Hillary Clinton 2020

I understand you're ashamed to admit you were tricked into flipping your vote.

We didn't pass up 15 perfectly qualified candidates in the primary to pick the Reality TV Rodeo Clown. That was you guys.
The clown show is filling up the clown car...
Shrillary 2020! Perpetual loser returning from the political grave yard. Hell of idea, drag up the warmongering bitch.

Gotta be hitting the peyote hard these days for the op to give credence to this silly assed notion.
If she doesn't get the nomination from Soros, she could easily win as a Third party candidate. She would get all her old votes plus 5 MM new illegals and felons
she is pro-stupid and pro-CRIMINAL....she is anti-cop..anti-law and order
[QUOTEShe reiterated her call to overhaul the criminal justice system, which would include retraining police officers in the use of lethal force, supporting independent investigations into police shootings and lessening prison sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. “I pledge to you, I will start taking action on Day 1 and every day after that until we get this done,” she said.][/QUOTE]
no, we can't have the cops defend themselves
‘Madness Has to Stop,’ Hillary Clinton Declares at N.A.A.C.P. Conference
A Pre-condition for Hillary running should be that she would accept the outcome of any election, Primary or Presidential, THIS TIME.

Every Fem candidate so far knows, though, if she runs they are already screwed.
CNN reported earlier this evening that there are reports that she's thinking about running in 2020. I hope so! We need her leadership.

She lost twice, and it will be the same old thing of the Republicans butchering her, for things she of course is innocent of. Her time has come and gone, time for a fresh face.

I should say the Republicans would love nothing more.
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I don't think she has the health or stamina to make it through the primary

I know, man, a bunch of Russian Trolls told us how sick she was.

On a serious note, the reason I don't think she should run is that a large chunk of the population has such a visceral reaction to her that running her would create support for Trump.

I know, man, a bunch of Russian Trolls told us how sick she was.

CNN works for Russia?

Because, that's where I saw this:


and this:


among other moments during the last campaign
Yup. They helped push that narrative. I’m so sick of the conservatives calling their media that they control liberal.

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