'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.

By the way, I don't see you have any problem with melania being First Lady then using chain migration to bring her parents here. She's a migrant too. Why don't you have any problem with her? Why don't you have a problem with her using chain migration to bring her parents here?

Conservatives who are cowardly, reprehensible, bigoted, racist, and hateful.
Not only are Christian nuns also wearing a hijab, but the Bible says all Christian women are supposed to as well.

Corinthians 11: 6
{... And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for it is just as if her head were shaved.
If a woman does not cover her head,let her hair be cut off. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.… }

Modesty is essentially personal belief, which essentially is the same as religion.
So not allowing a hijab is no different than demanding women be naked in public.
bullshit--not for the same reason

Wrong. The Muslim hijab is exactly for the same reason.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians all share the exact same Old Testament.
no freakin no--christian women don't wear that shit as much as the dubmass muslims

You are wrong.
Christian women always used to cover their hair as well, for the exact same reason.


The fact Christian women no longer follow the requirements of the Bible, does not mean the Christian Bible does not have the same requirements for head covering for women. I have shown it does, in Corinthians 11.
people USED to think the earth was flat
christians USED to:
TORTURE people
condemn them for thinking the earth is NOT the center of the universe
PILLAGE/rape cities for $$$$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they STILL rape CHILDREN-and then try to cover it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note that the Siege of Zara of Catholic on Catholic looting & massacring, gets LEFT OUT of the Crusades when spoken by Liberals.

Oh no, it was some kind of anti-Muslim hate crime.

In reality the Crusades were not so much about an anti-Muslim hate field killing Muslims for sport, but clearly more about power, greed & loot.
Not only are Christian nuns also wearing a hijab, but the Bible says all Christian women are supposed to as well.

Corinthians 11: 6
{... And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for it is just as if her head were shaved.
If a woman does not cover her head,let her hair be cut off. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.… }

Modesty is essentially personal belief, which essentially is the same as religion.
So not allowing a hijab is no different than demanding women be naked in public.
and how many people in congress show up to work in a nun outfit?

How many show up for work wearing a cross around their neck or on their lapel?

How many show up with their bible in hand or in their pocket?
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.

By the way, I don't see you have any problem with melania being First Lady then using chain migration to bring her parents here. She's a migrant too. Why don't you have any problem with her? Why don't you have a problem with her using chain migration to bring her parents here?

Conservatives who are cowardly, reprehensible, bigoted, racist, and hateful.
.....liberals/'''leftists''/blacks/etc who are cowardly, reprehensible, bigoted, racist, and hateful.
blacks commit hate crimes at over twice the rate of whites
and most of the black vote went to Obama--a liberal
Not only are Christian nuns also wearing a hijab, but the Bible says all Christian women are supposed to as well.

Corinthians 11: 6
{... And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for it is just as if her head were shaved.
If a woman does not cover her head,let her hair be cut off. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.… }

Modesty is essentially personal belief, which essentially is the same as religion.
So not allowing a hijab is no different than demanding women be naked in public.
bullshit--not for the same reason

Wrong. The Muslim hijab is exactly for the same reason.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians all share the exact same Old Testament.
no freakin no--christian women don't wear that shit as much as the dubmass muslims

You are wrong.
Christian women always used to cover their hair as well, for the exact same reason.

The fact Christian women no longer follow the requirements of the Bible, does not mean the Christian Bible does not have the same requirements for head covering for women. I have shown it does, in Corinthians 11.
people USED to think the earth was flat
christians USED to:
TORTURE people
condemn them for thinking the earth is NOT the center of the universe
PILLAGE/rape cities for $$$$$$$
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
they STILL rape CHILDREN-and then try to cover it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The siege of Zara:

Pope Innocent III negotiated an agreement with the Republic of Venice, Europe's dominant sea power at the time, involving the construction of a fleet of warships and transports. The deal stipulated that about 35,000 crusaders would need transport and the Venetians would be paid 94,000 marks of silver, to be paid in installments. A council held at Soissons in June 1201 chose Boniface of Montferrat to lead the expedition.

The agreement between the Venetians and the crusaders had set the date for the arrival of the host in Venice before the end of April 1202, in order to provide for a departure in time for a summer crossing at the end of June. The crusade leaders had counted on raising the money still owed to the Venetians through the collection of passage money from the individual crusaders. However, the first crusader groups did not leave France until April and May, others straggled along throughout the summer and some of the French nobles chose to sail instead from Marseilles and other ports.[9] Therefore, after the Venetians had suspended their regular commercial operations for a year to build and crew the ships, only about 12,000 crusaders showed up at Venice to man and pay for them. Boniface and the nobles added what money they could spare, and pledged their gold and silver plate to the Venetian moneylenders.[9] Still the crusaders found themselves only able to pay 51,000 marks to the Venetians. In response, the Venetians indicated that they would accept the invasion of Zara (now Zadar, Croatia), a Catholic city on the coast of the Adriatic, as well as nearby Trieste, in lieu of payment for the time being;[11] the crusaders were then to pay the rest owed to the Venetians out of their initial gains in the crusade. Zara had rebelled against the Venetian Republic in 1183, and placed itself under the dual protection of the Papacy and King Emeric of Hungary[11] (who had recently agreed to join the Crusade). Though a large group of crusaders found the scheme repulsive and refused to participate, the majority agreed (despite the written protests of Innocent III), citing it as necessary to attain the larger goal of taking Jerusalem.

Interesting reading.
I knew the Crusaders murdered Jews, but I did not know they murdered Christians as well.
Keep you enemy where you can see them....if they want to wear a uniform ie a hijab or a head dress so be it....

What exactly, makes a female, American, Member of Congress an "enemy" of anyone in the United States? She has the same right to Freedom of Religion under the First Amendment as any other American.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

I'm supposed to be afraid of a woman wearing a hijab in Congress, but not a crucifix hanging around their neck or a yarmulke on their head?

Not what she is wearing but what she stands for is the point of the thread, I believe.

Do you really believe that religious freedom only applies to christians?

And why don't you have a problem with violating our constitution? Our constitution says there's to be no religious test for anyone to run for or hold public office.

So if you care about our constitution you might want to stop violating it.

Why do you have a problem with people voting for someone who isn't christian? She represents her district. They voted for her and they have the right to have her represent them in DC. Why do you have a problem with our congress being more diverse and more representing the people of our nation? Do you believe that those of the muslim faith have no right to be represented? They are Americans too. They pay taxes and contribute to our society.

I really don't want to believe that you're afraid of people who aren't like you being in our government.
Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress.

Is she being forced to wear it?

IDK? Is she? It is possible. I don't know her personally or the repercussions she may face if she doesn't wear it.

I'm pretty sure an American Congresswoman can go hijabless if she wants to.

Are you? I am not so sure when it comes to radical Islam. I would not bet my or my kids lives on it that is for sure. Again being a Jew maybe I am more sensitive than most when it comes to radical Islam or Islam in general.

But as with radical christians or jewish people, the radicals in islam are the minority.

You don't know this woman. Just because she wears a head scarf and is a muslim you're assuming she's a radical.

So using your standards even though it's the minority, all christians and jewish people are radical extremists and should be judged that way. No exceptions. Without any proof. Just as you're doing with this muslim woman.

I so want to believe you're not an extremist christian but you know, a small minority of christians are so all must be and since you're a christian, you are too.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much
Yeah, what does she think this is a free country!?
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much
Yeah, what does she think this is a free country!?
they want to change American values
it's the same thing blacks want to do = punish cops for doing their job
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much
Yeah, what does she think this is a free country!?
they want to change American values
it's the same thing blacks want to do = punish cops for doing their job
What values?
Keep you enemy where you can see them....if they want to wear a uniform ie a hijab or a head dress so be it....

What exactly, makes a female, American, Member of Congress an "enemy" of anyone in the United States? She has the same right to Freedom of Religion under the First Amendment as any other American.
they want to change American values

The majority of Arab Americans, at least last I checked weren't Muslims

Muslims are pretty miniscule thus far in their changing of the U.S.A, besides a few smaller Sects, and also Larger Sects like Hamtranck MI, Dearborn MI, and Little Arabia in Orange County, California.

Even in those regions, remain many Christian, and Jewish people from MENA countries.

Likewise, there's also some Muslim sects, which include White like Muslims, such as Albanians, and Bosniaks.

Jews & Hispanics are far more responsible for the changing of America.

Hispanics have the numbers & Jews the power.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much
Yeah, what does she think this is a free country!?
they want to change American values
it's the same thing blacks want to do = punish cops for doing their job
What values?
I just gave one!!!!!!!!!
law and order
DON'T try to argue it--the blacks HATE the police doing their job
......cops JUSTIFIABLY shoot a dangerous CAREER criminal that threatens them, and the blacks go crazy
Always remember-“equal” is not the goal, “special” is the goal. Part and parcel of emotional snowflaking.
Does her Husband/Brother force her to wear the head-cover?
It is a display of Islamic Male chauvinism and Islamic Female subservience.
It proves once again that Liberals don't have any real principles.
The crazy Liberals are kowtowing to the Jihadist again.

View attachment 238242

Poor argument considering the male in the image is also covering his head in the exact same and equal way.

And it's a terrible photoshop job.

That photo was such a terrible cut and paste job, one of my students could see it from a mile away.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much

So I point out how ridiculous and hypocritical you are and you tell me to go to Somalia.

For your information I love America much more than you do. I follow the constitution. I volunteered for our Air National Guard and served this nation.

What armed forces did you join and how did you serve this nation?

For your information you're violating our constitution. It clearly says that there is to be no religious test for anyone to run for and hold public office. It also says that everyone, not just christians, have religious freedom.

I would say you need to move from America because you certainly don't follow our constitution and certainly don't believe in our freedoms for everyone.
Does her Husband/Brother force her to wear the head-cover?
It is a display of Islamic Male chauvinism and Islamic Female subservience.
It proves once again that Liberals don't have any real principles.
The crazy Liberals are kowtowing to the Jihadist again.

View attachment 238242

Poor argument considering the male in the image is also covering his head in the exact same and equal way.

And it's a terrible photoshop job.

That photo was such a terrible cut and paste job, one of my students could see it from a mile away.
oh it's real,
Not only are Christian nuns also wearing a hijab, but the Bible says all Christian women are supposed to as well.

Corinthians 11: 6
{... And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for it is just as if her head were shaved.
If a woman does not cover her head,let her hair be cut off. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.… }

Modesty is essentially personal belief, which essentially is the same as religion.
So not allowing a hijab is no different than demanding women be naked in public.
bullshit--not for the same reason

Wrong. The Muslim hijab is exactly for the same reason.
Muslims, Jews, and Christians all share the exact same Old Testament.

^^^^ only a person who never read the bible or the Koran or interacted
with muslims could come up with such an idiotic comment

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