Hillary Campaign Coordinator Worried Young Americans Will Like Tax Cuts


Oof. Seattle Sugar Tax Raises Soda Prices by 75 Percent - Ricochet

Holy shit, that's high, franco will blame the republicans for it!
And people are getting a lot more healthy because of that tax. But I'm not really in favor of doing that. But it is working. Sugary Soft drinks are poison as are crap processed foods that are also full of sugar.
And people are getting a lot more healthy because of that tax. But I'm not really in favor of doing that. But it is working. Sugary Soft drinks are poison as are crap processed foods that are also full of sugar.

104 year old atrributes her life to diet coke
And people are getting a lot more healthy because of that tax. But I'm not really in favor of doing that. But it is working. Sugary Soft drinks are poison as are crap processed foods that are also full of sugar.
Yeah gonna need more than your say so on that.......but if we restricted EBT cards from buying it you would be screaming bloody murder
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

GOP states aren't bitching about this law...you are....do you even try to make sense?
I live in TN, have no state income tax....and I love this law
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

GOP states aren't bitching about this law...you are....do you even try to make sense?
I live in TN, have no state income tax....and I love this law
GOP states are bought off idiots just like you and your Heroes lol... Reagan also cut infrastructure spending from 1% to 0.5% and our infrastructure has been falling apart ever since. But it's really great that the new hate and Bs GOP is now going after Democratic states too. Your whole party is a disgrace and a disaster. But at least you're in the ahole rich white party...lol. don't worry Rich blue States will keep giving your back water red States money to survive...
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

GOP states aren't bitching about this law...you are....do you even try to make sense?
I live in TN, have no state income tax....and I love this law
This law is just a continuation of Reagan Pander to the rich tax rates. It will do one thing make the rich richer and the others will continue to go downhill... The tiny tax cuts for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees that kill the non Rich will continue to go up d u h...
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

GOP states aren't bitching about this law...you are....do you even try to make sense?
I live in TN, have no state income tax....and I love this law
This law is just a continuation of Reagan Pander to the rich tax rates. It will do one thing make the rich richer and the others will continue to go downhill... The tiny tax cuts for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees that kill the non Rich will continue to go up d u h...
are you insane?
rich tax states? I thought NY, Cali, and ILL were those, so how are they pandering to them?
How does eliminating deductions for state income taxes make them richer?
and how is giving tax cuts to middle class bad?

wow, you are so full of shit.....
Again.......you have the power to change the tax structure in your state.......then fucking do it......jesus you want the feds to do everything
View attachment 169956
Everyone likes tax cuts...unless your a liberal searching in vain for something to criticize conservatives over.
Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

All normal people everywhere like tax cuts, of course Leftists are not normal people, Conservatives prefer to let people keep as much of their own money as possible, Leftists prefer to tax people as much as possible and then Redistribute The Wealth to those not worthy and to causes not worthy. In an ideal world there would be like 5% personal taxation, in the Leftists ideal world there would be like 90% personal taxation, just stealing the peoples money off them.
Is this what you call a normal person?

How many times do we have to go over this? Trump was not making fun just calling him out as a liar.
Liberal crybabies just want something to bitch about.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

GOP states aren't bitching about this law...you are....do you even try to make sense?
I live in TN, have no state income tax....and I love this law
This law is just a continuation of Reagan Pander to the rich tax rates. It will do one thing make the rich richer and the others will continue to go downhill... The tiny tax cuts for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees that kill the non Rich will continue to go up d u h...
are you insane?
rich tax states? I thought NY, Cali, and ILL were those, so how are they pandering to them?
How does eliminating deductions for state income taxes make them richer?
and how is giving tax cuts to middle class bad?

wow, you are so full of shit.....
Again.......you have the power to change the tax structure in your state.......then fucking do it......jesus you want the feds to do everything
I said this is a continuation of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates LOL. When the GOP Cuts federal tax rates state and local tax rates go up. End of story.
View attachment 169956
Everyone likes tax cuts...unless your a liberal searching in vain for something to criticize conservatives over.
Senior Hillary Adviser Tells Students He’s Nervous They Will Like The Tax Cuts And Vote Republican

All normal people everywhere like tax cuts, of course Leftists are not normal people, Conservatives prefer to let people keep as much of their own money as possible, Leftists prefer to tax people as much as possible and then Redistribute The Wealth to those not worthy and to causes not worthy. In an ideal world there would be like 5% personal taxation, in the Leftists ideal world there would be like 90% personal taxation, just stealing the peoples money off them.
Is this what you call a normal person?

How many times do we have to go over this? Trump was not making fun just calling him out as a liar.
Liberal crybabies just want something to bitch about.
Yep, just because you and your family and friends have been slowly ruined for 35 years, nothing to worry about, Dupe.
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Taking less of your money is pandering?
they're taking more of my money and your money and your family's money and your friends money, dupe. The tiny tax cut for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees will go up more even to make up for Less Federal Aid, just like they have for 35 years.
they're taking more of my money and your money and your family's money and your friends money, dupe. The tiny tax cut for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees will go up more even to make up for Less Federal Aid, just like they have for 35 years.
No they are not, you fucktard.

The U.S. Brings in nearly $6 trillion in revenue. That is twice the anount of the next country, China.

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
they're taking more of my money and your money and your family's money and your friends money, dupe. The tiny tax cut for the non-rich will evaporate and state and local taxes and fees will go up more even to make up for Less Federal Aid, just like they have for 35 years.
No they are not, you fucktard.

The U.S. Brings in nearly $6 trillion in revenue. That is twice the anount of the next country, China.

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem.
No we have a GOP Pander to the rich tax problem and a investment in the country and the people problem, super dupe. Reagan cut infrastructure investment from 1% to 0.5% and it's falling apart. our ports and airports and Roads and electric grid and underground pipes are a bad joke...
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176

Rixchest pay the most in total dollars and %, wtf are you lefties using to measure.....I cant wait to see this obscure formula
Here is what is used to measure: Poor pay higher percentage of their income to taxes.
Everybody pays sales taxes when we buy stuff. Everybody who has a job pays payroll tax.
And the top 20% own 72% of the nations wealth.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, we have the worst inequality of any modern country by far thanks to GOP Pander to the rich tax policy. When you cut federal taxes federal aid to States goes down and federal and state and local taxes and fees go up, which kills the poor and the middle class. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes...

dipshit, again you want to start the fucking issue about local taxes, then have your state and city to REDUCE Them...

it's your fault for having high taxes, you vote for them, then blame republicans because it's too high...sorry.....everyone needs to pay for government and if it's too high reduce them.......how is this not sinking in?
Funny how state and local taxes and fees have gotten ridiculous in pure GOP States, isn't it, dupe?

No state income tax and an 8% sales tax.

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