Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

There have been some ridiculous thread header claims and there have been some sad header claims and there have been some outright pathetic header claims.

This particular header claim wins the trifecta award for making the most ridiculous claim supported by the saddest excuses for authority and proving the pathetic nature of the nutball mindset.

Keep it up. You are the people Rand Paul and the Tea party are trying to escape.

Give me a fucking break with this libertarian lunkhead drivel.

Rand Paul is just a shill for his Daddy....both those clowns just can't logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution.

And the Tea Party are just a bunch of angry, willfully ignorant and low information clods who rail against federal gov't while benefitting from it's actions (i.e., the famous lady wanting the gov't hands off her medicare/medicaid.).

Are you here to get your azz kicked again? Because you spout nonsense and then disappear when you can't defend it.

Seems "The Rabbi" is just spewing sour grapes with nothing of value to add. Perhaps "The Rabbi" can do what the Paul's cannot....logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution. I'll wait.
I swear to god the right wing corporate toadies keep throwing out anything without an explanation...as if just saying stuff justifies your claims/beliefs/statements.

"impulse" buying only happens if there is a demand for a product by others, genius.

Credit cards are used to buy necessities (what they were originally designed for) as well as electives.

Sales people can only make a living selling a product that has a PROVEN need by a segment of the population.

Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted.
(I bey you posted that while wearing bunny ears and bouncing around like a fool. yea a group of folks had a) - errror post placement by bear513
Got that bunky?

I bet you wrote that wearing bunny ears and bouncing around. yep the the internt and cell phones and faxes were created by consumer demand? Lmao...... .. shiny new gadgets that people never needed had to be the in thing?

Are you truly this fucking stupid, bear513? Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY! I wrote, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Clearly the public wanted and/or needed cells phones, faxes and the internet. If not, then the internet, cell phones and faxes would ONLY be used by certain members of the business and gov't community, and NOT the general public.

Got that chuckles?

I can read just fine your the nitwit who wont admit people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford. btw their is a huge demand for anti-gravity shoes, how come they didnt invent it yet?.
I bet you wrote that wearing bunny ears and bouncing around. yep the the internt and cell phones and faxes were created by consumer demand? Lmao...... .. shiny new gadgets that people never needed had to be the in thing?

Are you truly this fucking stupid, bear513? Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY! I wrote, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Clearly the public wanted and/or needed cells phones, faxes and the internet. If not, then the internet, cell phones and faxes would ONLY be used by certain members of the business and gov't community, and NOT the general public.

Got that chuckles?

I can read just fine your the nitwit who wont admit people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford. btw their is a huge demand for anti-gravity shoes, how come they didnt invent it yet?.

"....people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford." What percentage of the population is doing this? And what are they buying that they don't need? Is the same product something they need but can't afford, or truly something they don't need and can't afford? And who is telling YOU this? The advertisers? The salesmen? Hmmm, seems YOU'RE the gullible one believing in some alleged waiting list for anti-gravity shoes.

My statements stand pat based in reality....if you can't deal with that, then go vent your frustrations somewhere else instead of wasting time and space with your postulated nonsense.
Are you truly this fucking stupid, bear513? Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY! I wrote, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Clearly the public wanted and/or needed cells phones, faxes and the internet. If not, then the internet, cell phones and faxes would ONLY be used by certain members of the business and gov't community, and NOT the general public.

Got that chuckles?

I can read just fine your the nitwit who wont admit people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford. btw their is a huge demand for anti-gravity shoes, how come they didnt invent it yet?.

"....people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford." What percentage of the population is doing this? And what are they buying that they don't need? Is the same product something they need but can't afford, or truly something they don't need and can't afford? And who is telling YOU this? The advertisers? The salesmen? Hmmm, seems YOU'RE the gullible one believing in some alleged waiting list for anti-gravity shoes.

My statements stand pat based in reality....if you can't deal with that, then go vent your frustrations somewhere else instead of wasting time and space with your postulated nonsense.

Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.
I can read just fine your the nitwit who wont admit people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford. btw their is a huge demand for anti-gravity shoes, how come they didnt invent it yet?.

"....people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford." What percentage of the population is doing this? And what are they buying that they don't need? Is the same product something they need but can't afford, or truly something they don't need and can't afford? And who is telling YOU this? The advertisers? The salesmen? Hmmm, seems YOU'RE the gullible one believing in some alleged waiting list for anti-gravity shoes.

My statements stand pat based in reality....if you can't deal with that, then go vent your frustrations somewhere else instead of wasting time and space with your postulated nonsense.

Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.
Give me a fucking break with this libertarian lunkhead drivel.

Rand Paul is just a shill for his Daddy....both those clowns just can't logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution.

And the Tea Party are just a bunch of angry, willfully ignorant and low information clods who rail against federal gov't while benefitting from it's actions (i.e., the famous lady wanting the gov't hands off her medicare/medicaid.).

Are you here to get your azz kicked again? Because you spout nonsense and then disappear when you can't defend it.

Seems "The Rabbi" is just spewing sour grapes with nothing of value to add. Perhaps "The Rabbi" can do what the Paul's cannot....logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution. I'll wait.
OK, you are here to get your ass kicked.

The fundamental basis of capitalism is property rights. That is also the fundamental basis of prosperity, shared prosperity because capitalism has bettered more people longer than any other system.
If you erode property rights you erode capitalism. Civil Rights laws applied to private property, like hotels, erodes property rights for those owners, thus making everyone poorer overall.

I realize that might be too abstract for a liberal who thinks with his tushie, like you. But there you have it.

As for min wage, you are getting your ass kicked again by others here. Amazing you still have the guts to post after being repeatedly humiliated.
Are you here to get your azz kicked again? Because you spout nonsense and then disappear when you can't defend it.

Seems "The Rabbi" is just spewing sour grapes with nothing of value to add. Perhaps "The Rabbi" can do what the Paul's cannot....logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution. I'll wait.
OK, you are here to get your ass kicked.

The fundamental basis of capitalism is property rights. That is also the fundamental basis of prosperity, shared prosperity because capitalism has bettered more people longer than any other system.

Not really.....because England, Germany, Sweden, etc. have a "socialised" version of capitalism that has served them pretty damned well. And in case you haven't noticed, our version of Capitalism isn't doing too well right now.....which of course, has NOTHING to do with the FACT that if you are to run a business that SERVES THE PUBLIC, then UNDER LAW you CANNOT discriminate against specific members of the public.

If you erode property rights you erode capitalism. Civil Rights laws applied to private property, like hotels, erodes property rights for those owners, thus making everyone poorer overall.

Again, if you are to run a business that SERVES THE PUBLIC, then UNDER LAW you CANNOT discriminate against specific members of the public. To do so would make your hotel a "private club", and therefore would LIMIT their amount of revenue by LIMITING guests.

I realize that might be too abstract for a liberal who thinks with his tushie, like you. But there you have it.

What I have is a clear demonstration of your limited ability to grasp the reality of life in America in lieu of it's history. Let me dumb it down for you.....if you open a diner or hotel on "private property" and state that you will NOT serve a portion of the population, then the State/Federal gov't can say..."okay, then we'll have to adjust your water and electric bill because the PUBLIC does NOT want to share with YOU." And last time I checked, hotels and diners that were forced to comply with federal law as guided by the Constitution and Bill of Rights have NOT been hurting in the profit margin.

As for min wage, you are getting your ass kicked again by others here. Amazing you still have the guts to post after being repeatedly humiliated.

Amazing how someone as willfully ignorant as yourself keeps making claims that just don't keep up with reality. Bottom line, when the minimum wage was raised to it's current level, the same peanut gallery wailed that it would be the end of small business in America.....yet dopes like you just LOVE to crow about the prosperity enjoyed during the Bush years WITH THAT SAME RAISED MINIMUM WAGE. Well toodles, we are now experiencing the fallout from 8 years what the Shrub's version of reagonomics on steroids has wrought. The minimum wage has to give the working stiff a fighting chance against the COLA....that way they can pay bills, BUY STUFF...which keeps shops SELLING STUFF in business.

Got that bunky?
Yup, as I thought, totally unable even to process what I wrote, confusing hte current law with what might be, ignoring survivor bias, etc etc. A million fallacies rolled into one stupid post. That's what happens when you think with your tushy.
"....people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford." What percentage of the population is doing this? And what are they buying that they don't need? Is the same product something they need but can't afford, or truly something they don't need and can't afford? And who is telling YOU this? The advertisers? The salesmen? Hmmm, seems YOU'RE the gullible one believing in some alleged waiting list for anti-gravity shoes.

My statements stand pat based in reality....if you can't deal with that, then go vent your frustrations somewhere else instead of wasting time and space with your postulated nonsense.

Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.
Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

Hethinks with his tushy. He's never held a responsible job in his life. It is arguing with idiots.
"....people buy crap all the time that they dont need or can't afford." What percentage of the population is doing this? And what are they buying that they don't need? Is the same product something they need but can't afford, or truly something they don't need and can't afford? And who is telling YOU this? The advertisers? The salesmen? Hmmm, seems YOU'RE the gullible one believing in some alleged waiting list for anti-gravity shoes.

My statements stand pat based in reality....if you can't deal with that, then go vent your frustrations somewhere else instead of wasting time and space with your postulated nonsense.

Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and btw, where do you get to post from? a prision cell some where? you only try to debate me on this topic like once a week. me sorry if you got busted.............
Seems "The Rabbi" is just spewing sour grapes with nothing of value to add. Perhaps "The Rabbi" can do what the Paul's cannot....logically explain how being against Civil Rights laws benefits all citizens who share the commons as laid out in our Constitution. I'll wait.
OK, you are here to get your ass kicked.

The fundamental basis of capitalism is property rights. That is also the fundamental basis of prosperity, shared prosperity because capitalism has bettered more people longer than any other system.

Not really.....because England, Germany, Sweden, etc. have a "socialised" version of capitalism that has served them pretty damned well. And in case you haven't noticed, our version of Capitalism isn't doing too well right now.....which of course, has NOTHING to do with the FACT that if you are to run a business that SERVES THE PUBLIC, then UNDER LAW you CANNOT discriminate against specific members of the public.

If you erode property rights you erode capitalism. Civil Rights laws applied to private property, like hotels, erodes property rights for those owners, thus making everyone poorer overall.

Again, if you are to run a business that SERVES THE PUBLIC, then UNDER LAW you CANNOT discriminate against specific members of the public. To do so would make your hotel a "private club", and therefore would LIMIT their amount of revenue by LIMITING guests.

I realize that might be too abstract for a liberal who thinks with his tushie, like you. But there you have it.

What I have is a clear demonstration of your limited ability to grasp the reality of life in America in lieu of it's history. Let me dumb it down for you.....if you open a diner or hotel on "private property" and state that you will NOT serve a portion of the population, then the State/Federal gov't can say..."okay, then we'll have to adjust your water and electric bill because the PUBLIC does NOT want to share with YOU." And last time I checked, hotels and diners that were forced to comply with federal law as guided by the Constitution and Bill of Rights have NOT been hurting in the profit margin.

As for min wage, you are getting your ass kicked again by others here. Amazing you still have the guts to post after being repeatedly humiliated.

Amazing how someone as willfully ignorant as yourself keeps making claims that just don't keep up with reality. Bottom line, when the minimum wage was raised to it's current level, the same peanut gallery wailed that it would be the end of small business in America.....yet dopes like you just LOVE to crow about the prosperity enjoyed during the Bush years WITH THAT SAME RAISED MINIMUM WAGE. Well toodles, we are now experiencing the fallout from 8 years what the Shrub's version of reagonomics on steroids has wrought. The minimum wage has to give the working stiff a fighting chance against the COLA....that way they can pay bills, BUY STUFF...which keeps shops SELLING STUFF in business.

Got that bunky?

You are aware the European model of "socialized capitalism" is heading for collapse, aren't you? You do realize that the standard of living for those nations is not what the USA standard of living is, don't you?

Do you really want us to move TOWARD corruption (rot, decay, slow destruction)?
Democrats hate poor people who want to be independent of gov't handouts. So they make it increasingly difficult to get off the dole. They really hate black teenagers, which is why their unemployment rate is about 20%.

The Dems want people to be paid more and you conclude that higher pay is how the Dems keep people poor and on welfare.

You do know how fuking stupid that makes you sound. Right?

no matter how high you raise the minimum they will still be at

the bottom of the wage ladder
IF raising the minimum wage actually helped people, they would have been helped by the raises in the minimum wage that has already been in effect. We have more people in relative poverty today than we did the last time there was a raise in the minimum wage.
IF raising the minimum wage actually helped people, they would have been helped by the raises in the minimum wage that has already been in effect. We have more people in relative poverty today than we did the last time there was a raise in the minimum wage.

take North Dakota for example

a kid working at McDonalds makes 18 bucks an hour

in the oil patch

they continue to be at the low end of the wage scale

for the area

what has been hurt are nursing homes and such

that can not keep up with the wage increases

and now are at a loss in employees

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