Hillary Campaign Coordinator Worried Young Americans Will Like Tax Cuts

Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Except for the rich ones LOL
Liberal hatred for the rich is like saying...”That guy in the next urinal has a really big unit (liberal men are meat gazers ) and that’s not fair cause mine is so small.” Hint, hint, liberals...guy with big tool votes Republican.
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
Everyone likes tax cuts...unless your a liberal searching in vain for something to criticize conservatives over.
Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

daily caller???? :rofl:
MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post....:lmao:
PBS Reuters AP USA Today hindustani times* le monde and everyone else in the world but your disgraceful GOP propaganda machine, super dupe.
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
You got nothing as usual, super dupe.
View attachment 169956
Everyone likes tax cuts...unless your a liberal searching in vain for something to criticize conservatives over.
Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

All normal people everywhere like tax cuts, of course Leftists are not normal people, Conservatives prefer to let people keep as much of their own money as possible, Leftists prefer to tax people as much as possible and then Redistribute The Wealth to those not worthy and to causes not worthy. In an ideal world there would be like 5% personal taxation, in the Leftists ideal world there would be like 90% personal taxation, just stealing the peoples money off them.
Is this what you call a normal person?

How many times do we have to go over this? Trump was not making fun just calling him out as a liar.
Everyone likes tax cuts...unless your a liberal searching in vain for something to criticize conservatives over.
Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican
Everyone loves tax cuts except are children who will have to pay back the debt that is being increased by the cuts.
The tax cuts are another example of government giving more than it can afford.
Only servile snowflake morons believe tax cuts are a gift from the government.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
They actually par more like 45%. The 1% pay about 70% of the taxes in this country. How much do you scumbags believe to be their "fair share?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?

It has a video from CSPan, jesus you are stupid and it's long not some 20 second edited piece....try watching it......instead of reflexively saying Daily Caller!!!!
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?

We do, if we use your sources, all we hear about is the Russia investigation.,.and half of that shit is wrong or made up..we're more interested in serious issues that matter to us.....
Trump calls CNN fake news for quoting him accurately.
Lucy blindly follows suit.

Stupid is as stupid does.

They don't quote anyone accurately......they have shitty sources and wont reveal them...its a corrupt organization....

Why would you protect sources that give you bad info???????
Either there are not sources, they made it up. (my contention)
Source: That propaganda rag The Daily Caller.
Would it kill you DEPLORABLES to use a valid source just once?
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
They actually par more like 45%. The 1% pay about 70% of the taxes in this country. How much do you scumbags believe to be their "fair share?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
No they pay exactly 28% on average, less than many in the middle class. And if they pay 70% that's because they earn 70%. And keep basically all the New Wealth it's a joke dupe.
He should start panicking then, everyone likes tax cuts.
You watch MSNBC and read New York Times. You have no room to criticize.
Which means he is not totally fos... This is by far mainly a tax cut for the rich, and the temporary tax cut for the non Rich will be replaced by higher state and local taxes and fees again, Dupe. The GOP and its silly voters are ridiculously short-sighted idiots...
Oooooooo...again narcissistic liberals have some special secret on that all of us worclass fools are unaware of. Please enlighten us poor pond scum that do not live on our next to a college campus.
If you count all taxes and fees everyone in the country pays between 18 + 29% of their income, and the richest 1% have been getting all the New Wealth or ending up with it or whatever you wanna call it for 35 years now, with the middle class and the country slowly going to hell Without investment. Before Reagan the highest tax rate was 70 to 90% and that also controlled CEO pay which is now insane.
They actually par more like 45%. The 1% pay about 70% of the taxes in this country. How much do you scumbags believe to be their "fair share?"

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
No they pay exactly 28% on average, less than many in the middle class. And if they pay 70% that's because they earn 70%. And keep basically all the New Wealth it's a joke dupe.

More made up liberal math.......show us the numbers

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