay your bills. Keep your greedy hands out of others pockets.
Not sure who you believe your are addressing.

All I want is the money collected in fuel taxes and tolls to go for the roads. Nothing more.
Not sure who you believe your are addressing.

All I want is the money collected in fuel taxes and tolls to go for the roads. Nothing more.

How much is collected in fuel tax & tolls? $35 billion?

Because $85 billion is spent on roads every year & much of that is coming from other sources & people who don't use roads.

Missouri congress just passed the largest tax hike in history, a 1% State sales tax on everything to cover the gas tax shortfall. How much subsidy must we pay to oil companies for fuel & asphalt to build roads for their oil powered vehicles?

This thread is a fail

a state take's care of most of their roads and we frikken pay taxes out the ying yang for it
Not sure who you believe your are addressing.

All I want is the money collected in fuel taxes and tolls to go for the roads. Nothing more.

How much is collected in fuel tax & tolls? $35 billion?

Because $85 billion is spent on roads every year & much of that is coming from other sources & people who don't use roads.

Missouri congress just passed the largest tax hike in history, a 1% State sales tax on everything to cover the gas tax shortfall. How much subsidy must we pay to oil companies for fuel & asphalt to build roads for their oil powered vehicles?

Pop quiz:

How much of Clinton's 1993 increase of the federal fuel tax went into the highway trust fund?
Sorry idiot, but opinions & news stories are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. Facts are facts. FireFly's numbers are accurate from the BEA. So we know for a fact the dishonest, partisan hack is you.

Q1-2000 GDP=12,365 billion
Q2-2000 GDP=12,598 billion
Q3-2000 GDP=12,614 billion
Q4-2000 GDP=12,682 billion
Bush Inauguration January-2001
Q1-2001 GDP=12,645 billion March-2001 -$38 billion

Revised GDP numbers in the third quarter show a decrease, the fourth quarter showed a weakness in the economy in 2000.


Try using facts, the other facts showed that trouble during the 90's were finally surfacing. The other fact is the GDP grew in 2001 despite the fact that March through November that year was a recession.

But I am not a partisan hack, because unlike you, I don't believe the President has a huge control over the economy.

Also the Democrats said that by March of 2009 that he had not. enough time to change the economy, yet you believe did from January 19th to the end of March of 2001.

You are laughable.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
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Sorry idiot, but opinions & news stories are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. Facts are facts. FireFly's numbers are accurate from the BEA. So we know for a fact the dishonest, partisan hack is you.

Q1-2000 GDP=12,365 billion
Q2-2000 GDP=12,598 billion
Q3-2000 GDP=12,614 billion
Q4-2000 GDP=12,682 billion
Bush Inauguration January-2001
Q1-2001 GDP=12,645 billion March-2001 -$38 billion

Revised GDP numbers in the third quarter show a decrease, the fourth quarter showed a weakness in the economy in 2000.

New Data Show GDP Fell in 2000's 3rd Quarter - Los Angeles Times

Try using facts, the other facts showed that trouble during the 90's were finally surfacing. The other fact is the GDP grew in 2001 despite the fact that March through November that year was a recession.

But I am not a partisan hack, because unlike you, I don't believe the President has a huge control over the economy.

Also the Democrats said that by March of 2009 that he had not. enough time to change the economy, yet you believe did from January 19th to the end of March of 2001.

Again idiot partisan hacktard, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data is also revised & trumps your CNN iReport amateur source & the LA Times. On top of that your source confirms that the recession started months after Bush took office. Quote from your source: "The National Bureau of Economic Research, the official arbiter of when recessions begin and end, has determined that the recession began in March 2001 and ended in November of that year."

NY Times: "According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, official arbiter of recession dates, a recession in fact began in December 2007 and lasted through June 2009."

:lol: So you have proven Bush caused 2 recessions. Clinton & Obama caused none. :lol: How about the double dip recessions caused by Reagan/Bush?
Sorry idiot, but opinions & news stories are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. Facts are facts. FireFly's numbers are accurate from the BEA. So we know for a fact the dishonest, partisan hack is you.

Q1-2000 GDP=12,365 billion
Q2-2000 GDP=12,598 billion
Q3-2000 GDP=12,614 billion
Q4-2000 GDP=12,682 billion
Bush Inauguration January-2001
Q1-2001 GDP=12,645 billion March-2001 -$38 billion

Revised GDP numbers in the third quarter show a decrease, the fourth quarter showed a weakness in the economy in 2000.

New Data Show GDP Fell in 2000's 3rd Quarter - Los Angeles Times

Try using facts, the other facts showed that trouble during the 90's were finally surfacing. The other fact is the GDP grew in 2001 despite the fact that March through November that year was a recession.

But I am not a partisan hack, because unlike you, I don't believe the President has a huge control over the economy.

Also the Democrats said that by March of 2009 that he had not. enough time to change the economy, yet you believe did from January 19th to the end of March of 2001.

Again idiot partisan hacktard, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data is also revised & trumps your CNN iReport amateur source & the LA Times. On top of that your source confirms that the recession started months after Bush took office. Quote from your source: "The National Bureau of Economic Research, the official arbiter of when recessions begin and end, has determined that the recession began in March 2001 and ended in November of that year."

NY Times: "According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, official arbiter of recession dates, a recession in fact began in December 2007 and lasted through June 2009."

:lol: So you have proven Bush caused 2 recessions. Clinton & Obama caused none. :lol: How about the double dip recessions caused by Reagan/Bush?

Then why hasn't the great Obama turned the economy around?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Revised GDP numbers in the third quarter show a decrease, the fourth quarter showed a weakness in the economy in 2000.

New Data Show GDP Fell in 2000's 3rd Quarter - Los Angeles Times

Try using facts, the other facts showed that trouble during the 90's were finally surfacing. The other fact is the GDP grew in 2001 despite the fact that March through November that year was a recession.

But I am not a partisan hack, because unlike you, I don't believe the President has a huge control over the economy.

Also the Democrats said that by March of 2009 that he had not. enough time to change the economy, yet you believe did from January 19th to the end of March of 2001.

Again idiot partisan hacktard, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data is also revised & trumps your CNN iReport amateur source & the LA Times. On top of that your source confirms that the recession started months after Bush took office. Quote from your source: "The National Bureau of Economic Research, the official arbiter of when recessions begin and end, has determined that the recession began in March 2001 and ended in November of that year."

NY Times: "According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, official arbiter of recession dates, a recession in fact began in December 2007 and lasted through June 2009."

:lol: So you have proven Bush caused 2 recessions. Clinton & Obama caused none. :lol: How about the double dip recessions caused by Reagan/Bush?

Then why hasn't the great Obama turned the economy around?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

He has.

My house has appreciated in value by about $100,000 since we bought in 2011.
Highway Crisis Looms as Soon as August, US Warns - ABC News

So does the Do Nothing Congress do something or will they let our roads and bridges fall apart? The work programs that could be putting people to work doing worthwhile jobs could be enormous.... But if the GOP continues to block everything, expect gridlock on your roads soon.

As much as it hurts, the GOP is going to have to give up the money, even if it means helping the economy and the Obama administration.

Shame that the stimulus money didn't go there, as they promised. Instead, the money was spent on a lot of stupid shit. Some roads and bridges were upgraded even though they had been redone recently. The worst ones were ignored. All the money collected from tolls that is supposed to go for road repair doesn't go where it should. I suspect all funds are robbed to keep up with liberal programs like paying billions for illegal aliens and such. They robbed the social security fund. They can't keep their grubby paws off money and they do not spend it where they should.

Maybe if congress learned how to spend wisely, we wouldn't be in this mess. They are spendaholics and the more they take, the more ways they find to spend.

If Obama cared about the economy, he would support repealing Obamacare. And why the hell should the Republicans support the Obama administration in it's destruction of capitalist America? Besides, the Dems aren't even supporting Obama on a lot of things, which is why he is set to act like a dictator and do things on his own.

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