Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

The Dems want people to be paid more and you conclude that higher pay is how the Dems keep people poor and on welfare.

You do know how fuking stupid that makes you sound. Right?
the problem is, are they getting paid more? The cost of everything will increase, so their net increase will be zero.

So if it doesn't matter, lets just go ahead and raise it.
No, the logical response is, if it doesnt matter then why do it.

No wonder liberalism is considered a bona fide mental illness.
The point is not not whether or not it helps, the point is they DID something.

Never mind that the entire "Great Society" is a complete failure...it makes them "feel" better.

This busts some myths that liberals are putting forth. I think government just wants to be able to take more from people in taxes. This would help them more than poor people. Only a small percent of workers make minimum wage and most start making more if they stay with the job. It's called entry level pay and it's geared mainly for inexperienced young people entering the job market for the first time. Libs try to claim that most poor people are trying to raise families on minimum wage, which is incorrect. Even if the main breadwinner for the family was making minimum, they'd qualify for food stamps and other assistance, which would make up the difference.

This is about the politicians digging deeper into peoples' pockets, even the poor. Remember, even the poorest workers also got a tax increase because they are taking more for social security.

Contrary to the myths, minimum wage workers are not primary bread winners in American households and more than half are young people just entering the workforce.
Hiking the minimum wage makes these inexperienced workers more expensive and contributes to their unemployment.

Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor
Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn't Help the Poor | Job Creators NetworkJob Creators Network
The point is not not whether or not it helps, the point is they DID something.

Never mind that the entire "Great Society" is a complete failure...it makes them "feel" better.

Itshows they "care" about people. Of course they dont care about people. They care about getting elected. But most people are too stupid to see they've been played by the lolberals. They can't find work because the min wage prices them out of the job market but they can collect welfare benefits. It's a win win for the big gov't stooges.
" lolberals"

Very clever :)

The point is not not whether or not it helps, the point is they DID something.

Never mind that the entire "Great Society" is a complete failure...it makes them "feel" better.

Itshows they "care" about people. Of course they dont care about people. They care about getting elected. But most people are too stupid to see they've been played by the lolberals. They can't find work because the min wage prices them out of the job market but they can collect welfare benefits. It's a win win for the big gov't stooges.
From your own link half the workers making MW are under 25. They are unlikely to be heads of households and most likely to be living at home.
Which is what we've been saying all along. Can you not comprehend this?

So the other half are what, chopped liver? :confused: And are you trying to tell me that more money doesn't equate more purchases, which helps out businesses? Or at least one bill getting paid on time, which helps out creditors?

Bottom line: the Heritage Foundation plays fast and loose with the facts to feed red meat to neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads who just can't stand the concept of a federal gov't (despite benefitting from it).

Are you trying to tell me that increasing the min wage won't eliminate jobs? How many theater ushers and gas jockeys have you seen recently? Those were jobs done typically by teens for min wage. But rising min wage rates made them dispensible. So now kids who would have taken those as a stepping stone to something else dont have that opportunity anymore.
The denseness of the liberal is beyond imagination. They think they can legislate propsperity. They can legislate the way criminals behave. They can legislate peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

The minimum wage was higher than it is now back in the days of ushers and full service gas stations.
Stop. Mod edit.
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You can stop also, Roo.

So the other half are what, chopped liver? :confused: And are you trying to tell me that more money doesn't equate more purchases, which helps out businesses? Or at least one bill getting paid on time, which helps out creditors?

Bottom line: the Heritage Foundation plays fast and loose with the facts to feed red meat to neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads who just can't stand the concept of a federal gov't (despite benefitting from it).

Are you trying to tell me that increasing the min wage won't eliminate jobs? How many theater ushers and gas jockeys have you seen recently? Those were jobs done typically by teens for min wage. But rising min wage rates made them dispensible. So now kids who would have taken those as a stepping stone to something else dont have that opportunity anymore.
The denseness of the liberal is beyond imagination. They think they can legislate propsperity. They can legislate the way criminals behave. They can legislate peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

The minimum wage was higher than it is now back in the days of ushers and full service gas stations.

Stop. Mod edit[
This is just another shining example of the blatant hypocrisy in the viewpoints of the far right wing. These people don't care about consistency or common sense. Literally all that they care about is complaining about anything and EVERYTHING that Obama/Dems do. It doesn't matter if it makes them hypocrites or if it even forces them to argue against something they previously supported.

This issue is no different.
Everything the Dems and Obama do is wrong. Of course I'm going to complain about it.

It is beyond comprehension why you people think that life does not require your participation.

People who are trying to live on minimum wage AND are not trying to better themselves do not require more income. They require hospitalization.

Those who find themselves on minimum wage but have skills should be looking to Obama and asking why he has done nothing to improve the jobs market.

You all bitch and moan about corporations and big business, but it is corporations and big business that supply the economic impetus for small business, and it is small business that creates the bulk of the jobs.

One last time. Resisting the urge to raise the minimum wage is NOT a desire to keep wages low, but to keep the cost of living low. Raising the minimum wage will NOT improve anyone's life who exists on minimum wage, because the cost of everything will go up and they will find they have lost ground.

Get a fucking clue people. And while you are out searching for the clue, look for a better paying job!

Life demands you participate in it. If you don't, too bad. It is NOT my problem.
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Here's how right wing opinions are formed:

Take an issue, use the most egregious example you can find associated with that issue, apply that egregious example to everyone associated with that issue, Stand firm against all those ppl whether or not the egregious example applies to one person or not.

Example: Welfare Queen by Ronald Regan
Another Example: Obama lady who said Obama was going to buy her a house

Thats how they form their opinions of an issue.
Here's how right wing opinions are formed:

Take an issue, use the most egregious example you can find associated with that issue, apply that egregious example to everyone associated with that issue, Stand firm against all those ppl whether or not the egregious example applies to one person or not.

Example: Welfare Queen by Ronald Regan
Another Example: Obama lady who said Obama was going to buy her a house

Thats how they form their opinions of an issue.

Gun control--mass shootings in CT and Nev.
Climate change--made up information.

Yeah, conservatives really think that way. Dunce.
Here's how right wing opinions are formed:

Take an issue, use the most egregious example you can find associated with that issue, apply that egregious example to everyone associated with that issue, Stand firm against all those ppl whether or not the egregious example applies to one person or not.

Example: Welfare Queen by Ronald Regan
Another Example: Obama lady who said Obama was going to buy her a house

Thats how they form their opinions of an issue.

Gun control--mass shootings in CT and Nev.
Climate change--made up information.

Yeah, conservatives really think that way. Dunce.

Yeah they do, did you just refute what I said or are you pretending that you addressed it in any way?

Gun Control - Decades old Issue from Both Parties
Climate Change - Scientist

Come on at least be honest....You dont have to like the information but it (climate change) info came from guys a lot smarter than you or I. You can question the people, their motives, if it was on a Wednesday etc....But when a majority of scientist agree with something...Non-scientist should listen.
Here's how right wing opinions are formed:

Take an issue, use the most egregious example you can find associated with that issue, apply that egregious example to everyone associated with that issue, Stand firm against all those ppl whether or not the egregious example applies to one person or not.

Example: Welfare Queen by Ronald Regan
Another Example: Obama lady who said Obama was going to buy her a house

Thats how they form their opinions of an issue.

Gun control--mass shootings in CT and Nev.
Climate change--made up information.

Yeah, conservatives really think that way. Dunce.

Yeah they do, did you just refute what I said or are you pretending that you addressed it in any way?

Gun Control - Decades old Issue from Both Parties
Climate Change - Scientist

Come on at least be honest....You dont have to like the information but it (climate change) info came from guys a lot smarter than you or I. You can question the people, their motives, if it was on a Wednesday etc....But when a majority of scientist agree with something...Non-scientist should listen.

The GOP has largely opposed gun control over the last 20 years. The Dems have largely been in favor of it for the same or longer.

Man made Global warming is a myth perpetuated by people smarter than you. Which includes Hollywood starlets.
Gun control--mass shootings in CT and Nev.
Climate change--made up information.

Yeah, conservatives really think that way. Dunce.

Yeah they do, did you just refute what I said or are you pretending that you addressed it in any way?

Gun Control - Decades old Issue from Both Parties
Climate Change - Scientist

Come on at least be honest....You dont have to like the information but it (climate change) info came from guys a lot smarter than you or I. You can question the people, their motives, if it was on a Wednesday etc....But when a majority of scientist agree with something...Non-scientist should listen.

The GOP has largely opposed gun control over the last 20 years. The Dems have largely been in favor of it for the same or longer.
Man made Global warming is a myth perpetuated by people smarter than you. Which includes Hollywood starlets.

Like I said...Both Parties...your use of the word "mostly" doesnt invalidate my statement

Global warming...Scientist. Dont believe them? Then show me why you dont...The scientist show theres

Like I said you form an opinion based on nothing...and you keep responding with...nothing
Yeah they do, did you just refute what I said or are you pretending that you addressed it in any way?

Gun Control - Decades old Issue from Both Parties
Climate Change - Scientist

Come on at least be honest....You dont have to like the information but it (climate change) info came from guys a lot smarter than you or I. You can question the people, their motives, if it was on a Wednesday etc....But when a majority of scientist agree with something...Non-scientist should listen.

The GOP has largely opposed gun control over the last 20 years. The Dems have largely been in favor of it for the same or longer.
Man made Global warming is a myth perpetuated by people smarter than you. Which includes Hollywood starlets.

Like I said...Both Parties...your use of the word "mostly" doesnt invalidate my statement

Global warming...Scientist. Dont believe them? Then show me why you dont...The scientist show theres

Like I said you form an opinion based on nothing...and you keep responding with...nothing

Yeah actually it does. Because the GOP as a whole has not been in favor of gun control while the Dems as a whole have.
Wow, scientist, eh.
MIT Scientist Disputes Man-Made Global Warming In Sandia Labs Presentation
Yeah they do, did you just refute what I said or are you pretending that you addressed it in any way?

Gun Control - Decades old Issue from Both Parties
Climate Change - Scientist

Come on at least be honest....You dont have to like the information but it (climate change) info came from guys a lot smarter than you or I. You can question the people, their motives, if it was on a Wednesday etc....But when a majority of scientist agree with something...Non-scientist should listen.

The GOP has largely opposed gun control over the last 20 years. The Dems have largely been in favor of it for the same or longer.
Man made Global warming is a myth perpetuated by people smarter than you. Which includes Hollywood starlets.

Like I said...Both Parties...your use of the word "mostly" doesnt invalidate my statement

Global warming...Scientist. Dont believe them? Then show me why you dont...The scientist show theres

Like I said you form an opinion based on nothing...and you keep responding with...nothing

Look who you're dealing with. Rabbi is the one who thinks someones skin color has an impact on their ability to be a good political leader. So right there we know his opinion means literally nothing.
The GOP has largely opposed gun control over the last 20 years. The Dems have largely been in favor of it for the same or longer.
Man made Global warming is a myth perpetuated by people smarter than you. Which includes Hollywood starlets.

Like I said...Both Parties...your use of the word "mostly" doesnt invalidate my statement

Global warming...Scientist. Dont believe them? Then show me why you dont...The scientist show theres

Like I said you form an opinion based on nothing...and you keep responding with...nothing

Yeah actually it does. Because the GOP as a whole has not been in favor of gun control while the Dems as a whole have.
Wow, scientist, eh.
MIT Scientist Disputes Man-Made Global Warming In Sandia Labs Presentation

Now you are proving my point. Take an issue find one example and hold that up as the basis for all your opinions. 100 scientist say it's real and you base your opinion of all those scientist because 1 scientist didnt agree.

Makes sense...only if you are looking for an excuse to validate your already held opinions on the subject
Like I said...Both Parties...your use of the word "mostly" doesnt invalidate my statement

Global warming...Scientist. Dont believe them? Then show me why you dont...The scientist show theres

Like I said you form an opinion based on nothing...and you keep responding with...nothing

Yeah actually it does. Because the GOP as a whole has not been in favor of gun control while the Dems as a whole have.
Wow, scientist, eh.
MIT Scientist Disputes Man-Made Global Warming In Sandia Labs Presentation

Now you are proving my point. Take an issue find one example and hold that up as the basis for all your opinions. 100 scientist say it's real and you base your opinion of all those scientist because 1 scientist didnt agree.

Makes sense...only if you are looking for an excuse to validate your already held opinions on the subject

All it takes is one scientist to be correct and it doesnt matter how many are wrong. Science is not decided by a vote.
You prove my point that libs have little critical thinking power and even less knowledge base.
Yeah actually it does. Because the GOP as a whole has not been in favor of gun control while the Dems as a whole have.
Wow, scientist, eh.
MIT Scientist Disputes Man-Made Global Warming In Sandia Labs Presentation

Now you are proving my point. Take an issue find one example and hold that up as the basis for all your opinions. 100 scientist say it's real and you base your opinion of all those scientist because 1 scientist didnt agree.

Makes sense...only if you are looking for an excuse to validate your already held opinions on the subject

All it takes is one scientist to be correct and it doesnt matter how many are wrong. Science is not decided by a vote.
You prove my point that libs have little critical thinking power and even less knowledge base.

Its decided and agreed upon by peer reviews...Is that scientist correct? How do you know? Has anyone checked this guys work? No, so you believe him...why?

you're not going to admit it but you only side with this scientist because he agrees with the opinion you already have of global warming.
Now you are proving my point. Take an issue find one example and hold that up as the basis for all your opinions. 100 scientist say it's real and you base your opinion of all those scientist because 1 scientist didnt agree.

Makes sense...only if you are looking for an excuse to validate your already held opinions on the subject

All it takes is one scientist to be correct and it doesnt matter how many are wrong. Science is not decided by a vote.
You prove my point that libs have little critical thinking power and even less knowledge base.

Its decided and agreed upon by peer reviews...Is that scientist correct? How do you know? Has anyone checked this guys work? No, so you believe him...why?

you're not going to admit it but you only side with this scientist because he agrees with the opinion you already have of global warming.
You're not listening.
It doesnt matter how many scientists say something is the case. Science is not decided by majority vote. It is decided by observable and testable phenomena.
You have no evidence that man made global warming exists. You only have theories, many of which were subject to factual manipulation and outright lies. That includes "peer reviews" where there was pressure to approve the party line on global warming.
None of this is very hard. But the Left is anti-science and pro-PC.
So you don't believe in theories? But you do believe in that one guys theory? You have to present a reason to why you believe that one guy knows better than a bunch of others. You can't do that, I want to believe is not an acceptable answer. Questioning the findings of a bunch of scientist is fine, but to conclude they are wrong requires...something more.

Trust but verify...where is your "verify"? You don't have it. My verify is the word of a bunch of guys who are experts in their field agreeing on a common answer. Yours is "I want to believe it because I just want too!" combined with "a bunch of scientists? Fuck those guys!"
So you don't believe in theories? But you do believe in that one guys theory? You have to present a reason to why you believe that one guy knows better than a bunch of others. You can't do that, I want to believe is not an acceptable answer. Questioning the findings of a bunch of scientist is fine, but to conclude they are wrong requires...something more.

Trust but verify...where is your "verify"? You don't have it. My verify is the word of a bunch of guys who are experts in their field agreeing on a common answer. Yours is "I want to believe it because I just want too!" combined with "a bunch of scientists? Fuck those guys!"

No, you jsut dont get it. Someone proposing a theory, like people are causing global warming, needs to present proof. There has been no proof presented. There has been circumstantial evidence. There has been tampered evidence. But no proof. Until someone presents credible proof it is merely an untested theory.

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