Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

See! Making sure America endures is second to making sure corps make as much as possible and pay the least possible. Fuck people! All they are are our neighbors, famil, co-workers etc.

Why that is a priority is still a mystery.
This is just another shining example of the blatant hypocrisy in the viewpoints of the far right wing. These people don't care about consistency or common sense. Literally all that they care about is complaining about anything and EVERYTHING that Obama/Dems do. It doesn't matter if it makes them hypocrites or if it even forces them to argue against something they previously supported.

This issue is no different.
This is just another shining example of the blatant hypocrisy in the viewpoints of the far right wing. These people don't care about consistency or common sense. Literally all that they care about is complaining about anything and EVERYTHING that Obama/Dems do. It doesn't matter if it makes them hypocrites or if it even forces them to argue against something they previously supported.
This issue is no different.

Preach! :clap2:
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Do tell us about where you received your degree in economics. I'm fascinated by your worldly views.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Do tell us about where you received your degree in economics. I'm fascinated by your worldly views.

That's because you must have had a public school education. If raising the minimum wage would end poverty, then the minimum wage of something over $7.00 an hour would certainly mean that no one was poor, IF the cost of living was the same as it was when the minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. But it isn't the same. Whatever gains were made by raising the minimum wage was lost due to inflation and the rise of the cost of living.

If you need a degree in economics to illustrate the obvious, then a degree in economics won't help you.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Do tell us about where you received your degree in economics. I'm fascinated by your worldly views.

Plesae tell us which high school would graduate a numbnuts like you so we can all avoid it.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Yeah, except that didnt happen all the other times we raised the min wage...but you promise this time will be different. Reality disagrees with you
Raising the minimum wage does help the poor. It gives them more money for working. If you want people to not spooge off of the taxpayer, then give them a good reason for seeking work.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Yeah, except that didnt happen all the other times we raised the min wage...but you promise this time will be different. Reality disagrees with you

If inflation didn't eat the benefits of previous raises of the minimum wage,then why did it need to be repeatedly raised?
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Do tell us about where you received your degree in economics. I'm fascinated by your worldly views.

That's because you must have had a public school education. If raising the minimum wage would end poverty, then the minimum wage of something over $7.00 an hour would certainly mean that no one was poor, IF the cost of living was the same as it was when the minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. But it isn't the same. Whatever gains were made by raising the minimum wage was lost due to inflation and the rise of the cost of living.

If you need a degree in economics to illustrate the obvious, then a degree in economics won't help you.

LOL, I'd love to hear how you came up with that $7/hour number. You're literally fucking insane.

You've illustrated the obvious alright.
Raising the minimum wage does not help the poor because any benefit they get is quickly eaten up by inflation partly caused by the rise in the minimum wage.

Do tell us about where you received your degree in economics. I'm fascinated by your worldly views.

Plesae tell us which high school would graduate a numbnuts like you so we can all avoid it.

We had a black person as a leader of my high school. You wouldn't be interested.
Raising the minimum wage does help the poor. It gives them more money for working. If you want people to not spooge off of the taxpayer, then give them a good reason for seeking work.

It only gives some people more money. Others get less because those jobs won't exist at all.
I realize that's probably too abstract for you to comprehend.

Here's an article that ironically in arguing against the proposition actually proves it.
Teen Unemployment Crisis: Victims of Minimum Wage or Old People - The 312 - July 2011 - Chicago

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