Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

So why'd you post the link then? Scientist do agree according to the link you posted.

No they do not agree. Get an adult to read it and explain it to you.

All agree that climate change is happening. They disagree with the cause of why it's happening. It's right from your link. Be mad at yourself for posting a story that you didnt read and contridicts your own point.

Or even better...Show me in your own link where it says they dont agree that Climate change exists. Should be easy

Yes ut I specified at the outset man-made global warming.
Everyone agrees the climate changes. It was a lot cooler today at 4AM than it was at 10AM. I expect that kind of thing to continue, gettting hotter towards the summer.
If it's well known, you'll have no problem providing proof. Go ahead.... Since you're all about providing undeniable proof for everything, let's see yours.
When (not if) I do that, will you agree I am correct and you are wrong? Or will yo
1) Impugn the source as right wing propaganda
2) Bitch out and disappear until the next thread when you float the same stupid lies you tell all the time?

Because that's all you do in these debates.

I've never bitched out on anything, that's actually your specialty Mr. "Thats what happens when blacks run things".

But yeah, I'll admit you're right as soon as you post that proof of yours.

And RDD bitches out yet again.
Scientific belief for a long time that T-Rex was a slow moving, cold blooded, clumsy hunter too.. and the few that thought otherwise were ridiculed because they were against what the paid researchers thought as a majority

Not every scientist believes in man-made global warming.. it is a theory that ones who are heavily funded by agenda groups have.. and you have a media that laps it up like a thirsty dog and a lot more passing it around as 'common knowledge truth'..

Degree of impact is the contested point... is it miniscule, is it slight, is it great?? What we do know is scientific evidence shows that we have had warming such as this before, and even more-so, even without human intervention... even though ones like Gore like to gloss over that because it does not get them their panic, their research, and their money... the global warming scare, much like the global cooling scare 40 years ago, is about panic, funding, and flat out money

Nope not every scientist agrees on anything...Setting the bar kinda high there arent you.

If you stop using the term Global warming (like hey it's hotter) and use what scientist use Climate Change you will see that most of them do agree its occuring. They disagree about why its occuring. All Theories...

The climate has been in flux for 4+BILLION years

The scientists now do put off that it is man made global warming.. well, except when they tell us cooling is because of man made warming... and they are making it all an alarmist issue

What? No one said it hasnt been...All those scientist agree that Climate change is happening they just dont all agree with the reason it's happening. You guys like to try and confuse the issue by saying they dont all agree.
"All scientist dont agree...on who has the best pizza"
but they do agree on Climate Change.
Nope not every scientist agrees on anything...Setting the bar kinda high there arent you.

If you stop using the term Global warming (like hey it's hotter) and use what scientist use Climate Change you will see that most of them do agree its occuring. They disagree about why its occuring. All Theories...

The climate has been in flux for 4+BILLION years

The scientists now do put off that it is man made global warming.. well, except when they tell us cooling is because of man made warming... and they are making it all an alarmist issue

What? No one said it hasnt been...All those scientist agree that Climate change is happening they just dont all agree with the reason it's happening. You guys like to try and confuse the issue by saying they dont all agree.
"All scientist dont agree...on who has the best pizza"
but they do agree on Climate Change.

But in the context of the conclusion that we have man-made climate change, there is HUGE disagreement.. WHICH IS THE POINT... and it is a point because of all the governmental mandates, wasted study money from the government, etc that have come and keeps coming as a result of this conclusion
No they do not agree. Get an adult to read it and explain it to you.

All agree that climate change is happening. They disagree with the cause of why it's happening. It's right from your link. Be mad at yourself for posting a story that you didnt read and contridicts your own point.

Or even better...Show me in your own link where it says they dont agree that Climate change exists. Should be easy

Yes ut I specified at the outset man-made global warming.
Everyone agrees the climate changes. It was a lot cooler today at 4AM than it was at 10AM. I expect that kind of thing to continue, gettting hotter towards the summer.

Now you're just pretending to be that stupid.

Can you show me where in your link it says scientist dont agree that climate change is real?
The climate has been in flux for 4+BILLION years

The scientists now do put off that it is man made global warming.. well, except when they tell us cooling is because of man made warming... and they are making it all an alarmist issue

What? No one said it hasnt been...All those scientist agree that Climate change is happening they just dont all agree with the reason it's happening. You guys like to try and confuse the issue by saying they dont all agree.
"All scientist dont agree...on who has the best pizza"
but they do agree on Climate Change.

But in the context of the conclusion that we have man-made climate change, there is HUGE disagreement.. WHICH IS THE POINT... and it is a point because of all the governmental mandates, wasted study money from the government, etc that have come and keeps coming as a result of this conclusion

So they disagree and you are mad that they are studing it to see if anything could be done?

Do you get mad when you sell a car thats never been in an accident that they "wasted" money on saftey features like air bags and seat belts?
What? No one said it hasnt been...All those scientist agree that Climate change is happening they just dont all agree with the reason it's happening. You guys like to try and confuse the issue by saying they dont all agree.
"All scientist dont agree...on who has the best pizza"
but they do agree on Climate Change.

But in the context of the conclusion that we have man-made climate change, there is HUGE disagreement.. WHICH IS THE POINT... and it is a point because of all the governmental mandates, wasted study money from the government, etc that have come and keeps coming as a result of this conclusion

So they disagree and you are mad that they are studing it to see if anything could be done?

Do you get mad when you sell a car thats never been in an accident that they "wasted" money on saftey features like air bags and seat belts?

No.. they can study all the want.. government should not be paying for it

And there should not be regulations, demands, laws etc based on it.. WHICH IS THE POINT...

Chicken little gains government more power..
But in the context of the conclusion that we have man-made climate change, there is HUGE disagreement.. WHICH IS THE POINT... and it is a point because of all the governmental mandates, wasted study money from the government, etc that have come and keeps coming as a result of this conclusion

So they disagree and you are mad that they are studing it to see if anything could be done?

Do you get mad when you sell a car thats never been in an accident that they "wasted" money on saftey features like air bags and seat belts?

No.. they can study all the want.. government should not be paying for it

And there should not be regulations, demands, laws etc based on it.. WHICH IS THE POINT...

Chicken little gains government more power..

Who should pay for it then? Who WILL pay for it?
All agree that climate change is happening. They disagree with the cause of why it's happening. It's right from your link. Be mad at yourself for posting a story that you didnt read and contridicts your own point.

Or even better...Show me in your own link where it says they dont agree that Climate change exists. Should be easy

Yes ut I specified at the outset man-made global warming.
Everyone agrees the climate changes. It was a lot cooler today at 4AM than it was at 10AM. I expect that kind of thing to continue, gettting hotter towards the summer.

Now you're just pretending to be that stupid.

Can you show me where in your link it says scientist dont agree that climate change is real?

You're being a dishonest fuck because the question was on man made global warming. That the climate is changing is not really subject to dispute.
Yes ut I specified at the outset man-made global warming.
Everyone agrees the climate changes. It was a lot cooler today at 4AM than it was at 10AM. I expect that kind of thing to continue, gettting hotter towards the summer.

Now you're just pretending to be that stupid.

Can you show me where in your link it says scientist dont agree that climate change is real?

You're being a dishonest fuck because the question was on man made global warming. That the climate is changing is not really subject to dispute.

You're being dishonest when pretending that Global warming means its hot outside and Climate Change reffers to the 4 seasons.

Yet and still, you still cant explain why you need proof from one theory but not proof from others? Everyone of the scientist THEORIZE the reasons behind Global warming yet...you havent asked for PROOF.

Strange how your need for proof changes so often
Now you're just pretending to be that stupid.

Can you show me where in your link it says scientist dont agree that climate change is real?

You're being a dishonest fuck because the question was on man made global warming. That the climate is changing is not really subject to dispute.

You're being dishonest when pretending that Global warming means its hot outside and Climate Change reffers to the 4 seasons.

Yet and still, you still cant explain why you need proof from one theory but not proof from others? Everyone of the scientist THEORIZE the reasons behind Global warming yet...you havent asked for PROOF.

Strange how your need for proof changes so often

That's not the issue. The issue is whether scientists agree on man made global warming. They do not. Nor would it be scientific fact even if they agreed. Only proof can establish that.
You're being a dishonest fuck because the question was on man made global warming. That the climate is changing is not really subject to dispute.

You're being dishonest when pretending that Global warming means its hot outside and Climate Change reffers to the 4 seasons.

Yet and still, you still cant explain why you need proof from one theory but not proof from others? Everyone of the scientist THEORIZE the reasons behind Global warming yet...you havent asked for PROOF.

Strange how your need for proof changes so often

That's not the issue. The issue is whether scientists agree on man made global warming. They do not. Nor would it be scientific fact even if they agreed. Only proof can establish that.

There you go again...Askiing for Proof when theories dont work that way. Gravity, idiot
Are you trying to tell me that increasing the min wage won't eliminate jobs? How many theater ushers and gas jockeys have you seen recently? Those were jobs done typically by teens for min wage. But rising min wage rates made them dispensible. So now kids who would have taken those as a stepping stone to something else dont have that opportunity anymore.
The denseness of the liberal is beyond imagination. They think they can legislate propsperity. They can legislate the way criminals behave. They can legislate peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

Theater ushers are going the way of the dinosaur because theater ticket prices are ABSURD. Bottom line: in a lousy economy, you have less people to afford an $11 movie ticket, so the theaters cut back on personnel.

In my neighborhood, they've re-established full service at the pump....done by members of the family that own that particular franchise station. Other than that, you have had credit cards/self service replacing the teenager for the last 30 years or so.

See, once you apply reality to neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead talking points and assertions, they just don't stand up to scrutiny.

My posting the reality based sources trumps the Heritage Fund misleading talking points. Deal with it.

Even when unemployment was under 7%, i.e. The Bush Years, you didnt have theater ushers. I realize your memory doesnt go back that far, but that's a fact, Jack. If ticket prices are so high then theaters ought to be able to afford more personnel, right? Isn't that what the left keeps telling us?
Yeah, capital displaces labor when the price of labor goes up. Just like the gas pumps you mention. More proof that what I write is correct and you are sadly out of your depth here.

Let me dumb it down for you: The 7% you neocon parrots keep squawking about was for a VERY SHORT PERIOD... because at the end of the Shrubs stint that rate shot the hell up the first year of the Obama administration (and NO genius, you can't cure unemployment in one year after 8 years of reaganomics on steriods).

You didn't have theater ushers because theaters didn't have asses in the seats as they use to back when "Jaw" initiated the "blockbuster"......this was thanks to the invention of the VCR, cable TV and pay-for-view cable movies, and the DVD. Then you had the multi plex systems in malls run by corporations...they put some local theaters out of business. So when you have less people showing up, you cut back on expenses...i.e., STAFF.

Got that bunky?

As for gas stations.....THE PRICE OF GAS GOES UP, THE COLA GOES UP, UNEMPLOYMENT GOES UP, so who the fuck do you think is going to get the shaft?

All this went on in my lifetime....I don't where the fuck you were or what you were smoking, but your ass backwards fantasy of recent US economic history is sheer fantasy found in the transcripts of rants by the WND, Levine, Kristol, Newsbusters and the like. :cuckoo:
Gas jockeys have been replaced by a thing called computers. Those computers keep track of how much gas is used by doing a number of things called calculations.

Or they were wiped out by y2k.

Or by the increase in bee population making working outside dangerous.

Or...my point is you cannot say that gas jockeys are not around because of min wage no more than you can say it's because of rising bee populations.

Again, it was cheaper to invest in technology than continue to pay people to do that work. This is because the cost of labor rose, making it less attractive than capital investment.
You prove my point rather than refute it.

You idiot, you just contradicted yourself.

The cheaper technology comes along whether salaries rise or NOT.....the FAX machine put a crimp in the USPS revenue BEFORE they raised the price of a stamp.

The selectric typewriter cut down the need for x amount of secretaries, and the PC Wordperfect put an end to the secretarial pool.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Deal with it.
This is just another shining example of the blatant hypocrisy in the viewpoints of the far right wing. These people don't care about consistency or common sense. Literally all that they care about is complaining about anything and EVERYTHING that Obama/Dems do. It doesn't matter if it makes them hypocrites or if it even forces them to argue against something they previously supported.

This issue is no different.
Everything the Dems and Obama do is wrong. Of course I'm going to complain about it.

It is beyond comprehension why you people think that life does not require your participation.

People who are trying to live on minimum wage AND are not trying to better themselves do not require more income. They require hospitalization.

Those who find themselves on minimum wage but have skills should be looking to Obama and asking why he has done nothing to improve the jobs market.

You all bitch and moan about corporations and big business, but it is corporations and big business that supply the economic impetus for small business, and it is small business that creates the bulk of the jobs.

One last time. Resisting the urge to raise the minimum wage is NOT a desire to keep wages low, but to keep the cost of living low. Raising the minimum wage will NOT improve anyone's life who exists on minimum wage, because the cost of everything will go up and they will find they have lost ground.

Get a fucking clue people. And while you are out searching for the clue, look for a better paying job!

Life demands you participate in it. If you don't, too bad. It is NOT my problem.

Tell me something, bunky....do you pull this guff out of your own ass or Limbaugh's?

Let's deflate your neocon/teabagger hot air balloon:

Question: How in the hell did you determine that people on minimum wage are not trying to better themselves? Maybe you've been asleep the last 3 decades as corporate and large business downsized and outsourced while claiming record profits? What is the source or your assinine claims and assertions?

Corporations DO NOT "supply the economic impetus for small business"....CONSUMER DEMAND FOR PRODUCT DOES! And if the consumer DOES NOT have the money to compete against the COLA, THEY DON'T BUY, AND SMALL BUSINESS SUFFERS.

FYI: When the minimum wage was raised to over $5 decades ago, willfully ignorant parrots like yourselfs squawked the same nonsense...but as history showed, it wasn't the minimum wage, but reaganomics that trashed the economy. Deal with, or don't.
Theater ushers are going the way of the dinosaur because theater ticket prices are ABSURD. Bottom line: in a lousy economy, you have less people to afford an $11 movie ticket, so the theaters cut back on personnel.

In my neighborhood, they've re-established full service at the pump....done by members of the family that own that particular franchise station. Other than that, you have had credit cards/self service replacing the teenager for the last 30 years or so.

See, once you apply reality to neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead talking points and assertions, they just don't stand up to scrutiny.

My posting the reality based sources trumps the Heritage Fund misleading talking points. Deal with it.

Even when unemployment was under 7%, i.e. The Bush Years, you didnt have theater ushers. I realize your memory doesnt go back that far, but that's a fact, Jack. If ticket prices are so high then theaters ought to be able to afford more personnel, right? Isn't that what the left keeps telling us?
Yeah, capital displaces labor when the price of labor goes up. Just like the gas pumps you mention. More proof that what I write is correct and you are sadly out of your depth here.

Let me dumb it down for you: The 7% you neocon parrots keep squawking about was for a VERY SHORT PERIOD... because at the end of the Shrubs stint that rate shot the hell up the first year of the Obama administration (and NO genius, you can't cure unemployment in one year after 8 years of reaganomics on steriods).


I guess you're not the rudest most ignorant poster on this site. Only because competition is stiff.
Yes, the 7% was for a very short time. Most of Bush's term it was much lower. Anywhere from 3.8% to 7.3%
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The last time UE was over 8% was in 1983. That was the end of Reagan's term. So from 1983 to 2009 UE was lower than at any time during Odumdum's terms. So much for "20 years of Reaganism."

You really are too stupid to post because your lies are so transparent.
Gas jockeys have been replaced by a thing called computers. Those computers keep track of how much gas is used by doing a number of things called calculations.

Or they were wiped out by y2k.

Or by the increase in bee population making working outside dangerous.

Or...my point is you cannot say that gas jockeys are not around because of min wage no more than you can say it's because of rising bee populations.

Again, it was cheaper to invest in technology than continue to pay people to do that work. This is because the cost of labor rose, making it less attractive than capital investment.
You prove my point rather than refute it.

You idiot, you just contradicted yourself.

The cheaper technology comes along whether salaries rise or NOT.....the FAX machine put a crimp in the USPS revenue BEFORE they raised the price of a stamp.

The selectric typewriter cut down the need for x amount of secretaries, and the PC Wordperfect put an end to the secretarial pool.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Deal with it.

You haev a strange idea of what "contradict" means. because you didnt contradict a damn thing I wrote.
No wonder you are "Tushy-liberal". You think with your ass.
This is just another shining example of the blatant hypocrisy in the viewpoints of the far right wing. These people don't care about consistency or common sense. Literally all that they care about is complaining about anything and EVERYTHING that Obama/Dems do. It doesn't matter if it makes them hypocrites or if it even forces them to argue against something they previously supported.

This issue is no different.
Everything the Dems and Obama do is wrong. Of course I'm going to complain about it.

It is beyond comprehension why you people think that life does not require your participation.

People who are trying to live on minimum wage AND are not trying to better themselves do not require more income. They require hospitalization.

Those who find themselves on minimum wage but have skills should be looking to Obama and asking why he has done nothing to improve the jobs market.

You all bitch and moan about corporations and big business, but it is corporations and big business that supply the economic impetus for small business, and it is small business that creates the bulk of the jobs.

One last time. Resisting the urge to raise the minimum wage is NOT a desire to keep wages low, but to keep the cost of living low. Raising the minimum wage will NOT improve anyone's life who exists on minimum wage, because the cost of everything will go up and they will find they have lost ground.

Get a fucking clue people. And while you are out searching for the clue, look for a better paying job!

Life demands you participate in it. If you don't, too bad. It is NOT my problem.

Tell me something, bunky....do you pull this guff out of your own ass or Limbaugh's?

Let's deflate your neocon/teabagger hot air balloon:

Question: How in the hell did you determine that people on minimum wage are not trying to better themselves? Maybe you've been asleep the last 3 decades as corporate and large business downsized and outsourced while claiming record profits? What is the source or your assinine claims and assertions?

Corporations DO NOT "supply the economic impetus for small business"....CONSUMER DEMAND FOR PRODUCT DOES! And if the consumer DOES NOT have the money to compete against the COLA, THEY DON'T BUY, AND SMALL BUSINESS SUFFERS.

FYI: When the minimum wage was raised to over $5 decades ago, willfully ignorant parrots like yourselfs squawked the same nonsense...but as history showed, it wasn't the minimum wage, but reaganomics that trashed the economy. Deal with, or don't.

I swear to god the left never heard of sales people or impulse buying or credit cards.
So they disagree and you are mad that they are studing it to see if anything could be done?

Do you get mad when you sell a car thats never been in an accident that they "wasted" money on saftey features like air bags and seat belts?

No.. they can study all the want.. government should not be paying for it

And there should not be regulations, demands, laws etc based on it.. WHICH IS THE POINT...

Chicken little gains government more power..

Who should pay for it then? Who WILL pay for it?

....and thats the reason why govt pays for it, no one else will and it's for the good of the ppl. Theres no money to be made in that so no one else will do it.
Again, it was cheaper to invest in technology than continue to pay people to do that work. This is because the cost of labor rose, making it less attractive than capital investment.
You prove my point rather than refute it.

You idiot, you just contradicted yourself.

The cheaper technology comes along whether salaries rise or NOT.....the FAX machine put a crimp in the USPS revenue BEFORE they raised the price of a stamp.

The selectric typewriter cut down the need for x amount of secretaries, and the PC Wordperfect put an end to the secretarial pool.

A matter of fact, a matter of history. Deal with it.

You haev a strange idea of what "contradict" means. because you didnt contradict a damn thing I wrote.
No wonder you are "Tushy-liberal". You think with your ass.

And TushyLiberal has left the debate.

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