Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor

Democrats hate poor people who want to be independent of gov't handouts. So they make it increasingly difficult to get off the dole. They really hate black teenagers, which is why their unemployment rate is about 20%.

The Dems want people to be paid more and you conclude that higher pay is how the Dems keep people poor and on welfare.

You do know how fuking stupid that makes you sound. Right?

no matter how high you raise the minimum they will still be at

the bottom of the wage ladder
The Dems want someone else to pay people more and htey can take credit for it. This appeals to low intelligence voters like Zeke, who never held a responsible job in his life.
Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

"and why did they lose that job and not get another?"

Maybe you were asleep during the last 20 years, when we had all that outsourcing, downsizing and (in the last 4 years) a hiring freeze by major coroprations and companies? Then there's age discrimination and some nonsense about NOT hiring people who have been unemployed too long (during a recession, mind you). Either that or you couldn't read a newspaper, as your head was up Limbaugh's fat ass? I'm guessing the latter, as you parrot here the drivel of his willfully ignorant listeners. Carry on.
Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

Hethinks with his tushy. He's never held a responsible job in his life. It is arguing with idiots.

Says the idiot who thinks that a minimum wage that is not competative with the rising COLA does NOT effect the economy on the whole.

One stupid ass Rabbi, this guy.
Lmao.... I live in reality, you live in a fantasy world that people only buy what they need. were a nation of debtors, guess you never heard how easy bankruptcy is either? after thats all done and said, it only takes a few months for a person to get swamped with credit card offers again. grow up dude or at least open your eyes.

Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and btw, where do you get to post from? a prision cell some where? you only try to debate me on this topic like once a week. me sorry if you got busted.............

Typical response from an intellectually bankrupt dummy like Rabbi who can no longer logically or factually defend his subject title assertion.
Yup, as I thought, totally unable even to process what I wrote, confusing hte current law with what might be, ignoring survivor bias, etc etc. A million fallacies rolled into one stupid post. That's what happens when you think with your tushy.


See folks, when blowhards like Rabbi cannot logically or factually refute information that contradicts their beliefs/assertions, they babble like the right wing buffoons they are.

ya got nothing, Rabbi. STFU before you humilate yourself further.
Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

"and why did they lose that job and not get another?"

Maybe you were asleep during the last 20 years, when we had all that outsourcing, downsizing and (in the last 4 years) a hiring freeze by major coroprations and companies? Then there's age discrimination and some nonsense about NOT hiring people who have been unemployed too long (during a recession, mind you). Either that or you couldn't read a newspaper, as your head was up Limbaugh's fat ass? I'm guessing the latter, as you parrot here the drivel of his willfully ignorant listeners. Carry on.

I wasnt alsleep the past 30 years the were, I was a field service rep for a jap injection molding machine company for 15 of those years. They saw the progress in automation and robotics 1st hand on the shop floor yet didnt do crap to improve themselfs.. I live the real world of manufacturing, you just read about it and pull opinions out of you butt.
Debt can be accrued through loss of a job that can effect mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments, new clothes, credit card payments, house repairs, medical bills, etc., etc.

Or were you asleep during the last 30 years of Reaganomics?

Like I said before, "Bottom line: You can produce a product but there is NO guarantee that it will sell....the PUBLIC determines if that product is needed or wanted."

Seems you just can't "bear" reality.

Laugh clown, laugh.

and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

"and why did they lose that job and not get another?"

Maybe you were asleep during the last 20 years, when we had all that outsourcing, downsizing and (in the last 4 years) a hiring freeze by major coroprations and companies? Then there's age discrimination and some nonsense about NOT hiring people who have been unemployed too long (during a recession, mind you). Either that or you couldn't read a newspaper, as your head was up Limbaugh's fat ass? I'm guessing the latter, as you parrot here the drivel of his willfully ignorant listeners. Carry on.

and lol, nonsense about the 99 weekers? I had a few inbetween jobs making $10 to $15 an hour in the last 10 years, would rather do that then be the fool who sat on his butt collecting unemployment for 2 years. I wouldnt hire anyone today that has not had some type of job in the past 6 months. it just tells me they are lazy and a sponge.
This busts some myths that liberals are putting forth. I think government just wants to be able to take more from people in taxes. This would help them more than poor people. Only a small percent of workers make minimum wage and most start making more if they stay with the job. It's called entry level pay and it's geared mainly for inexperienced young people entering the job market for the first time. Libs try to claim that most poor people are trying to raise families on minimum wage, which is incorrect. Even if the main breadwinner for the family was making minimum, they'd qualify for food stamps and other assistance, which would make up the difference.

This is about the politicians digging deeper into peoples' pockets, even the poor. Remember, even the poorest workers also got a tax increase because they are taking more for social security.

Contrary to the myths, minimum wage workers are not primary bread winners in American households and more than half are young people just entering the workforce.
Hiking the minimum wage makes these inexperienced workers more expensive and contributes to their unemployment.

Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn’t Help the Poor
Hiking the Minimum Wage Doesn't Help the Poor | Job Creators NetworkJob Creators Network


Workers 20 years of age and older benefit most from proposed hike to federal minimum wage

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and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

"and why did they lose that job and not get another?"

Maybe you were asleep during the last 20 years, when we had all that outsourcing, downsizing and (in the last 4 years) a hiring freeze by major coroprations and companies? Then there's age discrimination and some nonsense about NOT hiring people who have been unemployed too long (during a recession, mind you). Either that or you couldn't read a newspaper, as your head was up Limbaugh's fat ass? I'm guessing the latter, as you parrot here the drivel of his willfully ignorant listeners. Carry on.

I wasnt alsleep the past 30 years the were, I was a field service rep for a jap (NOTE the racial slur here...which will be followed up by this cretin claiming he's not a racist! :doubt:) injection molding machine company for 15 of those years. They (who are "they") saw the progress in automation and robotics 1st hand on the shop floor yet didnt do crap to improve themselfs.. (Automation replaces people, you simpleton. What did YOU do after they replaced YOU with automation for the remaining 15 years? And how did you finance your "improvements"?) I live the real world of manufacturing, you just read about it and pull opinions out of you butt.

You live in your own little world of self serving BS.....as I doubt you have the intellectually honesty to respond to my questions/points above.
and why did they lose that job and not get another? could it just be they forgot the golden rule and stop learning? oh yea they were to busy fucking off after work and watching american idol and the world passed them away.... only can blame they can put on is themselfs.

"and why did they lose that job and not get another?"

Maybe you were asleep during the last 20 years, when we had all that outsourcing, downsizing and (in the last 4 years) a hiring freeze by major coroprations and companies? Then there's age discrimination and some nonsense about NOT hiring people who have been unemployed too long (during a recession, mind you). Either that or you couldn't read a newspaper, as your head was up Limbaugh's fat ass? I'm guessing the latter, as you parrot here the drivel of his willfully ignorant listeners. Carry on.

and lol, nonsense about the 99 weekers? (Even Fox News carried stories about discrimination against folk who were laid off, couldn't get hired again and were tagged by employment agencies as being out to the job market "too long". Again, either you're in a coma or just willfully ignorant or insipidly stubborn) I had a few inbetween jobs making $10 to $15 an hour in the last 10 years, would rather do that then be the fool who sat on his butt collecting unemployment for 2 years. (a "few" jobs, ehh? How many? What was your income before going down to $10 an hour? Did you meet ALL your expenses? You NEVER collected unemployment? Well, people with BETTER careers than you or I were downsized, and couldn't meet mortgages, car payments, school tuition, etc., on $10 bucks an hour....and to collect unemployment YOU HAVE TO OF HAD A JOB PRIOR! got that bunky?) I wouldnt hire anyone today that has not had some type of job in the past 6 months. it just tells me they are lazy and a sponge.

Goes to show how fucking stupid, selfish and bigoted you truly are....because for every job available out there, there are about 200 applicants....so just by statistics there are going to be people who won't be hired. Ever here of a 50 year old "intern" or getting an "entry level" job?

Your story has enough holes in it to drive a truck through....you're just another neocon/teabagger crank who gets his jollies from parroting this Limbaugh/Levine/Beck swill.
The Dems want people to be paid more and you conclude that higher pay is how the Dems keep people poor and on welfare.

You do know how fuking stupid that makes you sound. Right?

Your faith in people is so inspiring. If someone is worth $9 an hour and their pay is currently $7.25 an hour. You say they are too stupid, lazy and unmotivated to go find a $9 an hour job on their own, they only get the raise if the exalted Obama forces their greedy, mustache stroking employer to pay them more.

On the other hand, you think their employer will pay them $7.25 an hour if they are worth $9 an hour because they have no stake in paying employees what they are worth and keeping them.

And then you tell other people how "fuking stupid" they sound for not thinking what you do. Noted.
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