Hillary Attempts Plea Deal - Trump Prosecutors Reject It


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Hillary Clinton, trying to avoid spending the rest of her life in a federal prison, has requested a reduced sentence, from federal prosecutors, in exchange for a full confession regarding her illegal emails.

The plea deal fell on deaf ears to Trump prosecutors intent on throwing the book at Hillary, whose 2016 presidential campaign was filled with fraud, deceit, collusion, and dishonesty, as she threw all integrity away, in her feverish attempt to become POTUS.

The Trump prosecutors rejected Hillary’s confession attempt outright, as they already have damning evidence against her from testimonies of Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, Hillary’s longtime close aide, and State Dept Deputy Chief of Staff (2009-2012). Both of them apparently are testifying to save their own skins (rats deserting the sinking ship).

The grand jury hearing taking place in Superior Court in Lower Manhattan, in New York City, is due to conclude this month, with a certain lifetime sentience for Hillary in a federal prison.

A recent attempt by Hillary to elude prosecution and imprisonment, was thwarted by DHS officials, who caught Hillary trying to skip the country with a plane ticket for Bahrain (a non-extradition country in the Middle East). This was at JFK International Airport in New York City.
Hillary Clinton, trying to avoid spending the rest of her life in a federal prison, has requested a reduced sentence, from federal prosecutors, in exchange for a full confession regarding her illegal emails.

The plea deal fell on deaf ears to Trump prosecutors intent on throwing the book at Hillary, whose 2016 presidential campaign was filled with fraud, deceit, collusion, and dishonesty, as she threw all integrity away, in her feverish attempt to become POTUS.

The Trump prosecutors rejected Hillary’s confession attempt outright, as they already have damning evidence against her from testimonies of Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, Hillary’s longtime close aide, and State Dept Deputy Chief of Staff (2009-2012). Both of them apparently are testifying to save their own skins (rats deserting the sinking ship).

The grand jury hearing taking place in Superior Court in Lower Manhattan, in New York City, is due to conclude this month, with a certain lifetime sentience for Hillary in a federal prison.

A recent attempt by Hillary to elude prosecution and imprisonment, was thwarted by DHS officials, who caught Hillary trying to skip the country with a plane ticket for Bahrain (a non-extradition country in the Middle East). This was at JFK International Airport in New York City.
Have you considered applying to work for Breitbart?
What several weeks of depression will do

Hillary Clinton, trying to avoid spending the rest of her life in a federal prison, has requested a reduced sentence, from federal prosecutors, in exchange for a full confession regarding her illegal emails.

The plea deal fell on deaf ears to Trump prosecutors intent on throwing the book at Hillary, whose 2016 presidential campaign was filled with fraud, deceit, collusion, and dishonesty, as she threw all integrity away, in her feverish attempt to become POTUS.

The Trump prosecutors rejected Hillary’s confession attempt outright, as they already have damning evidence against her from testimonies of Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, Hillary’s longtime close aide, and State Dept Deputy Chief of Staff (2009-2012). Both of them apparently are testifying to save their own skins (rats deserting the sinking ship).

The grand jury hearing taking place in Superior Court in Lower Manhattan, in New York City, is due to conclude this month, with a certain lifetime sentience for Hillary in a federal prison.

A recent attempt by Hillary to elude prosecution and imprisonment, was thwarted by DHS officials, who caught Hillary trying to skip the country with a plane ticket for Bahrain (a non-extradition country in the Middle East). This was at JFK International Airport in New York City.

As soon as the so-called presidents gets going on the MAJOR investigation on the 3-5 million illegal voters and the MAJOR investigation on Former President Obama wiretapping Trump Tower.
It's also expected that Hillary's incarceration will be especially harsh. Although many prison inmates are black and left-wing, Hillary won't be seeing THEM. Instead, her her contacts will be prison guards and administrators, all of whom tend to be conservatives, and less sympathetic.

Because of her great wealth, Hillary will be a high-risk inmate (risk of bribing fellow inmates). Also, her history of ordering murders (Google Clinton Body Count) adds top the risk factor. Consequently, Hillary will be isolated in solitary confinement, a condition that often results in inmate insanity, brought on by intense, prolonged loneliness.

As soon as the so-called presidents gets going on the MAJOR investigation on the 3-5 million illegal voters and the MAJOR investigation on Former President Obama wiretapping Trump Tower.
You've got time factors botched. The Hillary grand jury hearing is almost over. The others are just beginning.

As soon as the so-called presidents gets going on the MAJOR investigation on the 3-5 million illegal voters and the MAJOR investigation on Former President Obama wiretapping Trump Tower.
You've got time factors botched. The Hillary grand jury hearing is almost over. The others are just beginning.
"The Hillary grand jury hearing".......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Hillary Clinton, trying to avoid spending the rest of her life in a federal prison, has requested a reduced sentence, from federal prosecutors, in exchange for a full confession regarding her illegal emails.

The plea deal fell on deaf ears to Trump prosecutors intent on throwing the book at Hillary, whose 2016 presidential campaign was filled with fraud, deceit, collusion, and dishonesty, as she threw all integrity away, in her feverish attempt to become POTUS.

The Trump prosecutors rejected Hillary’s confession attempt outright, as they already have damning evidence against her from testimonies of Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, Hillary’s longtime close aide, and State Dept Deputy Chief of Staff (2009-2012). Both of them apparently are testifying to save their own skins (rats deserting the sinking ship).

The grand jury hearing taking place in Superior Court in Lower Manhattan, in New York City, is due to conclude this month, with a certain lifetime sentience for Hillary in a federal prison.

A recent attempt by Hillary to elude prosecution and imprisonment, was thwarted by DHS officials, who caught Hillary trying to skip the country with a plane ticket for Bahrain (a non-extradition country in the Middle East). This was at JFK International Airport in New York City.
You must be using the same "unnamed sources" as the NYT and WAPO uses. LOL
Hillary's communications with the outside world are expected to be kept minimal. Conservative prison administrators will not like the idea of her engaging in political activity from the prison (although why would anyone in the Democratic Party consider her input worthwhile to any degree ?)
LOL Wow, someone is hitting the bong early.
Looks like some posters are still getting their news (or lack of it) from the MSM. :rolleyes:

That bad idea should have been dispelled when the New York Times got their butts kicked by the National Enquirer in 1979, over the oil shortage fiasco. Remember that ?
LOL How is the orange clown going to prosecute anyone while he is being treated for dementia. And President Pence will be far too busy trying to catch up to bother with attempting to prosecute the delusions of the orange clown. LOL

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