Hilary throwing cops under the bus in debate...

So to answer....I'm doing nothing. The problem is so statistically insignificant that it's not something I need to worry about. I spend my energy attacking those who smear and spread false images of cops.
But just about every time an unarmed shooting/death while detained is investigated, police are shown to have falsely reported facts to cover up acts of the cop who did the shooting or facts leading to the death in detention. That does not appear to be a statistically insignificant occurrence, rather it seems to be the norm, which means departments are populated by those who enable bad cops.

Just about every one huh?? Ok. Link me to 10 from 2015 where the police were proven to lie to cover up facts. The Chicago shit....yes...there is 1.

If there are so many of these....and "most" prove they lied....10 or 20 examples should be very easy.
It's too disgusting to requote the bitch. Basically just said cops and the whole system are racist and 1/3 of all blacks end up in jail and it's the system who is to blame (like guns....never blame the person committing the crime).

Democrats....you can all burn in hell.
I know you are, Moonglow.
Poor pigs in distress....
It's too disgusting to requote the bitch. Basically just said cops and the whole system are racist and 1/3 of all blacks end up in jail and it's the system who is to blame (like guns....never blame the person committing the crime).

Democrats....you can all burn in hell.
I know you are, Moonglow.
Poor pigs in distress....

Kinda hoping you get hit by a car soon.
thanks, next you'll be throwing Ebola my whey....
It's too disgusting to requote the bitch. Basically just said cops and the whole system are racist and 1/3 of all blacks end up in jail and it's the system who is to blame (like guns....never blame the person committing the crime).

Democrats....you can all burn in hell.
I know you are, Moonglow.
Poor pigs in distress....

Kinda hoping you get hit by a car soon.
And LE is too distressed to call for help.
It's too disgusting to requote the bitch. Basically just said cops and the whole system are racist and 1/3 of all blacks end up in jail and it's the system who is to blame (like guns....never blame the person committing the crime).

Democrats....you can all burn in hell.
I know you are, Moonglow.
Poor pigs in distress....

Kinda hoping you get hit by a car soon.
thanks, next you'll be throwing Ebola my whey....

Nah. I'd never intentionally hurt someone without being in danger. And you could never cause me danger.

But karma getting you....that would be wondeful. Maybe a falling tree. Lightning would be nice too.
Poor pigs in distress....

Kinda hoping you get hit by a car soon.
thanks, next you'll be throwing Ebola my whey....

Nah. I'd never intentionally hurt someone without being in danger. And you could never cause me danger.

But karma getting you....that would be wondeful. Maybe a falling tree. Lightning would be nice too.
naw, just a little schadenfreude to those that don't suck at the public teat, you know, those perps that earn you a living, so you can keep being a leach on society you seek to protect from itself....
Just about every one huh?? Ok. Link me to 10 from 2015 where the police were proven to lie to cover up facts. The Chicago shit....yes...there is 1.

If there are so many of these....and "most" prove they lied....10 or 20 examples should be very easy.
Edited to 'many times'. The bad cops' workmates must know about their colleague yet appear to back them up rather than show disloyalty. Then wonder at the lack of public trust.
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Just about every one huh?? Ok. Link me to 10 from 2015 where the police were proven to lie to cover up facts. The Chicago shit....yes...there is 1.

If there are so many of these....and "most" prove they lied....10 or 20 examples should be very easy.
Edited to 'many times'. The bad cops workmates must know about their colleague yet appear to back them up rather than show disloyalty. Then wonder at the lack of public trust.

OOOOOH......You say "most times". I ask for links. You then change to "many times".

How many is "many"??? Or....do you just buy the premise as truth because other liberals say it's happening?

10 links from any one year showing cops shot an unarmed person...and we're proven to have LIED about the facts.

Chicago was 1.
I'll even say North Charleston. Facts are still in dispute but...I'll say for now it counts.

8 more from 2015???
I have always watched the dem debate. Until now. Just not interested in who is up there talking.
Anyway, this sort of thing, where police collude in lying in support of one another.


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