'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

AND as the poster of post number 1 or the original Post all i did was point out that YOU Immigration loving people whoever you may be are going to see nonwestern change in 'government' and American Society because of 'muslim' importation and that is all . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html --- and to Dana , muslims should be excluded from importation into the USA . They may have a RIGHT to run for office after they get to the USA but they have NO RIGHT to be imported into the USA .
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Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
This woman is better than all of them.
as if 'isza' the goat herder cares about religious tolerance and 'rights' of womens in the USA as he kisses his favorite goat goodnight Skews .
It starts out with "I'm happy to be able to wear the hijab. " it ends with "You slut, wear the hijab or go to prison".
Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
Why would you care how they dressed?

Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress. If Jews wearing beanies started bombing places outside of Israel and calling for the death of infidels. I would renounce Judaism and never wear a beanie again. But thats just me.
Because you like to paint brush with a very wide brush. Not all whites are potential mass shooters and racists.
Ok, so when this woman is sworn in, do they use a bible....if they do, does it count?
Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
Why would you care how they dressed?

Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress. If Jews wearing beanies started bombing places outside of Israel and calling for the death of infidels. I would renounce Judaism and never wear a beanie again. But thats just me.

Hmm, so there's been no Beanie wearing Jewish Terrorists?

So, Baruch Goldstein is just a figment of our imaginations?
The whole state of Israel is terrorist.
Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
Why would you care how they dressed?

Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress. If Jews wearing beanies started bombing places outside of Israel and calling for the death of infidels. I would renounce Judaism and never wear a beanie again. But thats just me.

Hmm, so there's been no Beanie wearing Jewish Terrorists?

So, Baruch Goldstein is just a figment of our imaginations?
The whole state of Israel is terrorist.
----------------------------------------------------------------- State of Israel is STRONG and easily kicks 'ayerab' , berber muslims' azz and they do that azz kicking with smiles on their faces .
Ok, so when this woman is sworn in, do they use a bible....if they do, does it count?
------------------------------- don't know but i can't imagine that a Bible is used and i wouldn't approve if a Bible was used Thinker .
Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress.

Is she being forced to wear it?

IDK? Is she? It is possible. I don't know her personally or the repercussions she may face if she doesn't wear it.

I'm pretty sure an American Congresswoman can go hijabless if she wants to.

Are you? I am not so sure when it comes to radical Islam. I would not bet my or my kids lives on it that is for sure. Again being a Jew maybe I am more sensitive than most when it comes to radical Islam or Islam in general.

But as with radical christians or jewish people, the radicals in islam are the minority.

You don't know this woman. Just because she wears a head scarf and is a muslim you're assuming she's a radical.

So using your standards even though it's the minority, all christians and jewish people are radical extremists and should be judged that way. No exceptions. Without any proof. Just as you're doing with this muslim woman.

I so want to believe you're not an extremist christian but you know, a small minority of christians are so all must be and since you're a christian, you are too.

She supports BDS and basically called Israel a spawn of Satan.
Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
Why would you care how they dressed?

Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress. If Jews wearing beanies started bombing places outside of Israel and calling for the death of infidels. I would renounce Judaism and never wear a beanie again. But thats just me.

Hmm, so there's been no Beanie wearing Jewish Terrorists?

So, Baruch Goldstein is just a figment of our imaginations?
The whole state of Israel is terrorist.

Keep telling yourself that.
Hijab like this ?
feel free to show me anyone in congress who is dressed like this.
Why would you care how they dressed?

Because there is a deeper meaning to the dress. If Jews wearing beanies started bombing places outside of Israel and calling for the death of infidels. I would renounce Judaism and never wear a beanie again. But thats just me.

Hmm, so there's been no Beanie wearing Jewish Terrorists?

So, Baruch Goldstein is just a figment of our imaginations?
The whole state of Israel is terrorist.

I am sure you and your ISIS brethren are very happy together.
Are conservatives now against religious accomodations?
------------------------ maybe , especially in 'government . What are some common religious accomodations in 'government' Otto ??

Are you serious with that question?
--------------------------------------------------- yes of course i am Otto , name some religious accomodation made for 'government or congresses politicians other than this current one made for the 'muslim' chick Otto .

We have a long history of religious accomodations in our government. Are you honestly stating that a Jewish member of the House or senate that wanted to wear a cap they could not?
------------------------------------------ little i know of it , yamulkas [sp] were against the rules since the rule was made Otto .

Seems that there was an 1837 rule in the House of Representatives banning the wearing of hats, but that rule was not enforced for the wearing of religious hats.
you immigration loving guys and girls are getting the change you want . --- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/01/no_sharia_in_america.html ---

Oh no a woman is wearing a scarf over her head in congress!!!!!

It's going to destroy America I tell you!!!!!

Run! Run! Hide!

Get under your beds! The world is coming to an end!

You conservatives really are the most cowardly people I've ever encountered.
go live in Somalia if you hate America so much

Somalia has the exact size government that libertarians love, but won’t live there.
------------------------ maybe , especially in 'government . What are some common religious accomodations in 'government' Otto ??

Are you serious with that question?
--------------------------------------------------- yes of course i am Otto , name some religious accomodation made for 'government or congresses politicians other than this current one made for the 'muslim' chick Otto .

We have a long history of religious accomodations in our government. Are you honestly stating that a Jewish member of the House or senate that wanted to wear a cap they could not?
------------------------------------------ little i know of it , yamulkas [sp] were against the rules since the rule was made Otto .

Seems that there was an 1837 rule in the House of Representatives banning the wearing of hats, but that rule was not enforced for the wearing of religious hats.
---------------------------------------------- Might be but i don't think that Religious Displays or Hats were allowed . And that was a long time ago but how many Jews or Indian Chiefs , Medicine Men or 'muslims' with their Religious hats were in the 'house of reps' back in the early days of 1837 were there Otto ??
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But the fact remains that there was a 200 year old rule against HATS since 1837 and a 'muslim' woman got the Rule changed so she could display her religious Hat or religious Garb . I'm pretty much saying that young people in the USA ain't seen nothing yet Otto .

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