'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

my comment on the HIJAB controversy------I have noted the "right to
adhere to the requirements of one's religion" argument----and sorta
agree. HOWEVER----so MANY of the HIJAB sporting chicks have
actually ADMITED THAT they put that rag on their heads to make a
my support------they have legalized something VERY UNAMERICAN

It's so telling that you refer to women who are wearing a religious symbol as "sluts", and refer to the religion of 1/4 of the World's population as a "cult". Intolerant, misogynistic and xenophobic to the bone, these conservatives, and then they wonder why liberals dismiss them as crazy.
Keep you enemy where you can see them....if they want to wear a uniform ie a hijab or a head dress so be it....
Since the nation was founded it’s had terrified old retards like you pissing yourselves over immigrants. You are no different.

But, but, but It's a secular nation, except when it's not.
Congrats on posting something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything

Either it's a Secular Nation of Separation of Religion & State, or it's Not.
Which is it?
It’s a secular nation of separation of Church and state with freedom to practice religion openly

the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor

Congrats on posting something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything

Either it's a Secular Nation of Separation of Religion & State, or it's Not.
Which is it?
It’s a secular nation of separation of Church and state with freedom to practice religion openly

the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

It does? what Christian prayer is that?
It does? what Christian prayer is that?
Congrats on posting something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything

Either it's a Secular Nation of Separation of Religion & State, or it's Not.
Which is it?
It’s a secular nation of separation of Church and state with freedom to practice religion openly

the freedom to PRACTICE RELIGION OPENLY --does not extend to the
Senate floor
Yeah right. That’s why every fucking session of the Senate opens with a Christian prayer. Good fucking grief.

Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July

Great. Now remind us why wearing a hijab is a problem for you.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Just more of the filthy same as America loses more of its identity, it’s roots....the identity that once upon a time made it the greatest country in the world.

Don't really get that, since New England was largely founded by religious extremists following ancient Mideast religious practices, which originally required hair covering for women, like the Puritans, Quakers, etc.


When 1 Corinthians was written it was a CULTURAL practice for a woman to wear her hair up and covered if she is married, you are right. Same in the above--if you are married, up and at least covered somewhat, say with a small cap, at least in some social strata. It would bring shame to your husband if you wore your hair in public loose and down. It would be today like wearing no wedding ring if you normally DO wear one--like you are flaunting your availability--or being immodest on purpose. Like wearing your bathing suit to church. It would bring shame to your husband.

Modern Christians no longer have to wear head coverings to church if they do not belong to a culture where female head coverings is the norm or is a standard of marriage or availability.
my comment on the HIJAB controversy------I have noted the "right to
adhere to the requirements of one's religion" argument----and sorta
agree. HOWEVER----so MANY of the HIJAB sporting chicks have
actually ADMITED THAT they put that rag on their heads to make a
my support------they have legalized something VERY UNAMERICAN

It's so telling that you refer to women who are wearing a religious symbol as "sluts", and refer to the religion of 1/4 of the World's population as a "cult". Intolerant, misogynistic and xenophobic to the bone, these conservatives, and then they wonder why liberals dismiss them as crazy.

really? just WHAT are my comments "telling" you? Do you have
any idea what muslims call YOUR religion? Do you know anything
about islam? Have you ever worked with or socialized with muslims?
read the Koran? been in a mosque? do you have relatives from muslim countries? I referred to the specic muslims in question
as sluts-------not the whole "ummah" Furthermore----my issue is with
people bent on advertising their religion thru costume whilst acting
as senators in the USA ------during sessions of the senate. You
are very confused.
worldwide the problem seems to be 'muslim' rather than Hindu , Christianity or any other religion . Just saying .

I strongly disagree.
The world wide problem is capitalism, greed, colonialism, imperialism, etc.
If you leave Muslims alone and don't try to steal from them of take control of their governments, they are not a problem at all.
Muslims did not try to invade the US and take over, it has always been western powers that tried to invade and take over Muslim countries.
So far, Muslims come off as freedom fighters, against illegal foreign occupation and domination.

have you ever interacted with muslims ? have you ever read the
Koran? Have you ever been in a mosque? Do you have any relatives
from muslim countries? do you have any basis at all for your
opinion? are you a left over LSD head from the 60s?
my comment on the HIJAB controversy------I have noted the "right to
adhere to the requirements of one's religion" argument----and sorta
agree. HOWEVER----so MANY of the HIJAB sporting chicks have
actually ADMITED THAT they put that rag on their heads to make a
my support------they have legalized something VERY UNAMERICAN

It's so telling that you refer to women who are wearing a religious symbol as "sluts", and refer to the religion of 1/4 of the World's population as a "cult". Intolerant, misogynistic and xenophobic to the bone, these conservatives, and then they wonder why liberals dismiss them as crazy.

really? just WHAT are my comments "telling" you? Do you have
any idea what muslims call YOUR religion? Do you know anything
about islam? Have you ever worked with or socialized with muslims?
read the Koran? been in a mosque? do you have relatives from muslim countries? I referred to the specic muslims in question
as sluts-------not the whole "ummah" Furthermore----my issue is with
people bent on advertising their religion thru costume whilst acting
as senators in the USA ------during sessions of the senate. You
are very confused.
The women are not sluts, but do let me know if they do that tongue warbling keening sound on the House floor.
my comment on the HIJAB controversy------I have noted the "right to
adhere to the requirements of one's religion" argument----and sorta
agree. HOWEVER----so MANY of the HIJAB sporting chicks have
actually ADMITED THAT they put that rag on their heads to make a
my support------they have legalized something VERY UNAMERICAN

It's so telling that you refer to women who are wearing a religious symbol as "sluts", and refer to the religion of 1/4 of the World's population as a "cult". Intolerant, misogynistic and xenophobic to the bone, these conservatives, and then they wonder why liberals dismiss them as crazy.

really? just WHAT are my comments "telling" you? Do you have
any idea what muslims call YOUR religion? Do you know anything
about islam? Have you ever worked with or socialized with muslims?
read the Koran? been in a mosque? do you have relatives from muslim countries? I referred to the specic muslims in question
as sluts-------not the whole "ummah" Furthermore----my issue is with
people bent on advertising their religion thru costume whilst acting
as senators in the USA ------during sessions of the senate. You
are very confused.
--------------------------------- also , after my original post which simply notes the fact that imported newcomers to the USA and its American politics are changing American Politics . I have come to the realization or thought that this 'hijab' on the chicks head in 'congress' after 200 years of prohibition of 'head coverings' in 'congress' is actually a political statement by 'muslims' . The wearing of the visible 'hijab' in 'congress' is similar to the Declaring of 'allahu akbar' which is declaring that 'allah' is Greatest or Greater .
Not only are Christian nuns also wearing a hijab, but the Bible says all Christian women are supposed to as well.

Corinthians 11: 6
{... And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for it is just as if her head were shaved.
If a woman does not cover her head,let her hair be cut off. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.… }

Modesty is essentially personal belief, which essentially is the same as religion.
So not allowing a hijab is no different than demanding women be naked in public.
bullshit--not for the same reason
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Are conservatives now against religious accomodations?
------------------------ maybe , especially in 'government . What are some common religious accomodations in 'government' Otto ??

Are you serious with that question?
--------------------------------------------------- yes of course i am Otto , name some religious accomodation made for 'government or congresses politicians other than this current one made for the 'muslim' chick Otto .

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