'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

It’s a secular nation of separation of Church and state with freedom to practice religion openly

the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Nice zero college Christian lad
It’s a secular nation of separation of Church and state with freedom to practice religion openly

the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Congress opens with a prayer you dumb bitch. Point me.
the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Nice zero college Christian lad
pay attention. i was quoting what BLACK FLAG said and replying to it.

now move along and show off your idiocy elsewhere.
the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Congress opens with a prayer you dumb bitch. Point me.
i noticed now you removed the word "christian".

you're welcome. now you move along and show off your stupid elsewhere also.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---
Poor, scared little cracka :itsok:
------------------------------ NOT scared at all . As an older guy i think its funny . Youngsters and people that encourage or advocate for immigration don't seem to realize that if they import non Western third worlders then they will have to deal with them BFlag . I think that a 200 year old rule against head coverings in 'congress' had to be modified or gotten rid of to allow these 2 third world muslim women to wear head coverings in 'congress' BFlag .
Since the nation was founded it’s had terrified old retards like you pissing yourselves over immigrants. You are no different.
Very true, Germans, Italians, Asians, now Latinos.
Know what Ben Franklin said when he tried to ban Germans
"They are swarthy, can't speak our language and are taking our jobs"
Sound familiar?
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Congress opens with a prayer you dumb bitch. Point me.
i noticed now you removed the word "christian".

you're welcome. now you move along and show off your stupid elsewhere also.
You weren't even part of the original conversation, retard. You don’t even know what the point was about. Good fucking grief
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Congress opens with a prayer you dumb bitch. Point me.
i noticed now you removed the word "christian".

you're welcome. now you move along and show off your stupid elsewhere also.
You weren't even part of the original conversation, retard. You don’t even know what the point was about. Good fucking grief
i know what you said.
i know you were wrong.
i know you changed the way you phrased it and kept right on going.
and finally, i know you're fucking stupid.

back to ignore. have a nice day.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---
Yup, it will improve the IQ of native white rubes.
Apple inventor etc?
Got an iPhone?
Muslims are better educated and earn more than our white natives
Now let me guess what American thinker is, commie source?

Not really true, anymore.

In 2017 over 35% of White Americans held college degrees, as opposed to 31% of Muslim Americans.

Demographic portrait of Muslim Americans

Polish Americans - Wikipedia

Some groups of White Americans are well higher in College degrees, which College degrees were found in over 42% for Polish Americans, over 44% Slovak Americans, over 45% for Czech Americans, over 46% for Serbian Americans, over 52% for Ukrainian Americans, and over 60% of Russian Americans.
Well that’s also stupid. Still makes my point.
no it makes you wrong.

you said:
"That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer"

and have been proven wrong.

Congress opens with a prayer you dumb bitch. Point me.
i noticed now you removed the word "christian".

you're welcome. now you move along and show off your stupid elsewhere also.
You weren't even part of the original conversation, retard. You don’t even know what the point was about. Good fucking grief
i know what you said.
i know you were wrong.
i know you changed the way you phrased it and kept right on going.
and finally, i know you're fucking stupid.

back to ignore. have a nice day.
You jumped in and backed up my point. Doesn’t matter what religion I used. Thanks. Now go fuck yourself.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---
Yup, it will improve the IQ of native white rubes.
Apple inventor etc?
Got an iPhone?
Muslims are better educated and earn more than our white natives
Now let me guess what American thinker is, commie source?

Not really true, anymore.

In 2017 over 35% of White Americans held college degrees, as opposed to 31% of Muslim Americans.

Demographic portrait of Muslim Americans

Polish Americans - Wikipedia

Some groups of White Americans are well higher in College degrees, which College degrees were found in over 42% for Polish Americans, over 44% Slovak Americans, over 45% for Czech Americans, over 46% for Serbian Americans, over 52% for Ukrainian Americans, and over 60% of Russian Americans.

A Portrait of Jewish Americans

Fully one-quarter of Jews (25%) say they have a household income exceeding $150,000, compared with 8% of adults in the public as a whole.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---
Yup, it will improve the IQ of native white rubes.
Apple inventor etc?
Got an iPhone?
Muslims are better educated and earn more than our white natives
Now let me guess what American thinker is, commie source?

Not really true, anymore.

In 2017 over 35% of White Americans held college degrees, as opposed to 31% of Muslim Americans.

Demographic portrait of Muslim Americans

Polish Americans - Wikipedia

Some groups of White Americans are well higher in College degrees, which College degrees were found in over 42% for Polish Americans, over 44% Slovak Americans, over 45% for Czech Americans, over 46% for Serbian Americans, over 52% for Ukrainian Americans, and over 60% of Russian Americans.
-------------------------------- and they all live in their parents basements and are all heavily in student loan debt eh Sob ??
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Another right wing thread linking to a spurious "fake news" site, attacking and smearing a non-white, female member of Congress. You a$$hat snowflakes are having daily tantrums over these non-white women achieving power. What happened to all that laughter over the "crazy" women in their silly pussy hats?

Did you think that when Republicans nominated a pussy grabbing conman, and then openly courted the neo-nazi, KKK, white supremacist faction of the right wing fringe, in order to elect him President, that people would just stand by and let Trump turn the USA into a neo-nazi state and do nothing? Republicans begged white Americans to vote for Trump to keep that criminal Hillary Clinton from gaining power.

But Hillary Clinton is not and has NEVER BEEN a criminal, which even Republicans will admit is the real truth. The Clintons are the victims of one of the most persistent and vicious smear campaigns ever mounted by the Republican Party, starting with Newt Gingerich, and a Special Prosecutor's investigation which went on for 6 1/2 years without finding any crimes that either Clinton committed. Yes, Bill Clinton lied about a blow job, and really, compared to the crimes admitted to by the current President, it's puppyshit. At that time, Republicans declared loudly and long that the character of the President of the United States matters above all else, and it was the shame of the nation, that a man who was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office, was President.

This self-same political party just gave a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to an openly partisan, liberal-hating and baiting, radical right winger, with a history of bad behaviour towards women. That he was the architect of Ken Starr's attack on Bill Clinton's sexual history, only proves his unfitness for the office to which he was appointed.

You may recall that Ken Starr actually bullied and jailed witnesses who refused to "flip" on the Clintons. Bill Clinton may have behaved badly with women, but there is every evidence that he respected the word "No" when he heard it, and no credible evidence that he ever did otherwise. 17 investigations, not one charge against Hillary Clinton, yet Republicans publically branded her a "criminal" while defending the candidacy of Donald Trump, who Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan KNEW was under investigation by the FBI for collusion with the Russians, but did NOTHING to protect the nation from electing a Manchurian Candidate, such was their lust for power.

The American public isn't as stupid as you seem to think they are. Every time right wingers attack liberal female legislators, people whose constituents thought well enough of to elect to the House, the Republican Party loses votes and deservedly so.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Another right wing thread linking to a spurious "fake news" site, attacking and smearing a non-white, female member of Congress. You a$$hat snowflakes are having daily tantrums over these non-white women achieving power. What happened to all that laughter over the "crazy" women in their silly pussy hats?

Did you think that when Republicans nominated a pussy grabbing conman, and then openly courted the neo-nazi, KKK, white supremacist faction of the right wing fringe, in order to elect him President, that people would just stand by and let Trump turn the USA into a neo-nazi state and do nothing? Republicans begged white Americans to vote for Trump to keep that criminal Hillary Clinton from gaining power.

But Hillary Clinton is not and has NEVER BEEN a criminal, which even Republicans will admit is the real truth. The Clintons are the victims of one of the most persistent and vicious smear campaigns ever mounted by the Republican Party, starting with Newt Gingerich, and a Special Prosecutor's investigation which went on for 6 1/2 years without finding any crimes that either Clinton committed. Yes, Bill Clinton lied about a blow job, and really, compared to the crimes admitted to by the current President, it's puppyshit. At that time, Republicans declared loudly and long that the character of the President of the United States matters above all else, and it was the shame of the nation, that a man who was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office, was President.

This self-same political party just gave a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to an openly partisan, liberal-hating and baiting, radical right winger, with a history of bad behaviour towards women. That he was the architect of Ken Starr's attack on Bill Clinton's sexual history, only proves his unfitness for the office to which he was appointed.

You may recall that Ken Starr actually bullied and jailed witnesses who refused to "flip" on the Clintons. Bill Clinton may have behaved badly with women, but there is every evidence that he respected the word "No" when he heard it, and no credible evidence that he ever did otherwise. 17 investigations, not one charge against Hillary Clinton, yet Republicans publically branded her a "criminal" while defending the candidacy of Donald Trump, who Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan KNEW was under investigation by the FBI for collusion with the Russians, but did NOTHING to protect the nation from electing a Manchurian Candidate, such was their lust for power.

The American public isn't as stupid as you seem to think they are. Every time right wingers attack liberal female legislators, people whose constituents thought well enough of to elect to the House, the Republican Party loses votes and deservedly so.


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