Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.
the problem is, are they getting paid more? The cost of everything will increase, so their net increase will be zero.

So if it doesn't matter, lets just go ahead and raise it.
No, the logical response is, if it doesnt matter then why do it.

No wonder liberalism is considered a bona fide mental illness.

IKE is spinning in his grave that people this ignorant are defiling a once decent American political party. This is the kind of person Rand Paul wants to see in the rear view mirror as he leads decent Americans out of the cesspoll nutballism became under people even stupider and more lost than the original ReagaNUTs were.
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There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

guess you never ran a kool aid stand when you were a kid. its not that hard to figure out.
There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

guess you never ran a kool aid stand when you were a kid. its not that hard to figure out.

He's never run anything than his mouth. That should be obvious.
There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

guess you never ran a kool aid stand when you were a kid. its not that hard to figure out.

He's never run anything than his mouth. That should be obvious.

What is obvious is you people don't understand how things work.

Generosity of spirit impels me to invite you to post economic indicators for the five years following the last five increases in minimum wages.

If you can take time away from your nutball circle jerk to find the facts that prove what morons you are.
guess you never ran a kool aid stand when you were a kid. its not that hard to figure out.

He's never run anything than his mouth. That should be obvious.

What is obvious is you people don't understand how things work.

Generosity of spirit impels me to invite you to post economic indicators for the five years following the last five increases in minimum wages.

If you can take time away from your nutball circle jerk to find the facts that prove what morons you are.

lol just add 1 plus 1 dude. not that hard to figure out. I read how like 600,000 teanage jobs were lost due to the last raise....
The Dems want people to be paid more and you conclude that higher pay is how the Dems keep people poor and on welfare.

You do know how fuking stupid that makes you sound. Right?

"Comprehension" is a good thing. They were saying if your wages increase, so do your TAXES (along with rent, groceries, energy cause everyone else has to raise their rates to pay for those 'minimum wage jobs'). The politicians get a BIGGER percentage of your pay. The costs of everything goes up. The wages of those that have finally been promoted/earned experience/college wages stay the same (the same as a PAY CUT).

Here is one for you: if the gov't is telling us illegal aliens are necessary to fill those low paying jobs, why does the "gov't" keep making those same low paying jobs more expensive to put a "legal" citizen into them?

Now why in the world do you think I would have to raise the rent on my tenants if they worked for minimum wage and got a raise.

Matter of fact, no one would HAVE to raise their prices.

You do understand that a companies product and profit is not based on the least amount of pay a worker recieves. And most companies employ very few minimum wage workers except for fast food. And I don't eat fast food, so let em raise their prices. They will bring them back down when their items don't sell.

What ever the hourly number you have to pay someone to keep them from qualifying for food stamps and other forms of government assistance, that is what the minimum wage should be. No one working 40 hours a week should be able to qualify for food stamps.

Why should people like me have my tax dollars subsidize a worker so that the company they work for can pay them low wages?

And if a company wants to raise prices because they pay workers more. Let them. I thought you all liked the "free market". Really what you all want is "free labor".

And finally, if any of you who don't want to increase the minimum wage, currently work for minimum wage and still don't want it to increase, I would think you truly crazy.

For the rest of you, what difference does it make to you. You either don't work or don't work for minimum wage.

Raising minimum wage is INFLATION: you are forcing people to pay more for wages when there are people that are willing to work for less.

When minimum wage is raised, food prices go up, transportations goes up, and energy goes up. The rent is raised to keep pace, unless you are charging too high of rent, already?

When employers are paying workers, the wage is approximately half of what the employer has to pay. The taxes (required by the gov't) for that same employee increases whenever the wage is increased. If the employer values the employee (wants to keep them), the offer raises or other incentives to keep the worker. The employer faced with increased costs (wages, and required taxes) must either operate at a loss (close the business and leave the workers with no jobs), or raise the prices or cut quality or quantity.

Workers that make minimum wage: ...."3.8 million workers make up 5.2% of all U.S. workers paid an hourly rate".....Who makes minimum wage? - Economy While declaring that there are not a lot of workers that make minimum wage, it appears that you overlooked some facts.....

Food stamps: an abuse of charity to buy voters for the democrat party. Today I heard that drug dealers are showing drug users how to convert food stamps into money for their "habit". IMHO there should be no (NO) food stamps. The community should take responsibility for people that need assistance, and are better equipped to spot fraud and abuse.

Minimum wage is usually paid to "low skilled" workers: workers just entering the work force or workers that have no responsibility; which would mean they are being supported by another person or persons. While there are some rare cases where people have little opportunity in their immediate area, there are other jobs available if they are willing to move or travel.

"Free market" means the employer will pay an employee according to the market: a little money for those that are unskilled or an easy job graduating to a lot of money for a highly skilled/high responsibility position. An outside party acting as all-knowing (the gov't) artificially inflates the wages and hurts competition.

I did notice that you ignored my question about why the gov't wants to allow illegal aliens into the country (because they are willing to work for wages that Americans aren't), when it is the gov't that is inflating the legal wages. Why is the gov't encouraging people to break the law? Illegals by coming into the country illegally, and citizens for hiring them at supressed wages are breaking the laws.
I alawys love this topic, becuase liberals are so ignorant on the subject. They think they are sticking it to the rich yet the only people they are hurting is the poor and jobless. to fucking hilarious.
The left really should call a spade a spade and really want the gov. to have a maximum wage on workers.. they think it will trickle down and not go for gold plated toliets at the local DOT.
The only jobs lost to minimum wage increases in US history were jobs on borrowed time.

Do yourself a favor, bear513, find the numbers. When you do you will see many of your team are liars and most of the rest are fools. It'll piss you off at first, but once you accept that neither party is worth a fuck you'll feel as clean as you ever felt in your life.
The only jobs lost to minimum wage increases in US history were jobs on borrowed time.

Do yourself a favor, bear513, find the numbers. When you do you will see many of your team are liars and most of the rest are fools. It'll piss you off at first, but once you accept that neither party is worth a fuck you'll feel as clean as you ever felt in your life.

Yup, typical liberal attitude: they weren't worth it anyway.
I suppose instead of starting a working career people could always go on welfare benefits and become Democratic voters, which is the whole idea after all.
Even when unemployment was under 7%, i.e. The Bush Years, you didnt have theater ushers. I realize your memory doesnt go back that far, but that's a fact, Jack. If ticket prices are so high then theaters ought to be able to afford more personnel, right? Isn't that what the left keeps telling us?
Yeah, capital displaces labor when the price of labor goes up. Just like the gas pumps you mention. More proof that what I write is correct and you are sadly out of your depth here.

Let me dumb it down for you: The 7% you neocon parrots keep squawking about was for a VERY SHORT PERIOD... because at the end of the Shrubs stint that rate shot the hell up the first year of the Obama administration (and NO genius, you can't cure unemployment in one year after 8 years of reaganomics on steriods).


I guess you're not the rudest most ignorant poster on this site. Only because competition is stiff.
Yes, the 7% was for a very short time. Most of Bush's term it was much lower. Anywhere from 3.8% to 7.3%
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The last time UE was over 8% was in 1983. That was the end of Reagan's term. So from 1983 to 2009 UE was lower than at any time during Odumdum's terms. So much for "20 years of Reaganism."

You really are too stupid to post because your lies are so transparent.

So much for your myopic viewpoint, as explained more thoroughly here:

A brief history of U.S. unemployment - The Washington Post

Also, you don't take into account all the people who are NOT accounted for as their unemployment benefits run out and they are NOT counted or correlated to the actual number of new jobs gained.

And again, the previous administrations policies are still in affect in the first year of the new administration, as the 21st Century chart shows on the link.

I'm only rude to condescending neocon parrots.....don't start none, won't be none.
Again, it was cheaper to invest in technology than continue to pay people to do that work. This is because the cost of labor rose, making it less attractive than capital investment.
You prove my point rather than refute it.

You idiot, you just contradicted yourself.

The cheaper technology comes along whether salaries rise or NOT.....the FAX machine put a crimp in the USPS revenue BEFORE they raised the price of a stamp.

The selectric typewriter cut down the need for x amount of secretaries, and the PC Wordperfect put an end to the secretarial pool.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Deal with it.

You haev a strange idea of what "contradict" means. because you didnt contradict a damn thing I wrote.
No wonder you are "Tushy-liberal". You think with your ass.

Wow...you work on that insult all night or did a 8 year old lend it to you?

Learn to read and comprehend what you read, you dolt. I said YOU contradicted yourself, and I explained why. If you don't understand, get an adult to explain it to you...because you're either not-too-bright or just insipidly stubborn.
Everything the Dems and Obama do is wrong. Of course I'm going to complain about it.

It is beyond comprehension why you people think that life does not require your participation.

People who are trying to live on minimum wage AND are not trying to better themselves do not require more income. They require hospitalization.

Those who find themselves on minimum wage but have skills should be looking to Obama and asking why he has done nothing to improve the jobs market.

You all bitch and moan about corporations and big business, but it is corporations and big business that supply the economic impetus for small business, and it is small business that creates the bulk of the jobs.

One last time. Resisting the urge to raise the minimum wage is NOT a desire to keep wages low, but to keep the cost of living low. Raising the minimum wage will NOT improve anyone's life who exists on minimum wage, because the cost of everything will go up and they will find they have lost ground.

Get a fucking clue people. And while you are out searching for the clue, look for a better paying job!

Life demands you participate in it. If you don't, too bad. It is NOT my problem.

Tell me something, bunky....do you pull this guff out of your own ass or Limbaugh's?

Let's deflate your neocon/teabagger hot air balloon:

Question: How in the hell did you determine that people on minimum wage are not trying to better themselves? Maybe you've been asleep the last 3 decades as corporate and large business downsized and outsourced while claiming record profits? What is the source or your assinine claims and assertions?

Corporations DO NOT "supply the economic impetus for small business"....CONSUMER DEMAND FOR PRODUCT DOES! And if the consumer DOES NOT have the money to compete against the COLA, THEY DON'T BUY, AND SMALL BUSINESS SUFFERS.

FYI: When the minimum wage was raised to over $5 decades ago, willfully ignorant parrots like yourselfs squawked the same nonsense...but as history showed, it wasn't the minimum wage, but reaganomics that trashed the economy. Deal with, or don't.

I swear to god the left never heard of sales people or impulse buying or credit cards.

I swear to god the right wing corporate toadies keep throwing out anything without an explanation...as if just saying stuff justifies your claims/beliefs/statements.

"impulse" buying only happens if there is a demand for a product by others, genius.

Credit cards are used to buy necessities (what they were originally designed for) as well as electives.

Sales people can only make a living selling a product that has a PROVEN need by a segment of the population.

Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted.

Got that bunky?
You idiot, you just contradicted yourself.

The cheaper technology comes along whether salaries rise or NOT.....the FAX machine put a crimp in the USPS revenue BEFORE they raised the price of a stamp.

The selectric typewriter cut down the need for x amount of secretaries, and the PC Wordperfect put an end to the secretarial pool.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Deal with it.

You haev a strange idea of what "contradict" means. because you didnt contradict a damn thing I wrote.
No wonder you are "Tushy-liberal". You think with your ass.

And TushyLiberal has left the debate.

No stupid, I just have a different time schedule for my life than you.
There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

Give me a fucking break with this libertarian lunkhead drivel.

Rand Paul is just a shill for his Daddy....both those clowns just can't logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution.

And the Tea Party are just a bunch of angry, willfully ignorant and low information clods who rail against federal gov't while benefitting from it's actions (i.e., the famous lady wanting the gov't hands off her medicare/medicaid.).
Tell me something, bunky....do you pull this guff out of your own ass or Limbaugh's?

Let's deflate your neocon/teabagger hot air balloon:

Question: How in the hell did you determine that people on minimum wage are not trying to better themselves? Maybe you've been asleep the last 3 decades as corporate and large business downsized and outsourced while claiming record profits? What is the source or your assinine claims and assertions?

Corporations DO NOT "supply the economic impetus for small business"....CONSUMER DEMAND FOR PRODUCT DOES! And if the consumer DOES NOT have the money to compete against the COLA, THEY DON'T BUY, AND SMALL BUSINESS SUFFERS.

FYI: When the minimum wage was raised to over $5 decades ago, willfully ignorant parrots like yourselfs squawked the same nonsense...but as history showed, it wasn't the minimum wage, but reaganomics that trashed the economy. Deal with, or don't.

I swear to god the left never heard of sales people or impulse buying or credit cards.

I swear to god the right wing corporate toadies keep throwing out anything without an explanation...as if just saying stuff justifies your claims/beliefs/statements.

"impulse" buying only happens if there is a demand for a product by others, genius.

Credit cards are used to buy necessities (what they were originally designed for) as well as electives.

Sales people can only make a living selling a product that has a PROVEN need by a segment of the population.

Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted.
I bey you posted that while wearing bunny ears and bouncing around like a fool. yea a group of folks had a
Got that bunky?

I bet you wrote that wearing bunny ears and bouncing around. yep the the internt and cell phones and faxes were created by consumer demand? Lmao...... .. shiny new gadgets that people never needed had to be the in thing?
btw I know who you are fool.....Only an iddiot would think that impulse buying and salesmen and commericials dont exisist.
There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

Give me a fucking break with this libertarian lunkhead drivel.

Rand Paul is just a shill for his Daddy....both those clowns just can't logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution.

And the Tea Party are just a bunch of angry, willfully ignorant and low information clods who rail against federal gov't while benefitting from it's actions (i.e., the famous lady wanting the gov't hands off her medicare/medicaid.).

Are you here to get your azz kicked again? Because you spout nonsense and then disappear when you can't defend it.
I swear to god the left never heard of sales people or impulse buying or credit cards.

I swear to god the right wing corporate toadies keep throwing out anything without an explanation...as if just saying stuff justifies your claims/beliefs/statements.

"impulse" buying only happens if there is a demand for a product by others, genius.

Credit cards are used to buy necessities (what they were originally designed for) as well as electives.

Sales people can only make a living selling a product that has a PROVEN need by a segment of the population.

Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted.
(I bey you posted that while wearing bunny ears and bouncing around like a fool. yea a group of folks had a) - errror post placement by bear513
Got that bunky?

I bet you wrote that wearing bunny ears and bouncing around. yep the the internt and cell phones and faxes were created by consumer demand? Lmao...... .. shiny new gadgets that people never needed had to be the in thing?

Are you truly this fucking stupid, bear513? Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY! I wrote, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Clearly the public wanted and/or needed cells phones, faxes and the internet. If not, then the internet, cell phones and faxes would ONLY be used by certain members of the business and gov't community, and NOT the general public.

Got that chuckles?
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